Chapter 20 : The hitman and the butcher

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  The game inside Jiro's Castle is still not over yet, Kriss and his friends still have to face another danger that continues to lurk them. Meanwhile in the computer room where Jiro is, from the computer screen in front of him, currently he is still watching Kriss and his friends struggle against his special Subordinates, Jiro continues to stare at the screen with enthusiasm and big smiles on his face.  But that big smile suddenly disappeared, when he had watched the fight between Lisa and Queensy the assassin with a bow, which was won by Lisa, then Beni's fight against Boris the bone-crusher, which Beni won with great difficulty. After Beni and Lisa won the battle, they both immediately went to explore Jiro's Castle again to find the whereabouts of their other friends.  Meanwhile, Jiro, who had seen his 2 special subordinates lose the fight, only can said. "Hmm ... Even though I paid them highly." Jiro muttered.  Meanwhile, somewhere else, or rather where Kriss currently was. Kriss is seen lying on his stomach, unconscious, and a few moments later he starts to wake up and then stands up while still feeling dizzy in his head. Currently he was in a dark and dusty basement, after previously he fell into a hole, then slid and crashed into that room.  After paying attention to the ins and outs of the room for a long time, Kriss began to notice something odd, namely that the two pistols and his glasses were gone. It seems that someone has taken Kriss's weapon when he was unconscious, so now Kriss has absolutely no weapon he can use against the enemy. Hence, now he could only sigh while feeling upset.  However, apart from that he also kept wondering in his mind, "Who the person who has taken my weapon? And why doesn't he kill me right away? "  To answer his curiosity, Kriss immediately walked towards the stairs in the room to go upstairs, then after he was at the top, he immediately opened the door to enter the next room.  After he managed to get out of the basement, Kriss was now in the middle of a long hallway, when he looked to the right, all he found was a dead end. Meanwhile, when he looked to the left, he found a door. So without thinking, Kriss immediately walked to the left, or rather towards the door, even though he currently didn't have a weapon at all, Kriss still entered the room confidently, and while still being careful of course.  Kriss opened the door slowly while peering inside a little, then after he confirmed that things were safe enough, he immediately went into the room, which was very quiet. Inside, Kriss was amazed by how wide the room was, also by the many large pillars that lined in the room. Make the atmosphere there as if it feels in Greece.  Right near the Kriss entrance just now, there is a table with a gun on it, which is still unassembled, there are also 10 bullets on the table.  And far across from the table, or rather on the other side where Kriss was at the moment, apparently there was the same table too, with an unassembled gun and 10 bullets. When he saw this, Kriss suddenly felt confused, then he was surprised when suddenly someone entered the room from the other side, far in front of Kriss.  He was a man. The posture of the person was quite proportionate, he was wearing a yellow shirt and jeans, with a cowboy hat adorning his head. He seemed to be casually walking near the same table as the one near Kriss at this time, while smoking the cigarette in his mouth. Then after he was standing at the table, and staring at each other with Kriss from a distance, he immediately spoke.  “Hello, Inspector Kriss. My name is Rodriguez, the master shooter ... I have orders to finish you here. Actually I could have finished you in the basement earlier, when I was disarming you. But it will not exciting, because I have been paid dearly to entertain my boss here. ” Said Rodriguez.  "Is the boss you mean is Jiro?" Asked Kriss.  "Binggo ... That's right."  "What does he want us to do here?" Kriss asked again.  "It's simple ... Near you there is an unassembled gun with 10 bullets, and near me there is also an unassembled gun with 10 bullets. So all we have to do is race to assemble the gun, then put all ten bullets in it, and when it's finished, then we can start shooting each other ... But because the bullets we have each only amount to 10, so I suggest to use it wisely. " Said Rodriguez.  "Hmm ... I understand." Kriss, who has no other choice, is forced to follow the game.  A few moments later, the two of them were already stand at their table with their hands behind them, their faces looked very serious and full of pressure. Then Rodriguez started counting down.  "OK Inspector, I'll start counting ... 1, 2, 3, start !!"  Immediately, their hands took each component of the gun one by one, and began to assemble them carefully and quickly. Kriss has 12 years of experience in the police, that made him accustomed to dealing with guns, so he can assemble them deftly. However, Rodriguez's ability is no less fast than him, because since he was a child, Rodriguez seems to have become accustomed to holding a gun, to survive in harsh environments.  They both assembled the gun with great care, one by one the parts were successfully connected so that now the true shape of the gun began to appear in their hands. They do it carefully, because if there is even one part that is missed, they have to start over from the beginning. But because they both are professionals, then in just a short time, they have successfully assembled a gun, they finished it simultaneously.  Then it was time to load 10 bullets one by one into the bullet box, and after all of them were loaded, they could start shooting. Then surprisingly, apparently they also managed to load 10 bullets at the same time, so immediately they ran to the side while shooting bullets at the ech other, Kriss fired 2 bullets, while Rodriguez only fired 1 bullet, but both of them did not hit opponent.  