Chapter Six

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Making Plans 2023hours February 20 FCT, Gongola. The large conference room was gradually filling up with heads of service and directors of security outfits in the country. It was one of the conference rooms at the GIA headquarters. The heads of military and intelligence service and the directors of all security agencies and outfits in the country, were summoned to a very urgent meeting by the Defense Minister. The Chief of Army, Naval and Air Staff along with their various military intelligence heads, all dressed in their crisply ironed uniforms, sat at one end of the large table. They were joined by the Inspector General of Police and his contingent of AIGs and DIGs. The Directors of the State Security Service GDSS and Gongolan Intelligence Agency GIA sat with their subordinates at the centre of the long table. The National Security Organization of Gongola NSO Director was busy with his phone, while listening to one of his lieutenants. They were all in deep conversation, they didn't notice the arrival of the Minister. "Good evening gentlemen and ladies," he spoke up drawing their attention to himself, as he stood at the head of the table. "Please turn your attention this way let's get started." He was a retired Army General, who had risen to the rank of Lieutenant General, and was a former Chief of Army Staff COAS, before he retired from the military. The President had appointed him to oversee the country's Defense, based on his exploits while in service. "The Director of GIA," he continued still standing. "Brought a very disturbing information to my attention and that’s why you’re here. It seems like the coup plotters, have decided to hire a contract killer to carry out another attack against the President." He paused and stared at the faces looking back at him. "I believe we have all heard about the assassin who goes by the name Isipoki." There was a deafening silence in the room. Then the room exploded into voices, as everybody seemed to be talking excitedly at the same time. The Minister let them talk for a moment, then he raised his voice and they quietened down. He had felt the same way when he heard the mention of that name. It was a name nobody wanted to hear. "What do we know about him?" he asked the GIA director. "Almost nothing sir," the spy chief replied. "We have a list of all his recorded hits. There might be others we don't know about. But we'll get them. I've contacted the security chiefs in the countries he has operated in before, and they are sending over what they have, which is still nothing from what they told me when we spoke. They're sending case files let's take a second look through them and understand what we are dealing with." "I believe the IG can also provide us with some information in that regard," the Minister said. "Isipoki have operated in Gongola before. I called this meeting, so that we can come up with a plan to stop this assassin from killing Mr. President. I know he has a reputation of never failing; at least that's the word about him. But this is one job he must fail." With that, he sat down and let the service and intelligence chiefs throw in their voices. The meeting lasted for two hours. They went through every information available to them at the moment on Isipoki, as well as deliberated on strategies to approach the situation with. "So it's agreed," the Minister finally said. "We'll form a special taskforce for this matter. The police will be giving us two of their best, and will every other agency here will do the same, to help foster inter-agency co-operation. With our best minds working together on this, I’m quite confident of success. We cannot afford to fail my dear gentlemen and ladies. I don’t have to tell you all how important this matter is, and why this Isipoki must fail, while we round up those behind this plot. I am heading to the Villa now to brief Mr. President." He got to his feet. Everybody got up. He nodded and left the room. The service and security agency heads were almost immediately making calls as they started leaving the room one after the other. The GIA Director opened one of the two folders laying in front of him. The picture of an Army captain stared back at him. Chinedu Chike was one of his best operatives. The son of a retired Army general and Military Police Chief, Chinedu picked a lot of investigative skills from his father. He would do well in this new taskforce. The GIA Director opened the next file. Musa Babalolo was from the police. A very sound investigator, who had undergone numerous trainings within and outside the country. The GIA was made up of operatives drawn from various services and agencies in the country. The two men whose files were before him, were two of the best they GIA had gotten in a long time. "Tell Chinedu and Musa to see me immediately in my office," the Director told his aide standing behind him. He picked up the files and left the conference room. He knew he would not be getting a good night sleep for some time to come. 2347hours February 20 Presidential Villa FCT, Gongola The President was about to eat a very late dinner. He had been holding talks with foreign delegates all evening, and was just afforded a few hours to rest. The Defense Minister was ushered into the room, and The President urged the Minister to join him for dinner. "Your Excellency," the Minister said as he sat down in one of the vacant chairs, and washed his hands. "The situation is very critical sir." "It is always critical Bayo," the President said. "But enough talking. Let's eat first. We can then talk afterwards." They had their dinner in silence. When they were done, the President led the way to his personal study. He sat on his chair and offered one of the empty chairs to the Minister. "What's the matter this time Bayo?" "The coup plotters have hired the services of an assassin," the Minister reported. "And not just any assassin, they hired the very best in Africa, Isipoki." "It's indeed critical," the President mused. "But I'm confident you're on the matter." "Yes of course Your Excellency," the Minister said. "But I must recommend that we reduce public outings to the barest minimum for now. If possible, let's cancel all public outings until we can find him and neutralize him." The President stood up. He went to the window and stood there looking out. The glass was heavily fortified, it would take a round from a tank to destroy it. A sniper's bullet couldn't get to him here. "Gongolans didn't elect a coward my dear friend Bayo," the President said. "They didn't elect me to hide from danger. I will give you one month to resolve the matter, afterwards, I'll resume my usual itinerary. Find him Bayo. But he can never make me run scared." "I promise you sir," the Minister said firmly. "I will find him." As he left the Presidential Villa, the Minister wondered if that was a promise he would not be able to fulfil.
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