First day of work

1956 Words
Calista POV First day of work and I’m very much excited to see Charlotte. Why? I want her to see my goodie bag. I have crayons, pencils, activity books, stickers, clay and molds, wooden sticks, glue, and whatever needed for arts and crafts. I have also bought stamps that I could use every time she completes a task. I have a list of many things that we can do that we will not go bored for the whole summer. Hmm… I should probably shift my course to preparatory education and teach at pre-school. I’m taking up a business course majoring in Human Resource Management/Organizational Management. My mom had somehow influenced me in taking this course and I hope someday I could make her proud by excelling in this program. Maybe I could put a pre-school later in my life. There could be endless of possibilities, but today, I have to go to my baby. Yeah, baby Aaron. My mind had been doing tricks on me lately. I didn’t want to think of that man, but he still pops in my thoughts every time. It’s only nine in the morning, but I have arrived already at Aaron’s house. Not excited much to see Aaron? I’d probably not see Aaron until seven in the evening, so I’m there. I think I’ll be seeing his mom instead. I just hope she’s not one of those snobby rich old women. Of course, they would know that I’m in their place already. Their security guard should have let his mom know. I was about to knock on the door, when it was opened by a frowning old lady in a loose summer dress. She must be Mrs. Astor, Aaron’s mom. She scrutinized me from head to foot, but I just smiled brightly at her. I’m not going to be intimidated. “Good morning, Ma’am. I’m Calista, Charlotte’s baby-sitter. I’m so sorry to be early—” “You’re just in time, darling.” To my surprise, she returned my smile and grabbed my hand to pull me inside. “Thank you for coming in early, dear. I have been worried here and I don’t know what to do. Aaron is still up there with a fever and Charlotte will wake up in a few moments.” “Oh, I’m sorry to hear that Aaron is sick, Mrs. Astor. Is it just fever or does he also have colds and cough?” “Call me Sherie, darling.” “Sherie. That’s a very lovely name and it suits you.” “Aww…” She said blushing. “But it’s you here who is lovely. I have talked to Charlotte over the weekend and she can’t stop telling me about you. Thank you, darling, for taking this job. Aaron had a huge headache for a few days. He was so stressed and that’s probably why he has a fever now. Come to the kitchen with me. I have made chicken noodle soup for him. Perhaps you can bring it to him, while I prepare breakfast for the little one? I don’t want to be walking up those stairs carrying some soup.” Thank goodness she’s not one of those conceited old ladies! She seems nice and caring. “Sure, Sherie. I’ll bring the soup up to him. Would you know if he had taken any medicine?” “I don’t think so. He went down earlier just to get water.” She said as she puts soup in a bowl. I went to get the medicine box. He had shown me where to get it yesterday. I got some medicine and put back the box in place. Sherie had prepared the tray for me to bring up to Aaron. There’s soup, a water bottle, and a glass of fresh orange juice. I placed the medicine on the side. “Be careful, darling.” “I will. Thanks.” I made my way upstairs carefully, remembering where Aaron’s bedroom is located. I opened two doors until I finally found his. “Aaron?” He was soundly asleep. I put the tray on the bedside table, then placed my hand on his forehead. He is indeed hot. Looking at his face, he is indeed handsome. Hot and handsome. “Aaron?” I patted his shoulder softly. “Aaron, you have to eat. Your mom made chicken noodle soup for you.” He opened his eyes a bit and closed them again. “Calista?” He said in a hoarse voice. “Yes, Aaron. Please wake up. I’ll feed you, if you want.” He took a deep breath before opening his eyes again. “I’ll help you up.” He sat up and I put lots of pillows behind him. “Where’s Charlotte?” Aaron asked as he leaned back and stared at me. “She was still asleep when I got here.” “It’s already late.” His gaze never left me. “No. I just came in early. Good thing though, because your mom is worried on how to take care of both of you.” I started to fix his food. “Thank you.” “Hush. You have to get better soon.” The soup is still hot, so I had to stir it a bit. “The soup is still hot.” “Blow on it.” He said. I was thinking of doing that earlier, but he might be one of those people who are into formal manners and would