Chapter Eleven

900 Words
***The Next Afternoon*** Existing the police station, I sighed loudly and went to lean against the wall. It was boiling hot, but on top of that, I just had to sit and answer questions and go over everything that happened that night all over again. I was sick of it! The police had absolutely no idea what the hell was going on or where Brent was for that matter! I decided that I'd make the most of a shitty day and go and relax on the beach for a little while. The sun was out, bright and high, and the heat just screamed ''Beach Day''. The second my feet hit the hot sand, It was like every worry I had just melted away. Walking further and further through the sand, I looked around. I was in paradise and I was worried about other crap. No! Not anymore, I was gonna relax and have a nice day and enjoy myself. I deserved it! 'Ellie... Hey, Ellie!!. I could hear someone shouting, Spinning around, I couldn't see anyone I knew. Shrugging, I'm sure I'm not the only Ellie in Hawai, I sat down on the sand, stretched my legs around in front of me. Using my bag as a pillow, I laid down and closed my eyes. I was wearing shorts and a simple tank today, so, I'm sure my arms and legs could get a nice tan just from me laying here for a little while. With my eyes closed, it was like my hearing was heightened. I could hear kids laughing and playing in the water, I could hear a couple somewhere having a disagreement over the fact one claimed the other put the suncream in their bag while the other argued the latter did and then running. Someone was running... in my direction. I was probably being paranoid. Ignoring it, I sighed happily again and tried to clear my mind... However, When there was suddenly a shadow, blocking the Sun... and thus me sunbathing, I opened my eyes and looked up. Meeting the faces of four familiar boys. 'Oh, Hey guys, what's up?' I asked. They all smiled down at me. 'We called you'. Oh, so it was my name someone was shouting. 'Didn't you hear?' 'I'm sorry, I didn't know you were calling for me'. I smiled, suddenly feeling embarrassed. 'It's cool, Mind if we sit?' I shook my head and the group of lads sat down next to me. I sat up and brushed the sand off my legs. Looking between them all, I honestly still couldn't remember their names, except the young one, was Paul and the one with long-ish hair were called Ozzy. It had been a few hours and the sun and heat still hadn't let up. One of the guys, Who I've since learned was called Steve had gone to get us all some drinks. It was weird, I felt so relaxed and comfortable around these guys... It was like that just has this... Aura about them. 'Did you know it's a full moon tonight Ellie?' I looked over at Pete. 'No, I didn't. That's cool, I like full moons there so beautiful'. He nodded. 'Yeah, they are. I love them too'. 'I wonder if there are any werewolves in Hawaii'. I joked and laughed loudly, but everyone else remained quiet. 'What?' 'Nothing. You believe in werewolves?' I shrugged. 'I don't know. You see them in movies and tv shows like Twilight and True Blood, but do they really exist?' This time, the guys did laugh. 'Well, Not in the sense they fight sparkly freaks, or get hooked on ''V''-' Ozzy made the quotation marks with his fingers, 'But werewolves exist'. 'How are you so sure?' I questioned, playfully. He just smiled and shook his head. 'Just am'. I raised my eyebrows and shrugged. 'Any here?' I asked. 'Maybe. You'll have to find out'. 'Maybe'. Steve returned with drinks not long after the Werewolf conversation and brought a few of the nasty girls from the other day with him. Great! As soon as they saw me, their smiles dropped and they instantly went to sit down on their boyfriend's laps. 'Oh, Ellie, We weren't told you would be here'. One of them said. Making it extremely obvious she didn't want me there. I plastered a fake smile on my face and shrugged. 'Yeah well, I didn't know I would be either'. She just looked at me, blankly. 'You've been hanging around a lot recently'. Another one added. I just looked at her, What was that meant to mean? 'Anyone would think you're trying to steal them away from us'. 'Excuse me?!' That was it, I've had enough of these stuck up bitches! 'I have NO interest in anyone's boyfriend, or even dating for that matter, is that OK with you?!' Everyone looked at me for a moment, clearly shocked by my outburst, but I really had had enough! The blonde girl sat on Pauls lap opened her mouth to speak, It was clear by the look on her face she was going to be a t**t by whatever she was going to say, but Paul shh'ed her. 'I'm gonna go, See you guys later'. I stood up without any more of an explanation, grabbed my things and left. I wasn't going to put up with their crap any more, I'd done nothing wrong!
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