Chapter 3

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Anticipation washed over her as she watched the fast movement of her weapon. She waited for the monster to wail for the last time, to fall off dead. But it did not come. Her arrow met another arrow, halfway on her target. She did not saw where it came from but she knows it is close based on its speed. The two weapons fell broken on the ground and the monster heard the crackling sound. It growled loudly and turned its attention on her. Its rumbling was getting louder and louder as if preparing himself for the attack but before it could even make a move, a sudden burst of water pushed it away. The huge amount had the monster moved farther from her until it was out of her sight. "That's a shame." Eleana turned her head to the right and saw Alec leaning by a tree—staring at her. His hair was long enough to block his eyes but he never thought of cutting it, he told her the last time. Alec is the second son of the King of Rikkah. He was sent to Castille when he was merely seven years old because of an agreement made by their parents. Before, with her all but little knowledge of things, she was clueless why she had to go to his room every morning to greet him. Something that she does only to her parents long before he came. And why she had to be partnered with him on every event, why she had to sit beside him, and the list goes on. Her parents never told her, never cleared things out. It was when she was reading some materials given to her by her father that she finally understood what is going on. Upon reading topics about the ancestry of every ruling family and finding out that some marriages are arranged, did she come to realize that Nathaniel Alec Zenobia—Prince of Rikkah—is to be her husband. "What are you doing here?" She grabbed her dagger and started to stab the hardened saliva trapping her. "A thank you would suffice," he said, moving away from the tree. "You know, for saving your life." "I don’t need any help," she said, angrily. "It looks like you need one to me,” he said finally beside her and upon looking at her frustration, he nudged her shoulder. “Come on. Don't take it to heart.” He helped her remove the trap which took long because Alec could not remove it using his power. "I wanted it, Alec," she nagged which she never does often, just when she is with him—only with him. “You know all my struggles and planning to hunt it.” "I know but it was too much a risk. You wanted to kill it with just a bow and arrow? That’s impossible, Eleana. If I weren’t here, you could have died.” “I was fine—” “You were trapped. That is not fine at all. Your movements are limited and that monster is humungous. You cannot compete against it with just using your upper body.” “I do not need your opinion.” When she was finally free, she immediately stood up. Alec looked up at her in pity. “Do not look at me like that," she hissed. “You look awful, Eleana.” She knows she is. She can feel the sticky feeling on her skin, the stench of the days being unclean. And because of him being here, she is starting to become conscious of herself when she hasn't been minding about hygiene for days. “That’s what six days of staying in the forest does, Alec.” She grabbed her things. “Do you really have to do this for your father’s favor?” She snapped him a look. “Of all people, Alec, you know that I do.” She walked away with heavy steps, determined to find that monster again. Alec did not follow her and she is grateful for him being understanding and giving her space. He is always been like that ever since they were children. He irks her and he tends to overdo it. When he did, he shall give her space. He does not immediately apologize and make up for what he has done. He lets the anger pass before he acknowledges his mistake. Fixing the strap of the sandbag around her, she is frustrated why her thoughts are of him when she should be focusing on finding the Bislik. She looked up and saw the darkening skies. It is a different darkness though, not like the typical ones carrying heavy rain. It is As if the night has already come. But it's the middle of the day and this rain is too sudden and bizarre when according to Jacin, he did not sense any rainfall to ever happen within a week of the celebration. She contemplated on going further into the forest, torn on finding a shelter for herself first. But she immediately dismissed the thought. The Bislik won’t be far. Because of its form, its paces are short according to the books. She has to move fast to catch it. And she is determined not to return to camp empty-handed. A little rain won't stop her. Her steps were light as she trails down a path down the river. There are some animals going towards there as well, all eager to find shelter or mayhap something interests them so to make them hurry. Maybe it is the Bislik. But shouldn't they be running away from it except going towards it? She looked back, thinking that the Bislik may have taken a path opposite hers. But it is impossible, she was certain Alec has shoved it in this direction. When she looked in front again, she saw the animals gathering something by the riverbank. She frowned. Maybe it is from the distance or maybe her imagination is running wild but she can see a dark figure where the animals have gathered. Knowing that it is dark as the skin of the Bislik, she took her aim, not having any second thoughts. This opportunity will not come again. Hope bloomed inside of her. She cannot describe the feeling of closely having the one she has been working hard for not just days but months. She composed herself when her hands shook. Aiming again, she took deep breaths. One after the other until she is ready. "I have you now." The string was let go and the arrow was sent flying. Her breathing hitched with anticipation, praying that her aim was perfect. The animals around it shifted when the arrow landed on flesh, deep and painful with its main goal as to execute. It was struck way down its back with no chance of ever retrieving. The fletching was just inches away as expected of her precision and skill. Though despite the fatal wound, she did not hear any cry or even a whimper from the creature. Slowly, the animals started to walk away, maybe sensing that it was already dead. She bit her lip and moved closer. And immediately stopped. What have I done? It was not the Bislik! It was a man! Running, her eyes were zeroed on the man's wound—blood oozing out. She has reached him and felt her body shaking with disbelief. The arrow has pierced him from his back through his chest. It was a sight so horrendous that she cannot believe she has done that to a person. Though it was not her intention and her thoughts have been blinded by her wanting to kill the Bislik, it still does not mean that she is exempted from the consequence of this. She kneeled in front of him as she puts her bow down and inspected the wound. "We—" She cleared her throat. "—have a healer on the camp. I would ask of you to come with me, Sir," she said though it is hopeless. The man is sure to die. The walk towards the camp is too far and transporting him would only worsen his current state. She finally raised her head and she stilled, catching her breath. He is the most beautiful man she had ever seen. His eyes are the blackest of black. His paleness is in contrast to his dark long hair. His features were sharp and unfairly flawless. And despite the arrow stabbed on him and the fresh blood coming out, he does not look pained at all. "Isn't it beautiful?" he asked, looking at the darkness slowly ruling the whole place. He is calm and it was unbelievable for her how he could have that much control. She snapped out and stared back down at his bloody wound. "Would you like to go, Sir?" she asked for the sake of helping him even when it is really pointless. "I would like to stay." Feeling his eyes at her, she looked up. She is not one obsessed with vanity. She has seen many folks that are as beautiful as he is. But there is just something about him—something she cannot pinpoint. Maybe it is his aura, yes, maybe it is. The dark energy surrounding him was very potent now. "I am truly sorry," she managed. The side of his lips slightly raised. "Apology accepted and thank you for the offer of helping. However—" Her eyes darted at the buried arrow on his chest which was slowly moving out of his flesh. "—I am very capable of taking care of myself. And I did not come here for you to take me to Elias." She was beyond in disbelief from what is happening before her eyes and from him knowing who her father is when she hasn't even introduced herself. She stood up when the arrow fell on the ground and the apparent wound of the man closing. Looking back at him, she was beginning to be alarmed. She can sense he brings more danger than the Bislik she was hunting. "I came here for you." The last thing she saw was his eyes directed at her before darkness consumed everything.
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