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"You-what?" Heart accelerating, I lean back and search for something that'll assure me he's joking. Do I find any? No. Because he isn't joking. Is this good? Of course not. "I said I've transferred in your class." "Oh god." I end up exhaling while scratching the side of my head, moving my gaze to land on the ground. Lucas stands there grinning like an i***t, riding back and forth on his toes with his hands swallowed by his pockets. Great. The one thing I've been trying to avoid and Lucas just had to ruin it for me. Everything was sailing smoothly until he decided to cut it short. I bite my nails, before looking at the time on my watch. Given that there isn't much time before the teacher shows up, I step inside the classroom and ignore him when he calls out my name. Please don't call me. That's the last thing I need right now. Thankfully, he catches on and stays quiet the remainder of the day. Even when lunch time arrives, he sticks to our secret deal and pretends that I dont exists. I should've known better than to think he'd stick to his side of the bargain. Lucas was always this stubborn. Even as a child. Hours goes by and I thought I could finally breath again but my mind takes a sharp turn when it was time to go home. Just as I wave my best friend goodbye, someone pops up right behind me, scaring me in the process. I swear to god my soul left my body for a whole second there. I clutch the fabric of my uniform, right where my heart sits as I whip my head around. Of course, I see Lucas in all of his glory, grinning in amusement. "How many times do I have to tell you not to scare me like that." "How many times do I have to tell you I don't listen." I give him a hard stare. We're still at school's reach and getting seen talking to him is the last thing I want. I have to get going. Sighing, I walk past him. That doesn't stop him from following me though. He catches up and starts walking side by side with me. "So... How are you?" Our height difference is uncanny. I find it rather unfair. I used to be the tall when we were kids but when we finally turned eleven, he hit his growth spurt and left me as is. To this day, I hold an irrational grudge for that. "You're so random." I snicker under my breath, nudging him to take a few step back away from me. He's hovering my personal space. Lucas flutters out a chuckle as he leans away from my touch, then he's back, throwing an arm over my shoulders. For the love of everything nice. I hiss at him. "Hand off." "No can do. Has anyone told you you're the perfect size for a crutch? You're just so tiny." The way he speaks is as if he's talking to a baby. Offended. "Has anyone told you you're too tall for you're own good?" One of the attributes that makes Lucas the eye candy at school is the fact that he's one of the tallest boys amongst his peers. But what's funny is that he doesn't play basketball. Then again, you don't have to be a basketball player in order to achieve this level of height. Some are just naturally blessed with the tall Genes. Sadly I'm not one of those who were blessed. "I swear you've become too feisty. Where did my sweet little best friend go?" He teases while wiggling his eyebrows. I try my bestest not to roll my eyes right now. We're already twenty steps away from the school's building- away from any student's sight. "She's still here." I grumble like my mouth's full of rice, making Lucas tighten his arm around me to give me a side hug. "Of course she is. My sweet little crutch." That does it. I shake his arm off me and quickly aim for his arm. Lucas groans when I take his skin between my fingers, twisting it in an angle that's painful. "Okay! Okay- ow! I'll stop! I'll stop!" Satisfied with the tone of surrender, I let go of him. Lucas recovers while rubbing the sore area of his arm. With a pouty mouth, he goes. "You can't blame me If I miss playing with you." "You call that playing?" I scoff. "I call that bullying." "I'm the one hurt right now though. Between the two of us, who's the real bully?" God dang it. "Okay fine. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to do that." The pitiful face that once contorted Lucas features slowly deforms to a mischievous one. The side of his lips lift into a satisfied smirk. "It's fine. You can beat me up all you want too and I'll still say thank you." "You sure have an answer to everything don't ya?" "That's just how conversation works, sweetheart. Unless you're not educated enough to know that." "You're enjoying this way too much." I tell him with a defeated sigh. Lucas moves his fingers away from where I had pinched it and wraps them around the little strap sitting on top of my backpack. "By the way. I've got some news I've been dying to tell you." He starts off. I look at him when he pulls, indicating that I slide my arm to the side. "What about?" I intone. Silence reigns for a whole twenty seconds as he takes my bag from me, swinging it over his shoulder instead. I'm not sure why the atmosphere's suddenly turned gloomy. The unreadable expression he has on could mean a lot of things. Unfortunately, even if I've known Lucas for a very long time, there are times when it feels like I don't even know him at all. I wait for him to say something. But just as he opens his mouth to speak, someone else beats him to it. "Lucas!"
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