Chapter 7: A Strange Visitor to the Library

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Brooke opened the library as usual and of course, patrons were waiting. She smiled as she unlocked the door to the area at one end of a row of municipal services. The Senior Center resided next door, and the group of services offered by the small township just outside of the city shared a large parking lot. She had put her car around the corner to make sure anyone coming to the library would have ample places to park. “Good morning, everyone. If you'll give me five minutes, I'll get the lights on, and then you can come in." Everyone nodded, and then Brooke did her tasks then threw open the door for the waiting crowd. She had hoped to have a few moments to sip her tea, but she guessed today was going to be a busy day. Often, she was by herself in the small library for a few hours. Not today. The people streamed in, and Brooke took her place behind the desk. She looked around because she had the sense that someone was watching her. A mother was reading a board book to her young child. An older man perused the large print books set right before the checkout desk. Two twenty-somethings huddled together by one of the library computers. An old woman put a stack of books on the return counter. “Thank you." Brooke couldn't shake the sense that something wasn't right. She glanced around again, but no one needed her at the moment. She took a walk around the small space because there were places to hide. She didn't see anything suspicious. She returned to the desk wondering if she was just paranoid since Josh's death. The police hadn't indicated she was in any danger, but could she be? She shook off those thoughts of doom and gloom. With that feeling still in her bones, she strode to the windows and looked outside. Nothing looked out of the ordinary. She didn't see anyone lurking in the parking lot. “I must be nuts." When she returned to the desk, the woman who had dropped off books had a stack to be checked out. “Looks like you've got the next few weeks planned," Brooke said. “That's only a few days. I'll be back." “You must read quickly." “I do. And sometimes I don't finish the book if I don't like it. Life is short." Life is short. Brooke knew that well. One didn't know what life had in store for her. Would she ever get her books published? She would plunk along until she did. A man walked into the library as the woman tucked her books into a tote bag. The woman stopped to look at him. Penn did have a commanding presence, and most of the people in the library at the very least stopped to look at him. He waited while the woman finished packing her totes, then he followed her back to the door and held it for her. “Thank you, young man." “You're welcome." A little bit of Brooke's heart melted. That was beyond sweet. He must be good to his mother, too. How could he be a bad guy? Not that it mattered. He was just her neighbor. Which made her suspicious as this wasn't the closest library to where they lived. Why would he be here? Penn turned back and strode to where Brooke stood. She hoped she wasn't gaping at him, but his demographic wasn't often found in a library on a weekday. “Hi." “Hi, Brooke." “Are you looking for something specific?" “Just checking out the area." She debated mentioning that there was a library closer to where they lived, but this was none of her business. As much as Penn intrigued her, his presence here raised too many questions in her mind. Could he be Josh's killer? Why would that person move in next to her? She was just being paranoid again. “There is a library closer," she said finally when he didn't elaborate. “I know, but I like to get out of the city sometimes." That made sense. “I prefer to work at this library, so I understand. Are you a reader?" Something flicked across his face. “Not really, but I like magazines. I don't have a long attention span for reading." Then why come into a library? His presence created many questions in her mind. “I can give you a tour." “I don't want to keep you from your work. I do need to use a computer." He glanced around as if he were assessing the space. He seemed to have an analytical mind. She hadn't been able to discern in her short conversation yesterday what he did for a living. She didn't trust this man at this point, but that may be because of living in a city for a long time. She had good instincts, but she couldn't get a read on this man. That made her uncomfortable. She was usually good at this. “Do you have a library card?" “No, do I need one?" “No. I can give you a guest pass," Brooke said. She clicked some keys on her keyboard then a receipt printed out on a machine next to it. She handed him the paper. “You can use this login and password to get on the computer." He chose one facing her, and she was a little unnerved by that. He wasn't staring at her, but a few times when she looked his way, he did look guilty. Was he shy and wanted to ask her out? She wouldn't agree. There was something odd about him, and not in a cute or quirky way. There was much more to Penn Wharton than he let on. Should she bother finding out? Was he staying in that apartment long? Given the quality of his furniture, this seemed like a stop along the way. Someone else checked out some books and Brooke's attention was drawn away from Penn. When she looked back up, he was still at the computer, but this time he looked out the window. She couldn't figure out what had caught his attention. She studied the parking lot but didn't see anything. Penn rose, waved, and then left the building. Brooke remained confused for the rest of the afternoon. Her encounter with him left her with one surety. Penn was not dating material. Maybe she'd have to go on a dating site as Paige suggested.
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