So, after the two of them were already hiding behind a pillar, Rodriguez said.  "Hahha, you just started throwing 2 bullets, so now you only have 8 bullets left, and me 9."  Then Kriss replied, "The number of bullets cannot be used as a measure of victory, it is the one who manages to shoot and overthrow the opponent who will be the winner." Said Kriss.  However, it turned out that when Kriss was talking, Rodriguez had already slipped closer to him from behind, so that suddenly Kriss position was open. Rodriguez, who was already in a position to aim at Kriss's body, immediately gave 2 shots, but fortunately Kriss quickly bent down and returned the shots from Rodriguez 2 shots as well, so Rodriguez immediately hid again behind the pillar to avoid the shot. Then both of them returned to hide behind the pillar.  Rodriguez remaining bullets is 7, while the remaining bullets of Kriss is 6.  Rodriguez starts moving again towards the pillar that is closer to where Kriss is, while Kriss rushes to the pillar opposite him, so he can get away from Rodriguez, but when Kriss runs, he gets a shot on his left shoulder which causes Kriss to run in a hurry. then hit a pillar, after that he hid sitting up while holding his left shoulder which was bleeding. Kriss pressed the wound while enduring the intense pain, then he tried to stay calm while catching his breath.  Meanwhile Rodriguez started speaking again, “Hahaha… Now the number of bullets in our pistol is the same, which is 6 bullets. But you are already injured, looks like now we know who will be the winner. ”  Then Kriss answered Rodriguez's words. "Okay then, I'll get serious." Said Kriss.  Kriss and Rodriguez are now at opposite position, Kriss is in the right column, while Rodriguez is in the left column. Suddenly, Kriss ran past the pillars that were lined up nearby, while Rodriguez, who saw this, immediately ran through the pillars that were lined up just like Kriss. They ran while shooting at each other, but because their pace was blocked by the rows of pillars, the bullets they shot all hit the pillar, then when they both reached the pillar at the end, they both quickly hid behind the pillar at the end.  Just now the two of them were running shooting, each of them had fired 3 bullets, so now they both have only 3 bullets left in their respective guns, and can Kriss win against Rodriguez with only 3 bullets left?  Kriss, who doesn't run out of wits, immediately uses his last move, namely diversion. He took a little peek at Rodriguez who was currently stay still across Kriss, then after confirming that his enemy was in a stay state, Kriss suddenly shouted.  "Hey! Your shoelaces are loose. "  "Hah?"  So at that instant, Rodriguez immediately looked down to see the shoelaces, but when he did, his head ducked slightly, so that his cowboy hat came out of the pillar and was visible to Kriss. So without further ado Kriss shot the cowboy hat until it flew from Rodriguez's head.  Then Rodriguez, who was surprised by what just happened, immediately shot at Kriss with anger and annoyance, because his favorite hat was shot and flung from his head by Kriss. Meanwhile, Kriss, who quickly went into hiding again, managed to avoid 2 shots from Rodriguez. So that now in Rodriguez's gun only 1 bullet remains, while in Kriss gun there are still 2 bullets.  Then Kriss invited Rodriguez to come out of their hiding together, and do a manly shooting duel. Kriss will count to 3, after which they both have to get out and start shooting at their opponents quickly. Then Rodriguez, who had no other choice but to accept Kriss's challenge, immediately agreed to that.  However, before Kriss counted to 3, apparently Rodriguez cheated by first getting out of hiding and aiming his gun at the place where Kriss would show himself, so it was certain that Rodriguez's bullet would hit Kriss's body when he showed up, and Rodriguez would come out as the winner. A few moments later, Kriss started counting to 3.  "1, 2, 3, Start !!"  So Rodriguez prepared to shoot Kriss who was about to appear in front of him. But apparently the surprising thing happened, because Kriss suddenly appeared from the other side, not right in front of Rodriguez. Therefore Rodriguez could not anticipate the presence of Kriss, who was already in a state of ready to fire 2 bullets from his gun.  Quickly, Kriss shot Rodriguez's hand who was holding the gun so that the gun in Rodriguez's hand was thrown and fell to the floor. So that now in Kriss's gun there is only 1 bullet left, which he immediately shot right in the right chest of his enemy, so that Rodriguez surprisingly fell down, and screaming in pain, after receiving a sharp shot from Kriss's last bullet.  "Aaaaaakkhhh !!"  Then Kriss immediately walked over and took Rodriguez's gun which was lying on the floor, in the gun there was 1 bullet remaining. Then without saying much, Kriss shot Rodriguez's left thigh, who was lying in a state of pain, so suddenly it made Rodriguez startled and screamed again.  “Aaaaaakkhhh !! s**t !! "  Then Kriss spoke, "All the bullets have been used, now you stay here." Said Kriss.  After that Kriss, who had won the battle, immediately left the room to continue looking for his friends. With a gunshot wound to his left shoulder, Kriss tried to walk calmly, even though he had to endure the pain. At that time he didn't care about other things, because all he thought about and worried right now was the safety of his friends.  Meanwhile, elsewhere. Romi is still looking for the whereabouts of his friends, it seems like he has spent hours exploring the entire castle and going into various rooms in that large castle. So that he was getting tired and wanted to rest, until finally he arrived at a large enough kitchen, with a bar table, dining table, kitchen table, and a large refrigerator.  