Chapter 7

1576 Words
Elena   I’m peddling fast down the street. Dad couldn’t join me on my bike-ride today because he had to wash the car. Mom couldn’t either because she’s busy making dinner, but I can ride my bike up and down the street in front of our house by myself. The warm August wind blows through my hair as the hot sun beats down. I peddle faster, my knees ache, but it will all be worth it. I’ve been practicing. Getting closer to our driveway, I yell out to my dad, “Look, Daddy! No hands.” I peddle on by and focus on not failing miserably while being watched with my hands up in the air. “Wow!” he exclaims back. In the neighbor’s driveway, I turn around to head back to our house. “Did you see?” I ask as I peddle up to him. Dad comes over to scoop me in his arms. “I did, kiddo. That was awesome! Seems like just the other day I was taking those training wheels off,” he chuckles as he gives me a hug. I giggle, “Daddy, that was a long time ago.” He sighs, “I know. You’re just growing up so fast. I can’t keep up.” Dad gives me a kiss on the cheek then sets me down. “I’m only five,” I say shrugging my shoulders. He rustles my hair and just smiles. I follow him as he walks back to the car in the driveway. It’s so warm out that the large puddle on the cement from the hose is nearly dry. “Daddy, can I marry you?” I can’t imagine being with anyone else. My dad is my rock, I’d be more than happy to live forever with my dad and mom. He barks out a laugh then squats down by the door of his car and proceeds waxing the finish. Not sure why he does this, it’s already so shiny. “Kiddo, you can’t marry me.” “Why not?” “I’m your father. I’m already married to your mom,” he explains. “Oh…well, I want to marry someone like you then,” I tell him as I watch him dip his rag in the wax tin before applying more to the side of his car. Dad chuckles and it’s the first time I see the wrinkles by his eyes. “Just be careful. If he looks, talks, or acts anything like me – run for the hills,” he laughs lightly. “Why?” I pick at the leftover red fingernail polish on my pinky. He sighs and rests his arm on his thigh, then turns to look at me. It looks like he’s going to say something, but then closes his mouth into a straight line as if to redirect his thought. “I’ll explain when you’re older.” “Well, whoever I marry, you and mom can live with us,” I say proudly, not letting Dad out of this one. He barks out another deep laugh. “I’m not sure that would be a good idea.” “But I don’t want you to go anywhere.” “Kiddo, I’m going to be around for a long time.” He leans over to plant a kiss on my forehead. “I’m not planning on going anywhere.” “Elena, Elijah – time for dinner,” my mother yells out the front door under the covered porch. The smell of something cheesy wafts out the door and I’m excited – I think it might be her homemade mac n’ cheese! Dad swats at my arm with a rag. “I’ll race ya,” he says. Without hesitation, I push my little legs as fast as I can go. Right as I’m about to beat him inside, he grabs me around the waist to haul me up and tucks me into his side like a football. “Dad!” I exclaim as I know I would have won -it’s not fair. He and my mother laugh as he sets me down. Looking up at him as he kisses my mom on the cheek after swiping her short blond hair away from her face, I watch as her blue eyes close. She leans into his touch – I see the love between them. It’s all I want to have. I want to have a love like that. Bang. Bang. Bang. Gunfire. A tribute for the fallen first responders at the funeral jolts me from my memory. I hug the folded American flag close against my body as I dart around to make sure no one saw me jump. Someone did. Why is he here? His job is over. Standing diagonally across from me, on the other side of the casket is Michael. He’s in the middle with Paul at his left, Tick and someone else at his right. The third guy looks to be older; he has a bit of a beer belly on him. I don’t remember seeing him before other than inside the church and when I was at the clubhouse for the first time. Where is everyone else from the club? I faintly remember something about how Jace wanted it, maybe Michael and his buddies got kicked out… or they decided to leave the club. I shouldn’t care. They are all liars. I’m sure they all new what happened. It’s still nice that they came to the funeral, but I don’t want to admit that. Paul. Did he know? Did he let Rachel in on the secret or did he keep her in the dark, too? I wish she were here. Michael’s eyes are intent on mine, he’s not even hiding the fact that he’s watching me. I look away at the glossy, dark brown, wooden casket just to find myself looking back at him – I can’t help it. He’s still looking; he’s somber and focused. I transfer my sights at the ground beneath me. The grass is a bright green, the dirt is a dark red. The grass is just tall enough that the light warm breeze forces it to wave at me. I wonder if Dad knew that he would be buried in his hometown… The tribute continues, I hardly hear the gunshots anymore because all my body can focus on is the fact that Michael is still here, and he does not stop watching me. Borderline creepy is what it is. He lost the right to look at me at all. I can’t stay as they lower the casket. Others are giving me a hug and giving their final condolences as I try to make my way to Carol’s car to wait for her. “Elena,” I hear a familiar low voice. My feet spin me around to see Declan. There are many mixed emotions running through my veins in this moment.  I knew I’d see him again, but I didn’t expect it to be so soon. Does he know what his dad did? He was innocent through it all, he had no idea – or is that what Randall wants me to think? I feel my eyes widen, my pulse picks up, I’m near shaking. “Elena, I am so sorry about your dad.” Declan walks closer, carefully, like he’s sneaking up on a frightened animal hoping that it won’t run away. Maybe I should run. “I had no idea, Elena. I am so very sorry,” he sounds sincere. His expression is worrisome, anxious, and sad. Maybe he’s completely innocent here… he’s a victim of his father, too. “Elena,” he says quietly, as he reaches for my arm. I let him touch me with his warm hand as I look into his deep brown eyes of sorrow and guilt. “You have to believe me.” His voice drops so others around us can’t hear. “I had no idea. Are you going to be okay? Is there anything I can do?” Snapping myself into focus, I slightly jerk away from his hold. “There’s nothing you can do. I can’t trust you, your father –“ I cut myself off. “Just… give me some time,” I whisper to him. “Get away from her, asshole,” a deep growl sounds next to me. I didn’t see him walk up. I put my hand against the newcomer’s chest to push him away a little. “You need to leave me alone, Michael. I don’t want you here.” “Elena, he-“ Michael starts. “No!” I shout just a little too loud to make people around me stare. I lower my voice, “Leave.” He is clearly annoyed with that tick in his jaw and a flare in his nostrils; he backs away but not without giving me the look that says this isn’t over, then turns back to the guys he came here with. With a single nod from him, they all turn around for their bikes and I finally let out my breath I was holding. “I –“ Declan tries again, I put my hand up to stop him. “Not right now, Declan. Please.” I don’t know what to believe or who to believe anymore. If he is an innocent victim here, I can’t be mad at him. If he had no clue, then it’s just that: he had no clue. It wouldn’t be fair to completely shut him out and I’m not sure if I’m in a position to assume otherwise. I gotta say, with everything that has happened to me, he isn’t looking all that good to me right now. However, it all could be coincidence, too… Declan’s dark pool of brown eyes cast down to the ground as he turns around. Defeat weighs heavily on his shoulders as I watch his retreating form. “Elena.” I have never heard my name so much in one day. I turn around and I can’t believe my eyes. “Rachel!” I breathe as I launch for her.
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