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MADI'S POV I got a call at work saying we had a problem at the farm. So naturally I jumped in my car and drove there as fast as possible. Unfortunately, a cop saw that I was speeding and pulled me over. "Are you aware that you are driving over the speed limit ma'am?" "Yes sir, but you don't understand there's a horse in labor at my farm." "Well in that case I ought to go with you. Make sure you ain't lying." With that he got in his car and we drove to my barn. When I got there it was a mess it was clear my farm hands had no idea what to do in this situation. I, on the other hand, did this for a living. You see as a little girl it was my dream to grow up own my own farm and become a veterinarian. People would always discourage me saying that it was a man's job and that I should stick to taking care of the house and become a good wife and mother instead. Not that that was a bad thing it's just I always hated being degraded so I sought out to prove them all wrong. Not only did I do it, but I did it alone. At one point I had a boyfriend. He always tried to help out, but I was taught by my mother that a strong women cannot be strong only because she relies on a man. He was my first boyfriend actually also my first love though probably the last after Joey left me I was upset as one should be with the man they loved not caring anymore, but I got up and over it and continued on with my life. Promising myself to never let a man make me feel that way again. I had wanted to marry him, have kids with him, and spend the rest of my life with him, but sometime things just don't work out as you would like them to. In order to make this delivery go as smoothly as possible I immediately set to work. "Jason you go get towels and the come back and be ready to start wiping the foal off. Amy you comfort the mare while Alex and I assist in pushing out the baby. Alright we need to get to work right now because from the looks of it the foal is coming out butt first so its a lot more dangerous if it takes longer." with that we all set to work to deliver a healthy new foal for my farm. Once the horse was delivered I turned around and to my worst nightmare. There stood the very man that broke my heart all those years ago. What I may have forgotten to mention here was that this very land that I bought was in fact the very same land we planned to buy and recreate as a couple, but I couldn't just wait around for him so if he was going to follow his dreams instead of worrying about us then so was I. ... JOEY'S POV As I drove through my home town I couldn't help but realize how much had changed. The high school I went to looked almost brand new. There were a bunch of new developments that hadn't been there the last time I was home. It was around Christmas time and everything was decorated and lit up. There was a new veterinary office that really struck my attention. Giving me a reminder of the reason I came back. I came back for her the one person I should have never have let go, but before I could chase after my woman I had to visit my family. It had been so long since I had seen them. My older brother actually had two children while I was gone. That was a surprise because Harry always said when we were younger that he would never settle down, but Amanda came along and whipped him right into shape. I always found it funny how he could act like a two-year-old while she was gone, but as soon as she came into the room he would be acting like a lovesick gentleman. I chucked a little at the thought of how whipped my brother was. Not that I could really say anything because I was the same with my girlfriend who wouldn't be when they had a woman as amazing as her. I say girlfriend because technically we never broke up we just stopped talking. That was actually to my advantage because Madi probably hasn't thought about that I was always more on the technical side where she was on the facts side which is another thing that works against me. Thankfully I know that woman better than anyone else and if anyone can get her back it going to be me. Before I went home though I decided to go see if that land Madi and I wanted to buy and fix up was still available. If it was I wanted to buy it and give it to her as a way to make her lean a little more to forgiving me. I knew before I even came back for her that she wouldn't come back to me easily. She always was a fiesty one. Insisted she was independent and she was right she didn't need anyone, but I plan to be there when she decides she does. Once I got there there wasn't a "for sale" sign there anymore. So I decided to go in and find out who bought the land and make them an offer to buy it back. Pulling in I realized that the person living here was an amazing landscaper everything was set up beautifully. After driving around for a minute I came to what looked like a horse barn with a black 2000 dodge charger parked out front. I knew what it was because that is the exact model Madi always dreamed of having. Oddly there was also a police car parked there. I parked my truck and got out to go see what was going on. When I walked in I saw two of the most beautiful things I had ever seen. Number one was a foal being born. Number two was the exact reason I came back my one true love. The one and only Madison Jane Anderson . . .

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