Without confirming the situation around him, Romi walked to the refrigerator and opened the refrigerator door to see its contents. Then he was amazed by the various food ingredients and drinks, which are very much and varied in the refrigerator. So without thinking, he immediately took a drink that would release his thirst right away.  But when he closed the door of the refrigerator, suddenly there was someone standing beside him, wearing a clown mask, and having disheveled long hair. The man stood holding 2 daggers in his hand, and when Romi turned to that person, Romi was just stunned, watching the tattered clothes worn by that mysterious man. It's Arcane, the serial killer, who the police are looking for in all Indonesian provinces.  Romi, who is still stunned, starts greeting. "Ha- Hai."  "Rraaaahhhh !!"  Then suddenly, Arcane swung his dagger at Romi. So immediately, Romi retreated away and avoided the s***h by s***h that Arcane threw at him, the slashes were so strong and deadly that the drink in Romi's hand just split open and spilled on the floor after being s***h by the dagger from Arcane. Not to forget that Romi also immediately used a gun that he had previously obtained from Beni, but when Romi aimed at Arcane, a direct s***h made the gun loose from Romi's hand, so Arcane quickly picked it up, then threw the gun out of the window.  Currently, Romi is in a very dangerous situation, where he is alone in the same room with a serial killer, who is very violent and dangerous. Arcane keeps trying to cut every part of Romi's body.  Wherever Romi goes, Arcane always follows him, and by using everything in the kitchen, Romi tries to fight Arcane, but his attacks can always be broken by a s***h from Arcane's dagger. Actually Romi also always tries to land a hit on Arcane by using his power-enhancing gloves, but Arcane's wild slashes always make Romi hesitate and afraid of being hurt, so he can only dodge while feeling confused, he really doesn't know what to do, or must be done in that very urgent situation. Even when Romi climbed to the dining table, many times his legs and thighs were almost hit by a stab from the Arcane's dagger, making Romi feel even more panicked while being overwhelmed to keep dodging.  In addition, Romi also tried to throw several wooden chairs at Arcane, but Arcane could easily push it away and even avoid Romi's throw. So, Romi, who was already feeling very desperate, began to speak.  "Wa- wait a minute, can we rest for a bit, let's have a good talk. W- what is the thing you want the most right now? ” Asked Romi, while continuing to keep his distance from Arcane.  "I want to slit your throat."  The answer from Arcane made Romi swallow hard and feel even more panicked, but Romi kept asking again. “After you do that, what are you going to do? Think about your future. Jiro will soon be arrested, and after that your fate will be the same as him, so you should now just go away from this place, and enjoy your payment elsewhere. " Tell Romi.  "Hehhe ... I didn't get paid at all." Arcane replied.  "What?"  "Do you know? That I am a serial killer. I used to kill a lot of people by dagger, and my victims were mostly women. Jiro said that in your group there is a woman, right? So after killing you, I will go after that woman, and I will really enjoy it when my knife touches her skin. The life of that woman, is the payment worth it for me, Haha. " Arcane said with a crazy manner. The girl Arcane meant was Lisa.  Then, Romi who heard that words from Arcane's mouth, immediately became very angry, as if his emotions were ignited when he knew that Arcane was targeting and would hurt Lisa. So with a face full of emotion, Romi suddenly walked over to Arcane and was about to launch a punch at that serial killer.  "I won't let you hurt Sis Lisa !!"  But unfortunately, Arcane deftly dodged Romi's blow, then slashed Romi's arm until it bled.  "Aaakkhh!" Romi feels pain in his arm.  After that Arcane began launching more deadly attacks from his dagger. So immediately, Romi avoided and ran out of the room. Arcane, who trying to pursued him violently, did not realize that Romi was waiting for him behind the door with a blow. Then when Arcane opens the door to chase Romi, a blow from Romi surprisingly hits Arcane's stomach. Until it caused Arcane's body to hit and crashed a cupboard to shreds. So after that, Romi walked over to Arcane, then Arcane, who began to stand unsteadily, began swinging his dagger again at Romi, but because Arcane had suffered serious injuries, his movements slowed down a little, so Romi could freely avoid the Attacks from Arcane, then he managed to land again A few punches to Arcane's body, even a blow to Arcane's chin, to cause Arcane's body to slide upwards then hit the roof and fall back down hard.  After Arcane was completely battered by Romi, Romi immediately stopped beating his enemy, then with emotions that had returned to normal, Romi immediately saw the situation around him which had been shattered due to his fight against Arcane there. Then after confirming that his opponent was now unconscious, Romi decided to leave the place, he would continue to search for his friends.  With his pent-up feelings for Lisa, finally Romi can match the serial killer Arcane's speed and agility, so that he manages to defeat his opponent, using his strength-enhancing gloves. With strong determination, Romi is able to overthrow the serial killer who intends to harm his friends.  Romi and Kriss have managed to beat their respective opponents, just like Lisa and Beni. Now the four of them are in a split position and are looking for each other in Jiro's large castle. 

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