New neighbour

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Lina's POV "I am telling you he is our dad," Melinda says. "No, he is not. If he were, he would have known mom's name,"  Lucas says. "That does not mean he is not our dad," Melinda says. "We are not going to upset mom for nothing, so we are not going to talk about that man," Lucas says. "Okay, but I still think he is our father," Melinda says. I stand in the corridor, and I wonder who or what my children are talking about. I wonder should I open the door and ask them what they are talking about. I knock on the door as they are in their study room. "Hi, guys, what is going on?" I ask. I see Lucas giving Melinda the evil eye to warning her not to say anything. "Nothing, mom, we are just doing our homework," Lucas says. I look at Melinda, who is busy writing in one of her books, and I know I will not get a word out of these two. Once they decided not to talk, they will not talk, and if they have a secret, I will not get it out of them. "I see our neighbours are moving. I wonder why? Mr and Mrs Walters lived in the house next to ours since we moved in, and I always thought they loved their house," Melinda says. "Maybe they want to move closer to their children or something," I say, not thinking much of it. "They do not have children, mom. So you never talk to anyone except with the people you work with and Aunt Mavis," Lucas says. "Yeah, mom, why don't you date? Do you hate men? Did someone hurt you?" Melinda asks. I have never talked about my past with the twins, and I am not planning on doing it now. "I am just not interested in men. I have you two in my life, and that is enough for me," I say. I have not dated in years. As a matter of fact, I have not dated since I got a divorce. I only had that one night stand, and I am not planning on dating anytime soon. I am afraid to get hurt again, and therefore I have decided to keep my heart for myself. "I think mom, should start dating. You are so beautiful and still young," Melinda says. I am not interested in dating now, my sweetie. But, maybe one day, when I have time, and the business does not take up so much of my time," I say to get Melinda off my back. "We are never going to have a dad," Melinda says. Lucas looks at her again, and she starts doing her homework again. I can not help but feel they are hiding something from me, but I know Lucas is stubborn, and he will not let Melinda say anything to me, and he will not say a word. I know he hides things from me sometimes so that I do not get hurt. Like when he fought at school because some boy said something nasty to Melinda and him. Until this day, I do not know what it was. "Okay, you two, finish your homework, and we can order some pizza's tonight," I say. I walk the room, and I hear them mumbling among themself—no use for me to listen anymore. I walk down the stairs and to the kitchen and make myself a cup of coffee. I go and sit on the deck outside, and I see the big moving truck in front of my neighbour's yard. I wonder what made them sell their house. This is such a nice neighbourhood, and why would they move overnight? I wave at the older lady as I see her standing on her deck, looking over her yard for one last time. "Hi, Mrs Walters," I greet her. We do not really talk much, but we do greet each other when we see each other. "Hi, Lina, we are moving. It is a sad day for me, but we got so much money for this house we could not resist," Mrs Walters says. "Oh, well, this is a nice neighbourhood, and the prices are climbing here," I say. "Yes, but the guy who bought this home paid us almost four times the market value on this house," Mrs Walters says. "He must really like the house, then," I say. "Yes, and he is a billionaire that has money to waste," Mrs Walters laughs. I smile at her as I can care less who is buying their house. As long as the neighbour is quiet and does not bother the children and me, I do not mind. "Well, I hope you will be happy in your new house, and I will miss having you as a neighbour, although we never talked much. I loved that you and your husband were such good neighbours," I say. "Well, Marcus Green will be your neighbour now, and he is rich, so I hope he does not have too many women coming around and set a bad example for your children. They are such sweethearts, and I will miss you and them. You taught them well. You know this young billionaire bachelor types, they always have a lot of women around," Mrs Walters says. I almost choke in my coffee when I hear the name Marcus Green. What the hell is he planning? Why did he pay so much for a house right next to mine? Is this part of his plan to compete with me? Well, he has a surprise waiting for him! I will not talk or mix with him, and he will not be allowed into my house! He is supposed to stay in Houston! His head office is there! "Oh, Marcus Green will be moving in next to me. We are competitors in business, and I do not think me and my children will mix with him much,"  I tell Mrs Walters. "Oh, I thought he wanted this house for a reason. Maybe he wants to get to know you, dear," Mrs Walters says, and again I have to watch not to spit out the coffee in