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NATHANIEL This was the ugliest castle Nathaniel had ever seen, he really had no idea why the Olagoke family will choose to live in such a dump, and right in the middle of nowhere to boot. Nathaniel was not dumb, in fact the sins of their parents aside, his sisters and himself had gotten access to the best education money can buy, by relying on a trust fund some king in their past had kept aside for his future generations. So even though they were considered middle to low class citizens, they went to school with the best society had to offer. And that was the only saving grace their family actually had, but education had gotten to the point where everybody in the world could have it if they wanted it. Degrees and PhDs no longer meant anything if you did not have someone on the top. But education aside, Nathaniel realized that Orun was most probably a frontier town, a town built after an expedition or a migration. The fact that the sea was staring right at them from the eastern horizon was more than enough explanation. But the castle was quite old, which meant this town used to be a prime part of the game, but since Zion is no longer a game but the new home of the human race, handing the castle over to an African family with deep pockets did not seem to be a problem. In this world the government had zero power, they could be placed in a position where they can still affect the lives of their citizens, but in the end true power belongs to the company who made the game, and the inhabitants who were already here before everyone else arrived. So while this was not the revenge he envisioned, he was quite smug about the fact that the Olagoke family was quite literally pushed to sidelines. Out of sight and out of mind. “Attention everyone, you will now all be assigned to a plot of land, which will serve as the spot where your future home would be built. It is up to you how you build it, or where you can get the materials from, but that spot will be your home. Am I clear?” At first no body answered Smith. Because quite honestly they were quite confused. But the crux of the matter remained that they were not offered any housing facilities, it was really unexpected. Just as expected their murmurs coming up from among the crowd of people, but before it could turn into a full blow argument Smith shouted. “Silence!!” Nathaniel had to admit though that this guy was really loud, but his voice got him the result he wanted as everyone had been shut up. “I do not care about your grievances, I’m not your father and the Olagoke family has no obligation to take care of you or provide for you past the parameters stated in your contracts. You are servants here, not tenants or guests. You should be thankful that you were even given land without any strings attached. If you really want to complain then I assure you, you will be doing it from the bottom of an unmarked grave.” His words were enough to send a ripple of calm through out the entire group of people standing there. The intentions he insinuated was terrifying and quite real enough to push out ant form of resistance left in their bodies. The real world was just as cruel and every single person here knew it. Zion should not he any different, especially when you considered the fact that it was still growing. “Now you all will be allocated a land by family size, group size or if you’re just a single person. There are four families here so if you hear your name, move to the right. The Ahmed family, the Ike family, the Alafia family, and the Omaye family.” When Nathaniel heard their family name he moved to the left with his family and the others called. The Ahmed family were the biggest of the bunch, two wives, seven children, one father, one uncle and two aunts. Nathaniel fought the urge to whistle in awe at their size, they were quite a bunch. Just like their family who had varying features to show that they were related, the Ahmeds all had green hair and red eyes, except for the mothers they were blond and brunette respectively. The uncle and aunts also had green hair, so that would probably make them the younger siblings of the father. The Ike family had only four members, a mother and her three children. The oldest was about eight, while the youngest was just a toddler, all four members of the family had hair the color of volcanic ash, their eyes were normal. But based on how red the mother’s eyes were, Nathaniel could tell she had been crying. The Alafia family were just three, two aged parents and a daughter that seems to be in her early to mid twenties. However, the first thing Nathaniel noticed was how beautiful she was, if he was not so conscious of his surroundings he would probably be drooling all over the place. But in regards to how her genes were shared, she had her mother’s silver platinum hair, and a pupiless pure white glowing eye just like her father. This family was the only one that seemed more fantasy like than the rest. The rest of the people were alone so they were all sent of towards the right side of the castle by one of the armored knights. Then Smith turned to the families and said to them. “If you would follow me, I will assign you a plot of land where you would have to stay from now on. Food and water will be sent to each of you later, but beware such luxury will only last for the first week so that you all can get acclimated with Zion. Tomorrow your designated class and work areas will be sent to you, and if you’re willing you can begin work immediately or wait until your one-week period of grace is over, either way unless you work you will not be paid.” With his piece said Smith led them out of the castle and moved west while skirting the edge of the rather ancient looking building. The walls were filled with cracks and moss, and if Nathaniel had to hazard a guess it would seem like the castle was abandoned for quite a number of years before it was recently occupied. From where he was standing Nathaniel could see the snow capped mountains to the north, and the forest in the west was about five hundred meters away. It was quite a distance but even from where he was standing he could not help but appreciate the trees and how green they looked. Nature had become quite rare in twenty second century earth. Smith led them north for another fifty meters until the castle was quite a distance away, and then he allocated plots of land that had already been marked out. The biggest was about sixty square meters and that was given to the Ahmed family, that was a lot of land but when you consider the size of the family, and the fact that it might be possible for procreation in this game, it would take a lot more land to handle their numbers. There were other people around however, and many of them were in the process of moving planks, digging foundation or nailing two pieces of wood together. They all ignored each other and focused on their work, everybody here seemed to have the intention of minding their own business. After they received their own land a system prompt appeared in from of all five members of the Omaye family. [YOU HAVE BEEN GIVEN A PLOT OF LAND MEASURED AT 25 SQUARE METERS…...CONGRATULATIONS. THE LAND MENU CAN NOW BE ACCESSED FROM YOUR STATUS MENU. YOU WILL RECEIVE BONUS FROM OWNING LAND IN ZION SO BE SURE TO OWN MORE LAND.] Nathaniel felt that system prompt was rather awkward but it’s message was received loud and clear. Smith now turned to them with a rather eerie smile on his face as he gave them final instructions. “Tomorrow will be the start of a new day in a new world I hope you’re ready because Zion is completely unlike your former world travelers. The sun is about to set so I will advice you to find a way to get some shelter, or at least some weapons because none of that will be provided for you, and its quite widespread knowledge that the gnolls in that forest ahead love to come out and play at night. Well then good night and see you in the morning, whichever one of you survives that is.” And then Smith swaggered back to the castle leaving Nathaniel with the urge to slap him silly. He turned back and saw his family looking right back at him and each other, he couldn’t help the sigh that came from his mouth as he said to them. “So this is it?” None of them gave him an answer, but it was written all over their face. There was a silent resolution within their eyes, it really wouldn’t be easy, but they will try their possible best. Nathaniel let out a breath of relief and said something he had been itching to say since they arrived in Zion. “Status!” NAME: NATHANIEL OMAYE AGE: NINTEEN RACE: HUMAN LEVEL: 0 CLASS: NONE SUB-CLASS: NONE STATUS: CONTRACTED SERVANT HEALTH: 18/18 STAMINA: 34/34 MANA: (LOCKED) STRENGTH: 8 VITALITY: 6 AGILITY: 4 DEXTERITY: 4 INTELLIGENCE: 9
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