Chapter Seven

1129 Words
We walked into the bar and was instantly greeted by the sounds of happy people chatting away to friends. I looked around the room and noticed almost everyone had smiles on their faces. I followed Michael deeper into the bar, and eventually, We ended up standing in front of a table full of guys. 'These are my friends, George, Steve, Pete, Johnny, Marc and Ozzy, Guys, this is Ellie'. Wow, that was a lot of names, but as he said them, Each guy waves and said hi. They seemed really friendly, which was nice. 'Hello, Everyone'. Michael pulled a seat out for me and I sat down, and Mike took the seat next to me. 'Don't worry, they might look scary, but they're all completely harmless'. He joked. I couldn't help but let a small laugh escape my lips. 'So, Ellie, Where are you from? You don't look like you're from around here'. One of the guys asked, I honestly couldn't remember his name. Ozzy... or Johnny... Maybe Steve... I don't f*****g know. 'I'm actually from Washington. I'm here on Holiday'. 'Ah, That explained why you're so pale!' Another one added. We all shared a laugh. 'Yeah, Well, I'm hoping the sunshine will do me some good, It's been failing me so far!'. 'Well, Don't sweat it, You look a hell of a lot better than you did the other night'. I smiled at him.. Until I realised exactly what he said. 'What?' Michael looked over at me. It was like time slowed down, and everything was happening in slow motion. 'What did you say?' 'Huh?' The guy looked up at me, clearly not realising what he had just said. 'Y-You just said I look better than I did the other night?'. His face fell as he looked between me and Mike. 'I just mean, Like... I mean..' He was lost for word... Did he mean the night I was attacked? How would he know? I turned to look at Michael. 'What is he talking about?' 'Pete was with me the night I saved you from that guy, That's all'. I looked over at him, Not believing it. 'How come you never told me that before? And the police never mentioned anyone else but you'. He turned his whole body to face me and rested his hand on my lap. 'Pete's young, what he saw upset him and we thought it best that I take you to the hospital myself and not mention him'. I studied Mikes body language and facial expression. There was nothing about it that said to me he was laying, but... Was he telling the truth? 'O-Ok'. He smiled and squeezed my leg before turning his attention back to the young guy. 'Pete, Go and buy everyone around at the bar.' He nodded and took everyone's order before standing up and left. I still felt very uncomfortable. I mean, Mikes excuse made sense, but why didn't he at least even tell me? 'Come on guys, Let's go sit on the beach'. Mumbling in agreement, everyone stood up. I did too and followed everyone out through the side door and onto the waiting, warm sand. Instead of sitting at one of the empty tables, I followed the guys around the building and under the pier, It was nice. We were protected from the sun but still had all the heat. 'How are you feeling?' Mike whispered in my ear. I looked at him and smiled. 'Strangely comfortable, considering I'm with a bunch of guys I don't know'. I joked. He let out a small laugh. 'Hey, What's so funny over there?' Pete asked, coming over with a bunch of girls, carrying out drinks. He passed me mine and Michael his and went to sit with his friends. As they passed us, all the girls gave me a side-wards glare. Ok... Weird. 'Their the girlfriends'. Mike whispered again. Oh.. Fair enough. Still didn't explain what was with the glares, but, I let it go. Things went from there, We had a few nice, interesting conversations, but every time I spoke, While the guys seemed to want to know what I was saying, the girls clearly didn't, and after a few hours, I got pretty sick of pretending everything was fine. I stood up and brushed the sand off my ass. Mike looked up at me, and the conversation stopped. 'I'm really sorry, but I should probably be getting back now, my parents will be worrying about where I am'. Noone spoke, Until one of the girls did, A young, red-head hanging off Ozzy's arm. 'Aww, Shame, See you around'. And that was that. I didn't give anyone else a chance to be a b***h, and I just smiled and turned and left. Well, This afternoon was really nice, Until those girls showed up, acting like super, jealous bitches, Seriously, What was their problem?! Rolling my eyes to myself, I continued on my walk back to the hotel. It was nice, it was too busy at the moment, I guess everyone was on the beaches. The hotel was in sight and even though I didn't even realise I was..''Uncomfortable'', I instantly felt relief seeing it. For the first time in what felt like forever, I enjoyed the walk and took it slow, Looking around, enjoying everything... Until I passed an alleyway. THE alleyway... I felt the pain in my stomach slowly opening up, and it felt like my whole body was frozen. My breathing deepened and quickened... I was panicking. The more I tried to calm down, the harder it was to breathe, It felt like my throat was closing up. I just had a vision after vision of Brent popping up from behind the dumpster and running at me, or Grabbing me from behind and pulling me back there and finishing what he started. My tears were burning my eyes, but I couldn't lift my arms to wipe them away, I couldn't see, I couldn't breathe.. I couldn't move. 'Ellie?... Ellie?.... ELLIE?!' Someone grabbed me by the arm and pulled me away, I screamed as loud as I could and hit out, Until two strong hands wrapped around my wrists and stopped me. I collapsed on the floor As if my legs weren't even there anymore and just cried. I cried as hard as I could. 'Shhhhhh' Someone was shushing me. I couldn't see through the tears to see who it was, but it instantly brought me comfort. What was happening to me? I felt one of the hands move and rest on the back of my head, Pulling it forward until I was resting on something hard, but warm... And I stayed like that, completely broken, On the floor, Sobbing, In the arms of a stranger...
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