Wolfless and rejected

1650 Words
Mellione’s POV I’m sure that in my hurry to get away from everyone I manage to push enough people to hear about it tomorrow, but right now, it doesn't matter. I just wanted to get away. Away from the noise, the people, the insufferable amount of voices and music. But as I make it up the stairs I’m almost bumping into my dear and terribly confused father, whose soft eyes land on me and narrow slowly at the sight of my tears. His gentle smile slowly vanishes and I’m left sobbing, staring at him with shame in my eyes. “Mell?” he murmurs and reaches a hand to my face to wipe away a few tears. But I don’t want his comfort now. There was nothing he could help me with, especially when shame and guilt gnaws at my chest like it does right now. I pull away and duck my head, facing the wooden steps under our feet. “Mell!” Astrela’s voice rings behind me, overpowering the loud music from downstairs. My body stiffens and I look up at my father with hopeful eyes. I’m not sure what he understands from this, but he takes my arm and hawls me behind him, shielding me from the small crowd that was turning towards us. “Alpha Marcus-” Astrela’s voice dies down and I can see her bow her head and stop only a few steps away from us. Behind her, I can see Zeke and behind him, the absolutely fuming blonde friend of mine that seems ready to demolish this house down in order to get to me. “What sort of troubles did you get yourselves into?” Marcus sighs and pinches the bridge of his nose with a gentle parental frustration. But no one dared to say anything. Even I’m silent as I wipe away the rest of my tears and take in a deep breath to calm myself. “A terrible misunderstanding-” Astrela starts speaking, but Zeke grabs her arm and glares at her. The girl swallows her words and before anyone can say anything else, Annais pushes past the two and stops in front of Marcus, eyeing him with her usual puppy eyes. “I think Mellione needs some time for herself.” the man stands very firm on his opinion about the matter, despite not having any idea what happened. Part of me is terribly grateful for this, but I’m not going to deny my best friend the chance of comforting me. I duck under my father’s arm and grab Annais’ hand before rushing upstairs with her hand in mine. Marcus remains wordless on the stairs, watching us as we take a swift turn and disappear into the hallway, before getting into my room. “And you two-” The man turns to Astrela and Zeke but before he gets to say anything, a teary eyed Astrela suddenly slaps Zeke and pushes past the older man rushing after the other two girls. Zeke and Marcus remain silent, both as shocked as they could be, staring at each other with confusion. “You got some balls getting three at a time upset.” Marcus shakes his head and makes his way downstairs leaving the boy alone to deal with whatever he f****d up tonight. The door shuts behind us and before Annais can ramble on, I twist the key and lock ourselves inside, leaning my back against it, my knees giving in as I slide down and tears start falling again, the very core of my being shattered to pieces. My knees pull closer to my chest and I hide my face in them. Even breathing feels like a chore right now, as the burn of betrayal spreads deeper within my chest. “What happened?! I was gone for like thirty minutes!” Annais explodes and kneels beside me, unsure if she was supposed to touch me. “Did you shift? Was it that bad? I know it can be painful but-” she continues, touching my head and carefully brushing my hair backwards. Another painful rift seems to split my heart as she reminds me of this. Whatever was left of my miserable heart crumbles away and my tears grow bigger, air grows thinner and my cry uglier. Something bumps against the door, scaring the crap out of both of us. I immediately crawl away as the impact sends a shock through my whole stomach, making me almost gag. “Mellione? Please open up!” Astrela’s small fists start banging on the door and as I crawl away from the door, with nothing but murder in my head, Annais stares at me with worry. “Mell!” her voices grows and I know she’s crying too from the way her voice shakes. I swallow my curses back and shake my head when Annais gestures to open the door. My back hits the bed and the tension in my body grows as if it could build back all the layers that were broken tonight. “What happened, you weirdo?” Annais murmurs, coming in front of me again after grabbing the tissue box from the nightstand and sets it in my lap. I’m not even sure what to say or where to start, but words start tumbling out of my mouth along with my sobs. “He- I- Mate- rejected - didn’t shift-” I’m not even sure I was making sense to myself, but one thing was sure. Annais pieced it together quite easily. The worry in her eyes suddenly vanished and her soft blue eyes suddenly turned as cold and distant like the still sea before a storm and I can feel it in the pits of my stomach: she’s infuriated. She’s beyond that at this point. A flash of darkness in her eyes and the growl in her chest grows louder, her nails turning into claws and before I know it, she’s out the door, almost ripping it out of the hinges, and stepping all over the redhead that was crawled on the floor, sobbing in such an ugly and heartbreaking way it made me feel ashamed of leaving her alone. I should go ahead and stop her, before she actually murders someone, but I don’t want to. I want to get as small as possible and crawl into the tiniest crack in the floor and never come out again. Astrela gets up from her spot and steps inside my room a little angsty. Her eyes are red and swollen and I know it from every cell of my body, she wasn’t to blame. But I can’t help but watch her with disgust as she approaches me. “I’m so sorry! I didn’t know! I didn’t-” she starts speaking, her pretty face grimaced into most likely the ugliest cry ever. Would have never guessed someone as pretty as her could be such an ugly crier. Was I this ugly when I cried too? Another rocking sob shakes my body and I force myself up, whipping whatever is left of my makeup and tears with my hand as my breath steadies and walk to her, wrapping my arms around her. Before I know it, her whole body weight leans on me as she breaks down crying once again, her face hidden in my shoulder. “Let’s get back downstairs and forget all this happened.” I offer, my voice surprisingly distant and emotionless. Green eyes look up at me and I cup her cheeks in both my hands, wiping the tears away. “There’s no use crying over spilled milk, is it?” I speak and offer her half a smile that doesn’t reach my eyes. “For one, I’m sure I’ll be thankful for this one day. After all, I get to experience med school free of any ties to anyone-” An unexpected smirk curls on my lips. “And hopefully, you too.” the smirk dies and turns into utter disgust as the way she moaned his name rings in my ear again, wiping away any trace of sympathy I had for now. I’m not sure if she notices any of it, because her eyes are filled with tears and she doesn’t appear to be able to hold her sobs back. I slowly let go and offer her the chance to clean her face in my bathroom. As she does so, I take some of that to myself and wipe away the messed up makeup, watching myself in the mirror again. After a few minutes of pondering on it. I decided to screw it. It was my birthday. Wolfless, rejected, bitter, betrayed and whatnot, it was still my birthday and I was not to pass the chance to enjoy my last evening with the pack. Hopefully, I’ll find Annais again and fish out some answers from her. That if she is not convicted by the time I get to her. While Astrela is off doing her thing in the bathroom I take some time to refresh my makeup and pick a new dress from the wardrobe. I picked the simplest and most comfortable dress at hand, a deep crimson color, with a turtleneck and long sleeves but a flowy short skirt. Might have not been the most feminine girl my age, but there was nothing for me that needed femininity tonight. When Astrela comes out of my bathroom, her eyes are still puffy and red and she gives me a look of disdain. “We’ll have a chance to talk about it one day and laugh-” I take in a deep breath. “Now let’s go. I need to cut that cake and get myself the biggest slice before anyone gets to it.” I smirk and run a hand through my hair as I walk out of the room, with a strange, newfound confidence.
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