Chapter 1

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Hi! My name is Bianca Anderson. I'm Blaine Anderson's twin sister and Cooper Anderson's little sister. I'm a homeschooling student because my parents don't let me enter public school. They concerned about what happened to Blaine when we attended public school on our freshmen year. Blaine got bullied from the homophobic because of his sexuality. That's why our parents moved him to Dalton Academy and force me to have homeschooling even though I never get bullied and I'm not afraid with that. But now, Blaine transferred to William McKinley High School because of his boyfriend that he met in Dalton transferred to McKinley and me? Still homeschooling even though I got bored with this. "You're just like a girl with no activity, B. Spending the days watching some silly movies in your room." Cooper walks into my room. Cooper Anderson. Blaine's and my big brother. An actor in Hollywood and have a beautiful handsome face like Disney Prince. Sometimes I called him with 'my Disney prince.' He lives in LA but he usually come home to disturb me and Blaine. "That's me everyday, I have no activity and no friend." I simply said. "Why don't you enter public school like Blaine? You will get many friends there." Cooper said to me. "Blaine already said that to mom and dad but you know the answer? No. They are still worrying about what happened with Blaine." I sigh. "But the one who got that was Blaine, not you. You're the brave one." Cooper frowned. "They said that I'm just a girl, Coop. What shall I do? Beg them to let me attend public school?" I raised my eyebrows. "I will talk to mom and dad. They cant let you have homeschooling or they will see their daughter has no boyfriend." Cooper laughed. "I have a boyfriend, disney prince!" I yelled. "Who? You never tell me?" Cooper raised his eyebrows. "Sebastian Smythe, the leader of The Warbler. I didn't tell you because you didn't come home and on the first day you came home, you disturb me." I glared at Cooper. "Tell me, what is he looks like? How dare him to date my little b." Cooper sit down next to me. "He is handsome, have a great voice and he is cute. And he doesn't like to leave me like you did." I said to Cooper. "I didn't leave you. I went for work, B. By the way, you think that this is good if I can give masterclass for Blaine's club in acting?" Cooper asked me. "I don't know." I simply said. "I know that I asked wrong person." Cooper takes my snacks and went out from my room. "Cooper!!!!" I yelled. Actually I really want to enter public school. Since I cant enter Dalton Academy because I'm a girl but I really want to enter public school and have a lot of friends there. Blaine already spent his first one month in public school without any trouble and traumatic things. He told me about his friends and his glee club. Wish that mom and dad could understand. I spend my days with study-eat-movie-study-eat-sleep like everyday. So sometimes all I can do is disturb Blaine. "I'm not a type of girl who will get bully. Right? Ugh God." I mumbled as I looked at myself at the mirror. I'm not fat. I'm beautiful (My family and Sebastian admitted that). I'm brunette. I'm straight. If someone want to bully me, they have no reason because I'm not a type of the victim. "B, you have to know something that my glee club will join sectionals and we will beat who? The Warbler." Blaine finally went home and suddenly enters my room. "Can my two brothers knock the door before enter my room?" I yelled. "Ups I'm sorry but what should I? You're my twin sister." Blaine said to me. "What if I was naked? Or have my privacy thing?" I raised my eyebrows. "Like you have a privacy." Blaine rolled his eyes. "Blainey bear...." I groaned. "Dont call me like that! My boyfriend is downstairs." Blaine said to me. "I will tell him that your nickname is Blainey bear." I grinned. "I will tell Sebastian that you want to break up." Blaine simply said and walked off to his room. I rolled my eyes. I turned off the TV and walked downstairs bring my snacks in my hand. Really curious with Blaine's boyfriend. "Bianca?" A really white guy with cool outfit smiled at me. "Yes, just call me B. Oh you're Blaine's gay lover right? Kurt Hummel, right?" I chuckled. "Yeah I'm Kurt Hummel. Nice to meet you, B." He smiled at me. "Nice to meet you too." I smiled back at him and walked to the kitchen. "Who's that guy?" Cooper whisper at me. "Your little brother's lover." I said as I take another potato chips from the refrigerator. "Enough. It's not health." Cooper take my potato chips away and walked off. "Cooper!!! Go back to LA and stop disturb me!" I yelled at him. "Yes, you better go back to LA than disturb us." Blaine nodded as agree. "B, I wont have a talk with dad about what you've told me." Cooper smirked at me. "No, please you should tell him. He will listen you not me nor Blaine." I begged. "Good, now stop eating this chips." Cooper simply said and walked to his room. "If I didnt need you or you were not my big brother, I already kill you!" I groaned. "What the things you told him and you didnt tell me?" Blaine raised his eyebrows. "Secret." I giggled. "It must be about Sebastian." Blaine rolled his eyes. "You dated Sebastian Smythe?" Kurt frowned. "Yep. I know him when Blaine brough him here." I sit down on the sofa with Blaine and Kurt. "You still homeschooling?" Kurt asked me. "Yep." I simply nodded. "But why? Why dont you attend McKinley like Blaine? Join our glee club. Blaine told me that you can play piano and sing. You also love Ballet and can dance. You will meet my step-brother and the others." Kurt smiled at me. "That's what I'm talking about, Kurt. Our parents doesnt let her." Blaine said to Kurt. "Yeah it sucks. Am I look like a victim who will get bully?" I frowned. "No, you seems perfect, girl. They have no reason to bully you." Kurt said to me. "Thats what myself said." I nodded as agree. "If your parents doesnt let you enter public school, at least you can come to McKinley and meet us." Kurt said. "She'd rather to spending the day watching movie than go outside, Kurt." Blaine rolled his eyes. "You should hang out with me, Rachel and Mercedes sometimes." Kurt smiled at me. "Sure." I smiled back at him. