
1252 Words
Author's pov Next day Advik goes to his office as usual. He is handling one of Aarav's companies. He is the CEO of that company. "good morning sir," his Pa Rosaline said "good morning Rosaline, tell me today's schedule," Advik said with a professional look "sure sir," Rosaline said and told him his schedule for the day "Ohk so I have to deal with Monroe, good enough but pray that his Daughter Natalie should not come, she is a pain ass." Advik said "sir Natalie mam is coming," Rosaline said scared "f**k! OK just bring me coffee, I need It before I meet her," Advik said "sure sir," Rosaline said and left "may I come in sir?" someone knocked "Yes" Advik replied "sir," A man said "what's it Liam spill it without beating around the Bush," Advik said calmly "sir I lost the calculation file," Liam said Advik looked at Liam calmly. "you have 4 hours to do it again and present it before the day ends if not then consider you're fired." Advik said everything calmly Advik is like that only he doesn't like to show his true emotions to anyone. He behaves according to the situation. No one gets a smile or scolding but only a calm and collective attitude. " OK sir, "liam said and left from there He pinched the bridge of his nose to control his frustration. Suddenly he heard some screaming from outside. " now what? "Advik thought and got up from his seat He went outside and saw Natalie Monroe who was screaming on Rosaline. Rosaline still has the cup of coffee on her hand but her hand is red indicating that the hot coffee has spilled on her hand. " what is happening here?" Advik asked loudly "Mr. Advik Malhotra your Pa bumped on me and spilled coffee on my expensive dress, and this b***h has the audacity to say she isn't at fault and it's my fault and I should apologise." Natalie said in her foreign accent Advik looked at Rosaline who was crying silently. Advik knows Rosaline very well. She is working here before he even came and when he joined she was always there for him. He knows her character and vocabulary very well. " Linda is it true? Did really Rosaline said that" Advik asked to another girl who is the only person standing near of them Linda was tense about what to say. She knows Advik's nature well. Anything can happen when it concerns him. "I think I asked something you Linda didn't I?" Advik asked her again "Sir, actually Rosaline was going towards your cabin when Ms. Monroe bumped on her while doing something on her phone. Half of the coffee spilled on her dress and half of Rosaline's hand. And Ms. Monroe even slapped Rosaline," Linda said timidly "you? How dare you to lie? Advik, fire both of them and they are lying." Natalie said "who are you ms? Last time I checked you're neither my friend, my girlfriend, my fiance, my Wife or worse my superior in this company. So who are you to call me by my first name and order me to fire my employees? Don't forget ms. Monroe, your father needs my company's support , not the other way around. Now, apologie to Rosaline and Linda both. "Advik said calmly Not for one second anyone can say that he is boiling from inside. He has learnt to mask his emotions a long time ago. " what? You can't blackmail me like that. "Natalie screamed " it's my office Ms. Monroe not some chip club so keep your voice under check." Advik said " either you're apologising or I'm going to call off our non existent deal. Will your father be happy with it? "Advik asked " I'm sorry, "Natalie said " come again? Did you hear anything Linda? Rosaline did you? "Advik asked " no sir, "Linda said mentally smirking " see no one heard you now say it clearly and loudly, " Advik said " I'm sorry Rosaline And Linda," Natalie said through gritted teeths " it wasn't that difficult now was it? And I will prefer if you remember this incident before saying anything else. Now you may go to the meeting room where your father is." Advik said Natalie glared at the girls and left from there. "Linda Rosaline is hurt, check on her and you can go home after first aid. Come back after your hand is cured only." Advik ordered "thank you sir," Rosaline said "don't thank me Rosaline. I only supported the truth and one more thing: learn to fight for your own self otherwise people like her will crush you under their shoes. And from next time if someone slaps you, show them who you actually are." Advik said and left from there to attend the meeting " What is he in actual man? Is he made of ice or what? How can he be so calm yet his words are no less than sharp knives? "Linda asked " He is like that only Linda he took my side supported me and urged me to take a stand for myself but in the end he just made it a normal conversation. Advik sir is definitely something." Rosaline said " now let me do the first aid, "Linda said and took Rosaline with her In India Malhotra mansion Arjun and Advay are sitting on the dining table and watching Aaina who is not eating but only playing with her food. " mom?" advay called Aaina " Yes, "Aaina replied " why aren't you eating? "advay asked though he knows the reason " it's his favourite dish he really liked it when i made it for him, "Aaina said " From the past two years this chair has been empty Advay, like my heart he took a piece of my heart with him. Don't he miss us? He doesn't even call without pressure. "Aaina said with tears Arjun felt angry at his son for making his wife cry. But he knew that his son was also hurt. His loss is big. " love don't cry, he is hurt and angry and don't forget he is your son stubbornness is something that is in his blood. He will come on track soon." Arjun said "is he coming back?" Advay asked "why don't you ask?" Arjun said "I did but he dodged the Question like the pro he is." Advay said "He is coming, he can't miss his brother's marriage now can he?" aaina asked "if he was my old brother then it was a big no but the new version can do anything." Advay replied making Aaina shut her mouth as she also knows her son is saying the truth only why don't you ask?" Arjun said "I did but he dodged the Question like the pro he is." Advay said "He is coming, he can't miss his brother's marriage now can he?" aaina asked "if he was my old brother then it was a big no but the new version can do anything." Advay replied making Aaina shut her mouth as she also knows her son is saying the truth only
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