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THIRD PERSON'S POV "The boy band also known as BTS were attacked on the weekend where they had wanted to spend some peaceful time but unfortunately the cabin was attacked leading to a big explosion until now the boys are missing we are not sure if they are still ok" the news reader on the TV continues to speak as Jin watches 'oh i almost forgot we never announced we are back' he thinks as he continues to take his coffee. Hobi joins him on the couch looking distressed as if life has been sucked out of him. Jin looks at him worriedly not sure what is up with him "Everything good Hobi?" he asks as Hobi just sigh in frustration "i will listen" Jin tries again. "can i ask you something?" Hobi asks facing Jin who nod to him "well.....it's kinda complicated....you see" he scratch his neck nervously, Jin held his palm giving it a squeeze "i wont judge" he gives him one of his infamous smile who smile back "is it possible to love two people at the same time?" Hobi asks looking down in embarrassment. Jin holds his chin making him face up "you shouldn't feel embarrassed to love, love is a blessing if you can give it then what's so wrong about it ,it doesn't matter how many you give it to as long as you mean it" Jin the eomma he is explains to his kid who smiles fondly about him "that's why you are my favorite" Hobi says beaming in happiness as he jumps on Jin hugging him tight "hey don't choke him to death, i don't want to die single" Namjoon scoffs coming towards them "is someone jealous" Hobi teases as Namjoon just sighs "ok now Hobi tell me everything,.....i wanna know every detail" Jin squeaks like a teenager as Hobi sits straight to tell his love story........... .................. "Morning baby" Jungkook says kissing the sleeping Jimin all over his face who was looking really cute with a puffy face. Jungkook continues to shower him kisses as Jimin finally wakes up meeting with his face an inch from him, he smiles fondly and kiss the tip of his nose "morning too Kook-ah, when did you wake up?" Jimin asks stretching his body beside Jungkook who smirks at him "an hour ago" he says as Jimin looks at him cutely "for an hour you've been staring at me?" he asks again "well i can't help it if my baby is this cute and adorable i don't even want to blink because i might miss the sight" Jungkook keeps on starring at the Angel infront of him. "Sometimes i can't help than think what will i do the day i can no longer see your beautiful.....face, i cant leave without this sight" Jimin frowns and sits up "Jungkook-ah....please don't say that" Jimin frowns more holding his palms "i can't really live without you know" Jungkook says sadly and Jimin can't help than frown more he knows he will have to leave sooner or later but he tries hard to brush it off but it wont go away "You know i will always be here for you no matter where i am" he places his small palms on his chest "i will always be here forever" he adds as Jungkook too place his palm on his chest "am always locked in here" he smiles sadly "you are me i am you" Jimin puts up his finger pointing to Jungkook who does the same both index fingers touching "you are me" Jimin says again "i am you" Jungkook adds finally pulling him in his embrace holding him tight not wanting to let him go yet "am always with you" he looks up to Jungkook's pout "let me take away that pout" he leans in and kiss his soft lips and Jungkook smiles "yay you smiled" Jimin squeaks like a kid who just got his favorite candy "let's freshen up"Jimin gets up and winks at him who froze in his place Jimin was such a tease "if you continue to sit i will change my mind" Jiimin shouts from the bathroom "don't you dare"Jungook quickly gets up following Jimin to the bathroom. ............... Everyone is up, the seven boys are sitting together on the dinning table as Lan said he was going back to help Mark and see if Lisa was doing ok. Jimin insisted that Tae should remain as to catch up. Sooyoung was back at the shore she didn't want to go yet but Jimin assured her he's safe and that she should live her life happily on land. Jimin sits near Taehyung as he has many questions to ask and Jungkook is opposite them feeling all jealous that Jimin was not near him but he knows he should give time to the both. He feels a tap on his leg looking up he meets Jin's teasing eyes "he wont take him away" he whispers as Jungkook smiles nervously "is it so obvious?" he whispers back and Jin nods going back to what he was doing. 'am always here not going anywhere' Jimin mind links him and Jungkook looks at him 'am crushing you under me tonight' he tease and Jimin goes all red and looks down, the good thing with mind links is that no one knows what you're talking about but the reaction is pretty visible. "Jimin why are you red all of a sudden?" Hobi asks as he eats and Jimin looks down pretending to eat "no nothing" he lies as Jungkook smirks, Tae glances at the both and he figures these two are up to something. "It has been confirmed that the boys are doing ok and that Mr.Xiao was behind all that because his daughter is behind bars, he claims he wanted to get revenge. He looks kinda different now when we asked him but he says 'they did this to me, that boy is not a human' he claims Jimin is not normal but we all know he might need the mental hospital more" The news reporter says making fun of Mr.Xiao's statement "hahhhhhhhhhhhh" the room burst in laughter as the boys listen to the news and watching a clip of Xiao making a fuss it was really funny "they can't believe him, they think he's a physco" Yoongi says coming from his room he just loves his sleep more "well serves him right.....right Jimin" Jin ask glancing at Jimin who has his fists in a ball looking angry his eyes flickering white to black every single time and at that moment they knew they f****d up, Namjoon quickly changes the channel "you ok Jimin?" Yoongi asks from a distance where he was, Tae gets up and kneels infront of him and start rubbing his back "calm down, he's being punished" Tae tries to soothe him but he wasn't willing to let him go yet "i should've killed him" he says under gritted teeth his voice changing abit, Tae got up and whispered to the others "Jungkook calm him down we aren't meeting Minnie are we?" he asks and everyone shakes their head in no "remember don't mention that man's name infront of him it will be hard to let go but he will try, Jungkook he trusts you more" he pats his shoulder and Jungkook sits near Jimin as the rest watch quietly. "Hey baby....i like you more when you smile, you know you always looked beautiful that way" Jungkook says as he takes his palms in his big hands making Jimin feel safe "i wanted him to pay for what he did" he says getting angry and Jungkook hugs him "well you punished him hard enough let the law handle the rest" Jimin shakes his head in no "but..,." Jungkook cuts him off "no buts.... what matters is we are all here right? now i can kiss you all day" Jimin smiles when Jungkook kiss his cheek and giving his earlobe a lick making him giggle and the rest watch in awe as finally he's nolonger angry "oh no am going out with Tae later sorry baby" Jungkook frowns but he smile abit "as long as it makes you happy" he hugs him more "Let's go Tae wait let me come back" Jimin runs upstairs as the rest remain "why doesn't he let go yet?" Jungkook asks Tae "well in the deep giving justice means to clear the existence of the villain so that no further problems in future "he explains "but don't blame him he's a prince and Justice is the first duty he gotta do" he adds "we understand" Namjoon says. .............. "So you've been staying here all this time, i wish i found you sooner" Jimin says looking at the big bang-low but not so big as the mansion "well thanks to them we were able to live here for long time they are good people" Tae says smiling fondly "Let's meet Lisa she will freak out" Jimin smirks as they both head in but Jimin stands out "Lisa guess who's here?" Tae shouts and Lisa come down excited "Oh Tae...." her voice dies down when he looks behind him "Hi, Lisa" Jimin waves as Lisa is froze on her spot.............
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