want to have their soup cool naturally. “Umm… okay.” I took a spoonful and blew on it before feeding it to Aaron. He had finished the bowl and I asked if he wants more. He just shook his head and then closed his eyes. He must be really not feeling well. “Here, drink some orange juice. It’s vitamin C. It will help you recover fast.” He opened his eyes again. His two hands reached not only for the glass, but also for my hand. He did not release it, so I had to move closer to him as he drinks the orange juice straight. “Thank you.” Aaron said as he finished drinking. I smiled at him. “You have been a very cooperative patient. But you still have one more thing to do. Drink you medicine.” I took the tablets from the tray. “Do you have colds and cough?” He shook his head. “Just fever?” “Yes.” I took the tablets for fever and put it on his hand. He popped them into his mouth, then took the water bottle from my hand. “You can sleep again. I’ll come back later to check on you, okay? I will leave this water bottle in case you get thirsty.” He nodded, then I helped him lie down again. I went back to the kitchen and I saw the Charlotte is awake already. “Cali!!!” She squealed before jumping out from her chair and run to give me a big hug. “Hi, Charlotte! What are you having for breakfast?” I placed the tray on the dining table before going down to her level. “Grandma made me some French toast.” “That’s awesome! After you finish your food, I will give you your bath. Do you like that?” She nodded enthusiastically. “Great! Now, you go back to your seat, while I clean up, okay?” Charlotte went back to her seat. I noticed that she is trying to finish her food faster. “You must have some magic to have her follow you.” Sherie said while she watches her granddaughter eat. “I don’t know, Sherie. It was like that when I was in middle school and started to baby sit for my neighbors. We understand each other.” “How’s Aaron, by the way?” “He finished everything. The soup and the orange juice. He also drank the medicine. He only has fever, no colds or cough. So, hopefully, he would be able to recover fast.” I replied as I wash the dishes that was piled up in the sink. “Darling! You do not have to wash them. The cleaning lady will come in after lunch. She can do the dishes.” “It’s okay, Sherie. I’m sorry, I just like my hands getting busy. Charlotte is still eating anyway.” “You will definitely be a good wife and mother someday. Do you already have a boyfriend?” “No. I don’t have.” “What? But you’re so beautiful!” “Thank you. I broke up with my last boyfriend before Christmas last year and haven’t been in a relationship since then.” “Hmm… let me hook you up with the sons of my friends.” “Oh. I’m still good, Sherie. Not in the hurry.” I laughed softly. I don’t think I would want to date rich men. I used to think that maybe there’s a chance for me to date Aaron. But after yesterday’s encounter with Victoria, I already said goodbye to dating him. I didn’t think he would be after model-type women, until yesterday. Not only model-type, but fake and conceited ones. Don’t think that I did not notice that she ignored me when Aaron introduced us. I also figured that she was trying to get into Charlotte’s good side. I wondered what happened after I left. I’ll ask Charlotte later. It would be difficult to be in a relationship right now, too. My work schedule is up to seven in the evening, and that is still not sure. Aaron can go home late. I will not be able to give time to my future boyfriend if that would be the case, unless it would be okay for him to see only on weekends. To add to that predicament, my boss doesn’t want any boyfriend coming over. “Let’s see. I might be able to hook you up with someone.” “I think you should work on your son first.” Sherie sighed. “He’s stubborn. He doesn’t want me meddling in his affairs.” She said frowning. But then her face lit up like a light bulb. “Maybe you two can hook up.” I almost dropped the bowl I was holding. “That’s a good joke, Cherie.” “How old are you, darling?” “I’m twenty-one.” “Eighteen years. Not bad. Are you okay to dating someone older than you?” “Sherie—" I’m starting to get uncomfortable with the discussion. “I’m done!” Charlotte is really an angel. Bless you, princess. “Okay. Bath time!” I placed everything that can be placed inside the dishwasher. “Think about it, darling. You never know. Maybe you are the intended one for my son.” She winked at me just before Charlotte and I left the kitchen.
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