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The moon was high in the sky when Bella left the library. She had worked there as a librian's assistant for three years now. Which basically meant she put away books. Along with cleaning up around the library. It was a perfect night for a run she thought. So she asked her wolf, Xavia(Zah-vee-ah), 'How about we go for a run? It's only a quarter moon tonight.' Unfortunately, they couldn't shift when the moon was full. It was a complication of their "condition" as her mother had put it. Xavia finally responded saying 'Hell yes, I want a run. I've been couped up way too long.' In all fairness it had been almost a month since their last shift. Bella hated that she couldn't let them run more often but it was too dangerous. If anyone was to see them clearly it would be a death sentence. They had already been sentenced to death by their pack. The day they first shifted the Alpha ordered them killed. The Shadow Mountain pack was terrified of them. If it hadn't been for her mother she would have died. Bella's mother, Hope, helped her escape dying in the process. They had meant to attack Bella. Her mother stepped in front of her at the last minute, though. Bella would never forgive herself for getting her mom killed. Luckily for them it had been a moonless night. Otherwise, someone may have seen Xavia's blood red hair and glimmering blue eyes. It's hard to miss an eight foot tall wolf. Bolting like a bullet through the forest. The bloodwolf was supposedly a myth. A story used to scare children. No one actually believed they existed. Even after The Shadow Mountain pack reported them to the surrounding packs. They all simply believed Alpha Daniels had lost his mind or was messing with them. Which worked out great for Bella and Xavia because no one was actually looking for them. They reached the center of the woods. Bella began removing her clothes after making sure no one was around. Folding them neatly she set them near a tree. Then got down on her hands and knees. As her bones realigned she could feel Xavia's blood red hair growing. It was a complete contrast to her short chocolate brown hair with silver tips. Her friend Tonya had, jokingly, said Bella could be in a boy band. Her hair was long on top but cut short all the way around her head. The top fell just above her gray eyes to one side. As soon as Xavia had taken over she took off like a shot. Her nose tracking every possible scent. While bolting passed trees, over roots and logs. Xavia loved running it was a freedom she seldom had. They spent the majority of the night in the woods. Bella slept in the back of their mind as Xavia enjoyed her temporary freedom. Around Four a.m. Bella woke up telling Xavia 'Sorry Xav but we need to get back before the sun comes up.' Xavia huffed but headed back to the tree where Bella had left her clothes. They quickly shifted back before getting dressed. By nine a.m. Bella was back at the library. This was going to be a long day. Saturdays always were. There would be children everywhere, between story time and trying to find the best book ever written. The staff would be going all day. It wasn't that Bella didn't like children. She actually loved them. The problem was that she would probably never be able to have any. Even if she was so blessed they would probably fear her or be feared by others. It was a no win situation, for now all she could do is enjoy what she had. While hoping for what she wanted. Such was life she guessed. Bella was continually putting books back on the shelves. While picking scrap paper and lost items up. At around two o'clock they asked her to fill in for the three o'clock storytime. She could read so that shouldn't be a problem. Apparently the woman who usually did it was sick. Just after two fifteen she was finally able to take a break. She needed to use the bathroom and check in with Xavia. She had been bouncing around earlier but wouldn't say why. So Bella had blocked her out. Once she entered the bathroom she unblocked their link asking 'What's going on Xav? You usually aren't this active after a run.' Xavia was still jumping around and yipping inside their mind. She finally answered Bella saying 'Samson is close I feel him. I want to see him. We have to go NOW. I want my Man.' She grinned at Xavia's antics because she had been talking about Samson since they were fourteen. That was when they first shifted. When the Alpha had ordered them killed Xavia had said they needed to find Samson. That he would protect them. Bella of course wanted to know who Samson was. So, Xavia told her he was their mate. That he would forever be their's. They had spent a lot of time talking about Xavia's previous lives. Xavia told Bella about her time in Rome and Egypt saying that no matter what Samson was always there. Before stepping out of the bathroom Bella told her 'I am sorry Xav but we are at work. Maybe we can go to him after, okay. I just don't want you to get your hopes up. His human side may not want us. We might get rejected.' Bella highly doubted that any man would want the Bloodwolf for a mate. Xavia growled loudly in their mind telling her 'Samson would never let that happen. He loves us too much.' Bella sighed blocking the link. She was prepared for the rejection. It seemed Xavia wouldn't be, though, she just hoped Xavia wouldn't lose it when it happened. Bella left the bathroom going back to work. Storytime came and went the children seemed happy. At six o'clock they closed down the library. Heading straight for home. In spite of the fact that Xavia wanted to go for a run. She knew that Xavia wanted to find their mate but they couldn't afford the risk of him seeing them in wolf form. Even though there were no packs around. Which was odd considering the densely wooded area. Xavia reminded Bella 'What are we eating for dinner, huh?' adding 'You didn't buy the groceries this week.' Bella cursed her self. As she pulled a U-turn so she could stop at the grocery store. What Bella didn't know was that because Xavia had an eternal mate. They could communicate with each other. Once they were in the same area that is. She had already reached out to Samson. She knew he was at the restaurant nextdoor to the grocery store. So, even though Bella was afraid of rejection. Xavia was going to prove she had nothing to worry about. Bella pulled into a parking spot outside of the grocery store. Before she shut the car off Xavia linked Samson 'We are outside the grocery store now. Bring your sexy ass out here.' Samson purred at her before responding 'On my way love. Can't wait to see you gorgeous.'
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