1: "Did you just freaking slap me?"

1546 Words
A pleasant Sunday afternoon it was with the scorching ball releasing its bright light that is most likely happy vibes to every spot of planet earth from above. It was almost like a perfect day for every person to do whatever they like for enjoyment and gratefulness that they are alive in a world where pleasant sunny days exist. Maybe it was a nice day for people or maybe it is not for some other people who was suddenly having a fight with a friend because of how offensively frank one is. Anyway, it seemed that not everyone is having an unproblematic day under a nice sunny day.   Crossing her arms elegantly, Clementine rolled her eyes and gave Lily her well-known judgmental gaze. Earlier in the morning, Lily called Clementine to hang out and relieve stress from both working in a perfume company and hospital. It was expected that they would have a fun and stress relieving day as they spent time together by unnecessarily shopping for clothes to fill their wardrobes and eating different kinds of delicious foods that would satisfy their appetites and followers on **. Though the tables suddenly turned as they began to spit flames to each other and give each other thunderous glares.   “What? Don’t give me that look! You must think that everyone will always continue to like you just because you’re always at the top, huh? That is not true! If you continue to act up with that attitude of yours, you might just end up with nothing eventually,” Lily snapped as she stood across Clementine while clenching her fists that were holding on two shopping bags on each hand. They were in front of a dressing room in an expensive clothing store, fighting because of what Clementine commented on the clothes Lily picked.   “Cle! What do you think about this dress? I’m planning on using it to attend my cousin’s wedding next Saturday. Their wedding theme is blue and white since it’s a beach wedding. This looks pretty elegant enough, don’t you—” Lily cheerfully said as she slowly spun around, wearing a simple dress that is colored sky blue with a white ribbon tied around her waist.   “You call that elegant? It obviously looks like it was made by a five-year-old kid who tampered with their amateur mom’s sewing machine or something. You’re going to a beach wedding and you plan on wearing that? Wow, your taste in fashion still sucks,” Clementine boldly said as she looked at the dress Lily was wearing up and down.   “Wow. I can’t believe you just said that,” Lily said, shocked at how offensive Clementine’s comment to her taste of fashion was as if they had not been friends for more than ten years.   “What? I’m just telling you what I honestly think,” Clementine said as she raised an eyebrow.   “What are you getting so worked up about anyway? You asked me what I think about that dress you picked and I just told you that that looks like a piece of garbage. Also, I’ll end up with nothing eventually? You probably don’t know that I can get whatever I want no matter what, don’t you?” Clementine said and cheekily grinned as she looked at Lily from head to toe. “Oh, right. I guess you can’t relate since you always have to give everything you have including your earned money that you worked hard for to your useless sick boyfriend who should have died already if only you stopped taking care of him.”   The sound of an abrupt landing of Lily’s hand on Clementine’s cheek filled the store, making some of the people in the store give them a glance and start whispering to each other. Clementine immediately faced Lily’s glaring face and glared back. It was her first time to be slapped by a person in her 24 years of existence.   “Did you just freaking slap me?” Clementine said in disbelief as she held her reddening right cheek. Tears began to form around Lily’s eyes as she turned away and entered the dressing room to change back to her clothes. Clementine stood on the same spot still in disbelief that someone actually dared to land their hand on her flawless face. She was not worried about Lily getting upset at her but at the foundation that got dusted off a bit. The foundation she used was limited edition and it is no longer on sale, which is why she hates it when something lands on her face. “God, the audacity of that woman.”   The people who were watching them in the store immediately went back to their business and pretended that they did not see anything when Clementine looked in their direction and gave them each a deadly glare. Clementine took out her limited edition compact from her also limited-edition black handbag and retouched the area Lily made contact with and put it back in her bag. She took her seven shopping bags that were sitting on the white cushioned bench at the corner and flipped her hair back as she walked out from the store. She had no reason to wait for her friend after being slapped which is why she decided to go home since her mood was already bad.   After leaving her shopping bags that were full of clothes and footwear in the backseat, she got in the driver’s seat and started her car while still whining about how annoying Lily was for having the guts to land a hand on her face. It is difficult to guess what thoughts Clementine have in certain situations since she would always have unexpected different thoughts like what Clementine was actually thinking about after having a heated fight with her only friend plus getting slapped on the face for the first time. Basically, people would usually think about how upset they are to have a fight with their best friend but Clementine was different. She is unique, after all.   “Ugh. What does this i***t want?” Clementine grumbled when her phone rang as she parked her car in her underground parking lot. She turned the engine of her car off first before accepting the call from her younger brother. “What?”   “Hey! You’re coming, right?” Seville cheerfully asked from the phone, making Clementine furrow her eyebrows because of lack of context from his question. She clasped her phone on her shoulder tightly as she stepped out of the car and took all of her shopping bags from the backseat.   “What are you talking about?” Clementine asked with less interest.   “The business awarding ceremony? Don’t tell me you forgot? I literally asked the same question this morning,” Seville sighed dramatically like he’s already done with her sister being forgetful on events she has no interest in.   “Audrina, up,” Clementine called out to her AI virtual assistant in her mansion. The elevator door slowly shut as it elevated to the entryway inside her mansion.   “Welcome home, My Lady,” Audrina’s voice filled the whole mansion as Clementine got out of the elevator.   Clementine put her phone on the small table by the entryway for a while, making Seville utter constant hellos in the call. There is a walk-in closet only for all of her footwear located in the entryway of her mansion since she does not like walking around her mansion with footwear that are used outdoors. After putting her black boots back to their original place, she slipped her feet in her pink fluffy slippers and went back out to get her bags. Seville started to yell gibberish in the call as Clementine remained unbothered and put her bags on the long grey sofa in the living room before going back to finally get her phone.   “Oh right, the awarding ceremony. Unnecessary events like this are not what I have been looking forward to when I started my own perfume company. I mean, why wait for the suspense in announcing the best businesswoman when it’s obviously me?” Clementine simply said after putting her phone on loud speaker and slumping down the sofa.   “Jesus. You really think that you’re perfect, huh?” Seville asked through the call.   “Everyone thinks the same way. Except that little b***h who dared to touch my perfect face,” Clementine frowned as her tone lowered when she spoke the last sentence. It was certain that she would never forget that day Lily slapped her face. “Anyway, yeah, I remember the awarding ceremony now, don’t worry.”   “You’re coming, righ—,” Before Seville could even finish his sentence, Clementine had already hung up. She placed her phone on the wireless charger on the coffee table in front of her and went upstairs to her bedroom.  
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