Chapter 1 Business

1161 Words
My name was John. I was a PR man. Or in common words, I was a gigolo. I believed that every gigolo had his own history of blood and tears and I was going to tell you mine. I was a junior in a very famous university and had a promising future with the fame of the school and my excellent grades. It was piece of cake to find myself a well-paid job after graduation. However, things went to the opposite of what I was planned. My mom was diagnosed with stomach cancer until recently. It was a bolt from the blue. I was from a single-parent family and grew up with only my mom. Somehow I thought I shared indivisible responsibility for her being sick and promised to cure her at any cost. Because after all she was my only family in the world. In spite of my willingness, it had cost me a fortune that the initial treatment alone was tens of thousands of dollars, not mention the chemo following. I could not afford the hundred thousand. I was only a poor student, let alone the hundreds of thousands, I did not even have a few thousand dollars. When I was pacing myself and complaining, Howard showed up with a hand. Like me, he was also from a poor family. But somehow he changed to a completed person ever since the second semester of sophomore year with all famous brand clothes all over him. I saw the same jacket in the magazine, the price equaled my living expenses for months. He must win a lottery or a kind of gambling game. To be very frank, we barely knew each other. I could never think he would come to me, or better, he helped me out. He asked me to meet him in the grove of campus today after school, where there was usually nobody in the day time. I had no idea why we should meet there because he did not need to bother if he just lend me money. Although I was completely clueless, I could not miss the opportunity to save my mom. As soon as we met, Howard walked around me and scanned me up and down without saying any word, touching me with his both hands. I felt extremely uncomfortable but I did not complain as I wanted something from him. To my surprise, my silence made him acting worse, he reaching out a hand to my d**k. “F*ck you!” I felt his hand down there. Without even a second think, I kicked him. I did not get so low for letting a guy touching my body in exchange for money. Howard fell down on the floor but he was happy instead of angry, looked like he has found a rare treasure which made me very sick as I had to kick him again. “Stop it.” He seemed reading my mind and dodged by rolling back, it was so close. He patted his chest and asked me angrily, “do you want the damn money or not?” I was doomed. The money was gone with wind, even I felt good. “Yes, I want the money, please. You can hit me if you like. But please help me with the money.” I closed my eyes, like I was going to the guillotine. With a short silence, Howard asked, “what if I asked you to be a salve?” Slave? I looked at him with confusion. But his face showed me only serious, no joke. What did he want, did he want me to be his servant? My instinct was telling me that it would be much more complicated. But nothing could be more important than my mom’s life. “I’d like to be a slave. In fact, I can do anything as long as you name it.” ... But Howard never replied to me since that day. I had no hope, facing the due date for payment in hospital getting closer. To my surprise, I received a text from Howard asking me to meet him again in Resplendent. Resplendent was the largest Night Club in the city. I had heard that it took you about one thousand for just sitting for a while; and if your family was not rich enough, you could not afford a drink there. That was the reason it was called ‘Underground Money Sucker’. The regular guests here were either a millionaire himself or married to a millionaire. A poor student like me was too afraid to walk near the club not mention going in. Neither I knew why he asked me to meet there nor I wanted to go in there. But I gave up my resistance on the medical expenses for my mom. I had put on my best outfit but I was still shamed on seeing the other glamorous guests walking in and out. I even felt the waiter at the door looked at me with contempt. I lowered my head and walked in very fast, like I was fleeing something. The club was so spacious with luxury decoration and it took me a while until I found the room Howard said in the text. I took a deep breath before I pushed the door and walked in, telling myself not to act impetuously this time. “Howa-” I was stunned to see a dozen of fresh-faced young men siting on the couch before I finished saying Howard’s name. “Who are you looking for, handsome?” a man sat on the side was the first one to react. Clearly, they were stunned as I was because they did not expected a stranger came in. I checked again the number on door, and answered after a few seconds of hesitation, “ I am looking for Howard.” “Who is Howard?” “Ah, Mike.” ... They started to talking with each other. The door was opened again, it was Howard this time. I did not say anything before he took me out of the room and asked me, “I have arranged a business for you. You can have your money by doing this.” Business? I grabbed his arm this time, “aren’t you going to lend me money?” “Who said so?” Howard looked at me like looking at an i***t, “There is no such thing as a free lunch, OK? I had made my words very clear.” He pushed the door to a private room and walked in before I had figured out anything. “Mike, what have you just given to me. I felt so turned on, I was like a volcano.” That was a room bigger than the one I walked in. Even though there was only one woman, to be accurate, a young women with half of her close on, wriggling constantly on the couch.
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