Chapter 12:

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Chapter: 12 Grace/John Evans. I don't know anyone in this city except Nathaniel. . . Ah, that must be Nathaniel of course. Who else could be here at this odd hour? Without giving a thought I started taking some steps towards the door when my hand vibrated. It was my phone, someone has just texted me. I looked at it and saw a text. It was from Nathaniel. "I'm a bit busy today, won't be able to visit you but I heard what happened at the school. You need to explain a lot of things, Evans!" I blinked thrice and someone started knocking on the door violently. The person outside is not Nathaniel. . . Who the f**k is it then? I need to peep from the peephole so it's what I did and my soul left my body when I saw who it was. What the f**k is he doing here?! How did he know my address and the main question is why the f**k is he here at this time? *Another loud bang* Geez, this man has lost all his senses. I cannot open the door in this state. f**k I'm not even wearing my binder. This way I'll be exposed in no time. I cannot let him enter. No way in hell! What if I just stay quiet and pretend like I'm not here. Maybe this way he'll just leave. Yes! That's what I'm going to do. No movement at all Grace! Just stay still, don't even inhale and exhale. *Multiple loud bangs* "I know you're in there John, open the f*****g door, I saw Isabella leaving from here a few minutes ago! What happened now? Are you scared of me little t**t?" Said none other than Damon Jax. Yes, he's the one behind the door. This little b***h! What does he think of himself? Let me find my binder first and then I'll show you what I can do to you. I searched for my binder and changed into something decent immediately. While I was doing that the banging didn't stop. I wet my hair a bit and started wiping them with a towel to make an excuse that I was having a shower. "Who is it?" I said in my irritated boy tone and opened the goddamn door. There he was standing with a scowl on his face. His muscles were bulging out and a nerve was popping out from his forehead. His face was red and nothing about him looked like that he was here to have a peaceful conversation. The towel dropped from my hand as I felt him grabbing me by my collar. I was not wearing my 3 inches tall shoes so I was looking too shorter than him. I hope he doesn't notice the height difference. Overall I was looking like a midget in front of his 6'2 figure. "What the f**k did you do to Isabella?" Asked Damon in a furious tone. "What the f**k is wrong with you man? I didn't do anything. She's my friend and nothing happened." I said and freed myself from him. He was here alone. Strange. . . Where are his other fellows? I thought the furious Tyson might want to beat me again. Damon unclenched his jaw and took some deep breaths. A second later he looked at me up to down. f**k f**k f**k! Please don't let him notice me. Please. "Why do you look so weird?" Asked Damon. I asked for one thing, God! "What do you mean? I don't understand." I said in the manliest tone I could utter. Damon looked at me up to down again and raised his eyebrows. s**t! I need to divert his attention. "Do you want to come in and have a talk?" I asked him. "Of course, why do you think I'm here?" Said Damon and invited himself in. I rolled my eyes and sighed. I should go and wear another pair of my 3 inches shoes. I made him sit on the couch and went to get him something. I put some drinks on the table and sat on the sofa opposite him. "What is your relationship with Isabella?" Asked Damon and I almost chuckled. This guy is worried about the wrong thing. "She's my friend," I told him simply. "Isabella doesn't make any male friends," Damon said with gritted teeth. "News flash Mr Jax, she has made one and that's me," I told him. "Stay away from her!" Said Damon. What the f**k is wrong with this guy? "Why? Who are you to tell me this? Mind telling me your relationship with Isabella, Mr Jax?" I asked him. "That doesn't concern you." He said and got up from his seat. "Why has the school page published some rubbish about both of you?" He asked. "You're worrying about the wrong thing, Damon. Isabella and I are truly just friends. She has gathered some courage and finally can open herself to anyone. She trusts me with herself and her secrets and I will never break it for anything. Instead of worrying about our relationship, you should be concerned about what's going on with her." I said. "Don't lecture me you understand! Isabella is like a sister to me and I will protect her at any cost." Said Damon in a furious tone. "Oh, so where was this protection when she was constantly getting bullied not by just your friend but by the whole school? Why don't you talk to her in school?" I asked him, looking straight into his eyes. For a second he looked speechless. "You don't know anything." He said and looked away. "Oh, I know. I know everything. Isabella has told me everything and you know why she has told me?" I asked him. Damon looked stunned. I know he didn't expect Isabella to tell me anything. It's something only the boys and Isabella's family knows. "Because she trusts me. She trusts me enough to tell me what's going on with her mind. She trusts me enough that I will protect her and will stand beside her no matter what and even though everyone has told me that I shouldn't stand against 'the boys' and that they will ruin my life but I still did." I told him and looked straight in the eyes. Damon's face was expressionless. I don't even know if he was listening to my speech or not but who gives a f**k? I will say whatever I want to say. "Want to know why? Because I'm not a f*****g coward like you! You claim that Isabella is like your sister? Amusing because in my eyes you're just a coward who can't even stand with her sister!" I told him and the next second I felt a punch on my face. It was unexpected so I fell. Damn. . . how many bruises am I gonna get today? Damon's punch was far worse than Tyson's. I would have dodged it but it was so unexpected. My lip cut open again and blood oozed out from it. Damon grabbed me from my collar and made me stand up. "Mind your language, I was thinking of letting you go because of Isabella but you have just dug your graveyard. Nobody can save you now. I'll make sure of this." Damon said with gritted teeth and left my collar. "That's what you can do. All you can give is threats and ruin other's lives. Do your best Mr Jax, don't show any mercy on me because of Isabella." I said with a smirk playing on my lips. Damon glared at me with his panther eyes. I crossed my line a long time ago and there was no point in turning back now. Damon gave me a last glare and left the studio with a loud bang on the door. "Prepare yourself, Grace. The worst is coming for you." I reminded myself again.
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