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THIRD PERSON'S POV The 'HuggaMug cafe' beautifully scribbled on the big glass and a sweet coffee and baking heavenly smell that spread around the café. Tae stood out looking at the beautiful café "wow I can't believe I'm back here well thanks to my soulmate, I really owe him" he smiles sadly to "too bad this time I will be alone well I won't let his sacrifices go to waste" he breathed in and out then heads inside the café with a ding sound when he entered, looking around it was still beautiful and even more improved but that home-feel still existed that's what he loved about the café always felt like home. He approached the handsome man who was sitting on the counter "h...hello" he greeted but in his voice he was very nervous "oh hey there what would you like me to help you with?" Jin kindly asks with his bright smile. "I..I ..was looking for a job ..li..like I saw a poster so I was wondering" 'Stop freaking out' he mentally face palmed and he did the breathing therapy again "am looking for a job" he quickly says so not to stutter "oh do you know how to sing too?" Jin asks "well ...yeah...I mean I can I love...yes I can" 'Stop it Tae he doesn't know you yet' he scolds himself "your hired" Jin announces 'wow I didn't know it would be this easy' Tae seems surprised "I .I..haven't showed you yet my skills" Tae tries to point out "You aren't the type to lie I can see through your beautiful eyes" 'ok he didn't expect that and did he say beautiful eyes?' he wriggles his left brow and can't help than smile "you don't seem from around here do you have anywhere to stay?" He asks God this man is so kind "not really but .I will.." he cut him off "there is an extra room inside make yourself comfortable and when your settled we can work together am Jin by the way" Tae was extremely happy that he hug him unknowingly "Thanks Jin hyung" he realize what I did and broke the hug "a..am sorry sir....." He looks down the older seems in a mental freeze "You said Jin hyung?, that's beautiful how someone called me" he definitely looked dramatic "call me that" he too introduces himself and Jin shows him everything which Tae already knew but he won't say yet, later he walks out "hey Tae...." He calls "yes..." Jin smiles again "Damn ...you do have beautiful eyes..." With that he walks out as Tae blushes to these compliment... So how was Tae back again..... FLASH BACK....a month ago Tae seemed to be out of place these days, talks less, doesn't joke anymore doesn't seem to be interested in any kind of activity he sits alone looking all dull and Pale it's like life had been sucked out of him. He did visit Jimin so as he won't be bored but later on he gets out and sits alone thinking a number of things but Jimin noticed all these and decided to approach him. "Hey Tae Tae" he joins him picking up some pebbles and throwing them that's what he found him doing "what's with that look?" Jimin asks the pale Tae "nothing" he shrugs "something was bothering you I'm here as your genie three wishes and imma do it for you" Jimin tried to be sarcastic to make the other laugh but he was failing miserably "ok now tell me what's wrong?" he becomes serious but Tae wasn't letting his guard down. "You miss them don't you?" Jimin asks "how did you know?" Tae is surprised cuz he never mentioned something like that to Jimin "come on you're my soulmate I can see through you" he sadly smile and gets an idea suddenly. His soulmate is love sick, he actually asked Lisa the whole and he finally understood why he was always sad, his story is way sadder than his so he got an idea which can only be used once. "Do you want to meet them?" He asks as Tae looks at him confused "what?.." he asks "do you want to meet them?" he asks again "like yeah I would love to though..it's not..." He starts to blubber "buddy it's a yes or no question?" He calmly asks "yes...." Jimin smiles "then my work here is done, humble yourself" he walks further away from him as Lisa appears behind Jimin smiling fondly "what are the two of you up to?" He ask standing straight "go live your dream, I can only do this once" he warns getting his silver trident which looked so powerful "meaning...."? He asks again "Tae are you this dense how can someone so smart be this stupid" Lisa scolds him as he handed him a big shell but not so big though. Jimin hugs him tight then the two stand from a distance " why does all this feel like a goodbye?" he gasps when the silver trident glows... "Jimin no...." He shouts "I want you to be happy, go live the life you deserve, I can only do this once now off you go I love you" His soulmate shouts "I love you too be happy" with that he struck the light to him and seconds later he disappeared sending him off to another dimension. Jimin looks at the empty surrounding smiling sadly "Be happy" he then walks away with Lisa. You must be wondering what happened to the portal, well it was destroyed given the fact that it was dangerous and caused a lot of disturbance so it doesn't exist. BACK TO CORONATION DAY JIMIN'S POV I feel very weak and unable to move, what is wrong with me. Slowly waking up am back to my chamber "what happened to me?" I look around and suddenly I feel a sharp pain in my abdomen "ahhhh" it got even more painful and I hear someone coming in "Jimin are you ok?" Mom comes in looking all worried "I don't know it hurts so bad" I groan in pain then I see Dae coming in "Lie down" he helps me down but it only became worse "ahhh it hurts" I rub my abdomen 'did I eat any kind of poisons?' I don't know but it hurts "Dae do something" I hear mom getting paranoid. Dae helps me gulp down some sea herbal medicines "now how do you feel?" He asks "I think am gonna die" the pain doubles itself I couldn't take it mom was already crying "ah Jimin am going to give you the human medicines because whatever I gave you never worked" he explains but am in no mood to listen "just give it" I almost scream. He takes out an injection "oh you have that here?" even with so much pain I asked and he nods. I felt a stinging pain but in seconds it disappears and I fall back closing my heavy eyes... THIRD PERSON'S POV "Dae why is he down again?" Mrs.Park asks panicking "on land when someone is in much pain we give them this kind of drug to ease the pain and calm them down, in simple terms make them sleep" Dae explains "I couldn't check him when he freaked out but now since he is sleeping am going to check him, but am confused how the medicine could work I tried it a lot but there wasn't any reaction at all" Dae seems to be thinking alot "well if it helps him then please help my baby" Mrs. Park almost begs "I will do everything don't worry, I need to check him alone" she nods and heads out explaining everything to his husband who nods. "Uhmmm...am sad to announce your new King won't be joining us at the celebration but you can continue to enjoy as we don't want to waste food make yourself comfortable" Mr. Park says to the group and walks out as they did what they have been told though others look worried. Dae continues to check Jimin but he is kind of confused, he can't tell what is wrong with him yet. "He said abdominal pain" he reminds himself. He looks down to him flat tummy and touching it slightly, though Jimin was out cold he groaned "it must really hurt" he said. "in order to help him I shall need one of those machines to scan him and unfortunately I can't bring them in here" he tap his chin thinking "the only way..." he finally concluded walking out to meet the elders. "You can't be serious" Mrs. Park gasps on shock when Dae gave them his thought "It's only going to be worse when we have no idea what is wrong" he tries to point out "but will he agree?" Mr. Park asks "am not sure, but let's do like this if he wakes up in a really bad condition again we have no choice than to bring him up" the two think for awhile and finally agrees "if it will help then we agree" ...
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