3 - Unusual dreams

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-Emma "Hi, I'm Emma." "I'm Adam," he said in a low voice, but still recognisable from the loud music. "Would you like something to drink?" the bartender asked me, taking my attention away from Adam. "Three beers, please." "Coming up," he said and walked away to bring the beers. "Daredevil," Adam said and smiled at me. "The other two are for my friends," I explained and he nodded, without saying another word. I wanted to talk to him, like desperately talk to him. Something inside of me was pushing me in his direction. Something I cannot explain. "Here you go. That'll be 15$." "Thank you. Here you go," I handed him 20$ and told him to keep the rest. He thanked me and walked away. I took the beers in my hands and tried to leave, but something was blocking me, or better said, someone. "Hey beautiful, want me to show you a good time?" I heard someone whisper in my ear and I freaked out and closed my eyes. He grabbed my waist harshly and before I knew it, he was gone. I opened my eyes and turned around immediately. There was no sign of him. It was like he disappeared. I looked on my right and saw that Adam was also gone. This is extremely weird. Did I just imagine everything? No, it can't be. "Hey, are you okay?" Someone asked me and my attention was back. I looked in the direction of the voice and saw a girl looking at me in concern. Maybe she saw what happened. "Yeah, I'm fine," I smiled and looked down on my hands and saw that I was bleeding. What the hell? I looked up and saw the girls eyes change color and back to brown. What is going on? "Do you need help?" she asked me and came closer to me. "No, thank you." I left outside immediately. I tried staying calm, but my head was hurting and so were my lungs. They were burning. What happened to me? I finally came outside and breathed in the fresh air. "Damn it," I whispered and fell on my knees. I was feeling extremely weak. Then the place where the guy had grabbed me started hurting. I picked up my shirt and saw a black round mark, on the right side of my waist. Did he drug me? Oh my God, he is going to kidnap me. I started panicking and I couldn't breathe. It was like my throat was closing up. "Hey, are you okay? Someone call an ambulance, she can't breathe!" "What happened?" "I don't know. She can't speak." "Somebody call an ambulance immediately!" "Move, move! I am a doctor! Does anyone know what happened?" Before I could hear anything else, I blacked out. **** "Emma? Are you okay?" I blinked a couple of times and looked at my right. Adam was there. "What did just happen?" I asked him and looked down at my hands. No sight of blood. I picked up my shirt and saw no black mark. Did I just imagine all of those things? "You stayed still for like five whole minutes. It was like you fell asleep. Are you okay? Are you tired or something?" "You're joking, right?" "No," he said and looked concerned for a moment, there. "I have to go." "Wha. . ." What is happening to me? Am I going crazy? Did someone drug me? "Emma, there you are. We have been looking all over for you." I turned around and saw Claire and Debbie. Thank God they are still here. "Where have you been?" Claire asked me and took my hand. "Uhm, I was at the bar, waiting for the drinks, but the bartender was too busy. Thought I should wait longer." Cool, lie to your friends. "Nah, don't worry about it. Let's dance, shall we?" "Your favourite song is playing. Come on!" (Goosebumps - HVME) Maybe I should forget what happened and take my mind off of it. It's what we came here for anyway. The girls and I went to the dance floor and started dancing with each other. I closed my eyes and let the music fill me in. Suddenly, another song was played. It felt really sexy. (Talking body - The Young Professionals) I opened my eyes and there was nobody there. Only me. I looked around and suddenly I felt two hands on my waist. The touch was gentle, and sexy and full of lust. I felt the hands moving up my body, slowly, touching me. My skin was burning. I turned around and saw this beautiful man, whose face I didn't recognise. He put his hands on my behind and picked me up, so I wrapped my legs around his waist. His right hand was on my cheek, while his left hand was on my waist, keeping me from falling. ~Now if we're talking body You got a perfect one, so put it on me Swear it won't take you long If you love me right, we f**k for life On and on and on~ The song made the situation even hotter. This feels so real. His hands on me, feel so real. The touch, his body. . . His right hand moved down my body and started picking up my shirt. Once the shirt was above my breasts, he tried to move my bra away. I closed my eyes, waiting for the pleasure to begin. But I felt nothing. I opened my eyes and I was back to reality. There were people all around me, dancing. Claire and Debbie were having the time of their lives. Did I just have an almost s*x dream about a guy who looks so familiar but I cannot recognise? I stood still, in the crowd full of people who were dancing. Something is wrong with me, but I cannot tell anyone. Not even Claire or Debbie. They will think I am crazy. But what if I am and I need help? What am I going to do?
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