my mouth. "I do not think so. We are not on good grounds," I say with a smile and Mrs Walters just smiles. "It was nice living next to you. Good luck with your new neighbour, and I will come and say hi to the twins when I am in the area. Goodbye, dear, I have to go," Mrs Walters says as she walks to her husband, who is waiting for her in the car. "Goodbye, Mrs Walters, and you will always be more than welcome," I say as I watch her walk away. I am upset as I see the two older people driving away. I go inside to make myself another cup of coffee as I am still waiting for the twins. Then, I sit outside again and wait for the twins. The following week there are cleaners and builders, and they are busy preparing the house next door. They make so much noise until late at night. It is Friday, and I am tired. I can see the twins looks tired as well. The twins are in their study again, finishing their homework so we can enjoy the rest of the weekend together. I am glad that the builders and cleaners are gone, and the furniture has been moved into the house. Well, at least we will have peace and quiet again. As usual, I sit on my deck, drinking coffee and waiting for the children to finish their homework. Soon they are finished and join me on the deck with some juice, and I ask them what they feel like eating. "Can we order pizza's again like last week?" Melinda asks. The twins love pizza, and I agree. However, I can see my two children are tired because of all the noise we endured during the week. "Damn you, Marcus Green," I say out loud as the kids ran inside to go get my phone so I can order pizza. "Well, hello to you too," I hear a man's voice coming from behind me. I turn around fast, and on the deck of the house next to mine stand the father of my children! I know it is him as I will never forget his eyes. The twin's eyes look just like his, and Lucas is a copy of him! It can not be. Marcus Green and I are staring at each other, not saying a word. I panic, and the first thing I want to do is hide my children from him, but they come running out. "Mommy, can we get one pepperoni pizza," Melinda asks. "And one with olives," Lucas says. "I hate olives," Melinda says. I am still standing staring at the bloody man who is having a smirk on his lips. Lucas looks at my face, and he must have seen I am pale as he looks up to where I am looking. "Oh hell," Lucas says, and Melinda also turns to the man on the deck of the neighbour's house. Melinda and Lucas look pale as they stare at the man. "Go inside, Lucas and Melinda, now!" I say. They do not move as they are also in shock as I am. What is the use anyway? They saw him now, and he has seen them. "Are they mine?" Marcus asks. "They are mine and no one else's! So you stay away from us! Do you understand! You were just a sperm donor! You have no right to my children!" I yell as Marcus. "Well, shouldn't you ask them if they want to get to know their father or not?" Marcus asks. "You are not their father, and I told you two to go inside!" The twins run inside. "So you see me as a sperm donor. You had my children for nine years, and you did not even dare to tell me about them." He asks. "I did not know who you were. We had a one night stand, and like hell, I want you in their lives," I shout at him. "I have the right to get to know my children, Lina Adams," Marcus says. "No, you don't. They are not yours!" I am in a panic now. "Mister, I think you should leave my mother and us alone," I hear Lucas says from behind me. "Yes, sir, you are unsetting our mommy," Melinda says. "We do not have a father, and we do not need a father, and my mother name is Lina Harrison, not Lina Adams," Lucas says. Marcus looks at Lucas, and I swear I can see pride in his eyes. "I am not upsetting your mom. She is upsetting herself," Marcus says. He smiles at Melinda, and I know he is picking on the weakest link in my family. She always wanted to know her daddy, and he is damn sexy when he smiles like that. I see Melinda smiling back at him. Lucas looks at him with cold eyes, but I can see my son is also longing to get to know his father. He will not admit it as he does not want to upset me. "Please, leave us alone. I only have the two of them, and I will not lose them to anyone! But, on the contrary, I will fight with everything I have to keep them by my side, and I will not let you come into our lives and disrupt it," I say much calmer now. "You think you can win against me, Lina? Do you know who you are up against? I am Marcus Green, and I always get what I want in life, and what I want in life right now are you and my children," Marcus says. "Forget about it! I was your plaything for one night, and I was drunk! I will never be your or any other man's plaything again! If I were you, Marcus Green, I will move as you are wasting your time here. I am not for sale, and neither are my children!" I say as I take the children's hands and walk into the house with them. I hear Marcus laughing as we walk away, and I look around to see him standing there on his deck.  "I always get what I want, Lina," He says before he also walks into his new house.
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