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "How was your new movie, Coop?" Dad asked Cooper. "It will premiere on the New Year." Cooper said as he eats his food. "I heard from Bianca, your boyfriend was here, Blaine." Mom said to Blaine. "Yeah, it was first time I brough Kurt here. We just watched a movie in the living room and then I drive him home. It's a strange when you can have a dinner in home on weekdays, dad." Blaine said to dad. "No much works in hospital so I can go back home early besides Cooper told me that you have something to talk. What is that?" Dad asked Cooper. My dad is a doctor in a hospital in Ohio and my mom is a lecturer in Ohio State University. There is only me and Blaine who is still in high school and got no job. "About Bianca. Why dont you let her to enter public school like Blaine did? She is in high school age now and she need to built a friendship not stay in home like everyday. I'm more concerned when you guys left her alone here." Cooper said to dad. "Remember about what happened to Blaine a year ago?" Dad raised his eyebrows. "Dad, McKinley is safe. It's been a month I entered McKinley and I got no bully. Anyway, they have no reason to bully Bianca. Just let her." Blaine frowned. "Besides the one who got that bullied was Blaine, not her." Cooper added. I just keep my head down and listen how my dad, Cooper, and Blaine talk each other about me. Yeah, Cooper was right, sometimes when I'm alone in my home, I'm kinda afraid and lonely. "But what about the former bulliers still exist?" Dad asked. "Dad, they wont hit Bianca but they might be already hit me. Stop being so freaking out like you will lose your daughter." Blaine sighed. "She is my only one daughter, Blaine. I cant deny that." Dad said. "Honey, what Blaine and Cooper said is right. We should let Bianca enter public school with Blaine. They can protect each other." Mom said to dad. Dad let out a sigh. "Alright, you can enter McKinley with Blaine." "Thats my dad!" Blaine said happily. "Seriously?" I raised my eyebrows. "Yes, sweety. You can enter McKinley at the first day of week." Dad smiled at me. "Thanks dad." I smiled back at him. "I have to call Bas and tell him about this!" I said excitedly and walked out from the dining room. "Hope that Sebastian wont think that you'll enter Dalton." Blaine simply said. "B, finish your dinner first!" Mom yelled. "I'm not hungry, mom." I yelled back amd walked upstairs to get into my room. I entered my room and grab my phone from my bed. I dial some number until a voice come out. "Hey my baby B." Sebastian said. "Bas, guess what!" I said excitedly. "What, baby?" "I will enter public school next week!" I said happily. "Wow finally, your parents understand that. Well, what school will you enter? Dont say that McKinley." Sebastian said. "Yeah, McKinley. They only let me be in the same school with Blaine. You have to know that Cooper and Blaine was the two who persuaded my father." "But I'm afraid that you will find a new guy who's better than me." Sebastian said. "Of course not, Bas. Why dont you follow me to enter public school?" "I cant stand in a public school, baby. By the way, when I'm here you dont need to worry because all of Dalton's student are all guys." "Yeah except you're a gay like Blaine." I simply said. "If I was gay, we were not dating." "Bas, you sounds like a homophobic." I rolled my eyes. "Now, you're the one who sounds like that." "Of course not." I protest. "Wanna watch movie this Saturday? I can go out from Dalton on weekend. It's been a long time we didnt have a date." Sebastian said. "Sure! I'm bored here especially when Cooper back to home, he cant stop disturb me and Blaine." "Good. Well, I have to go. I'll call you later." Sebastian said. "Alright, see you, Bas." "See you, my baby B." Sebastian hung up the phone. I cant wait till Monday. I cant wait to start a new friendship and have a lot of friends and join any club that I want. Finally. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Another Day in McKinley "Bianca will enter McKinley on Monday!" Blaine said excitedly. "Who's Bianca? Your gay girlfriend?" Santana frowned. "Ugh she is my twin sister." Blaine rolled his eyes. "I didnt know you have twin sister, Blaine." Finn frowned. "Yeah before I went to Dalton, we entered public school together but since my bullied accident, our parents transferred me to Dalton and let Bianca have homeschooling." Blaine explained. "Dont tell me that she is also gay." Santana rolled her eyes. "No, she is straight like Cooper. She has a boyfriend." Blaine shake his head. "Sam also will back to McKinley on Monday. His parents finally let him go back here." Rachel suddenly said. "Let me and Kurt pick him up from Kentucky! I miss Sam, so much things that I need to tell him." Blaine said excitedly. "Sure!" Kurt smiled at Blaine. "Anyone wanna have a party tomorrow? Since tomorrow is Saturday." Tina asked. "What about at Blaine Warbler's place?" Rachel asked. "No, Cooper is in home. He can disturb us and steal our chips. He got off after finished his new movie." Blaine said to the others. "Blaine Warbler, you have a handsome and famous brother. How lucky you are." Santana said. "You guys have to meet Bianca. She is so beautiful." Kurt said to the others. "You know her?" Finn frowned. "I went to Blaine's house yesterday and met her." Kurt said. "I cant wait until she enter this school so we can go to school and go home together." Blaine said excitedly. The bells rings. "Glee club timeeeee!" Rachel said excitedly. The other just rolled their eyes and walked off from the cafetaria to the choir room for the glee club.
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