Chapter 4

2130 Words
"Project!" Emma shouts angrily from in front of our formation. "Put power into your movements, ladies!" Today was not Emma's day. She got into six random fights because apparently they looked at her the wrong way and Theo has left me to fend for myself. "I can barely handle Emma on her good days." He said before making a run for it. I wasn't fairing that well with our temperamental friend. She screamed bloody murder at me for breathing incorrectly during warm ups. "I want to win championships this year. Don't you?!" She continued stomping around the gym scaring everyone that was in it. Emma's shout was so loud that the volleyball team near us got distracted and someone accidentally spiked a ball right into Stacy's head. At least one good thing happened today. We do the routine all over again. Unfortunately for me, I was in front because I was the smallest which also meant I was the closest to her. "Addie! It's called high kick for a damn reason!" "Oy! Tomadora!" Emma's razor sharp eyes zeroed in on one of the wild girls. "Are you still drunk? Or do you just always dance like you're drunk?" Sighing, we all start from the beginning. We repeat the same routine until my legs felt like jello. Emma doesn't even dismiss us and runs out of the gym in anger. "What's gotten her so upset?" One of the wild girls asked laying on her back and breathing heavily. I wish I knew the answer to her question but I didn't. Instead, I gather the girls around and do the usual closing for our training. Mostly, I'm just worried that something might have happened at home for Emma to act like that.  - During my evening jog, Theo called for the first time. "You shouldn't have laughed when the ball hit Stacy's head." He began making my eyes roll. Of course Theo would call to reprimand me about mistreating his best friend. I don't reply because if I do open my sailor like mouth he certainly won't appreciate what comes out of it. "So, Emma just left training?" He asked through the call picking up on my change of attitude. Most likely driving home from training, I could hear him tapping on his stirring wheel distractedly. Breathing heavily, I stop jogging and hold onto my knees. It's a full moon tonight that it casts a mysterious glow through the streets. "Yeah. I texted you about it. She just left." There's a pause. "Maybe it's her grandmother. Should we send something?" "She doesn't want us anywhere near her place-" My eyes widen and I stop mid sentence when I see a car driving inside the notorious Devondale Residence. The same black car that I saw parked outside a few days ago. Ignoring the warning chill I was feeling, I walk to the open black gate and gawk at the car that was parking in an old garage. It's the very first time in my life that I see the actual house without the gate blocking the view. I never thought it could look more intimidating without the gate. With dark bricks and big windows, I half expected Dracula to walk out of the huge double doors. Almost too far to see, a figure gets out of the car. It's a man and he immediately notices my presence by the gate. It's too dark to make out his features but I can tell he's tall and very intimidating. I'm certain he was staring right back at me. With my heart in my throat, I swallow and take a step back. He doesn't make a move. "Addie?" Like a splash of cold water, I jump at Theo's voice. I forgot I was in a call with him. "What's wrong? You went quiet." Unable to look away despite my skin prickling, my voice comes out in a whisper. "I'm fine. Something surprised me." "Are you at that haunted looking house again? Addie, get away from there." The man still hasn't moved. I think he was just as surprised as I was. Not knowing what else to do, I bow my head low and muffle out an apology before running home at full speed. - By the time I get to my front porch, I'm sweating heavily. I turn back to see if the man from the Devondale house followed me but it seems like he didn't. Distracted and a little jittery, I nearly fall on my face when my feet hits a box laid out on the porch. It's a plain white box with a grey bow tied around it. I lean down and pick it up. There's a small piece of paper tucked under the bow with my name written in script. It must be from my mom but then why was it outside the house? Maybe she had someone from the office bring it? Or maybe Theo saying sorry for his time with Stacy? Not thinking much about it, I open our front door and bring the box in. Once safety inside, I go to my room and peer down at the box. It's like one of those boxes that have dresses inside. Excited now, I pull on the bow and take a peek. I let out an uncharacteristic squeal. It's a beautiful elegant navy blue maxi dress. Not too revealing, simple yet classy and definitely appropriate for the event. Upon closer inspection, there's a short teasing slit at the side that would reveal a little of my legs. "It's perfect." I whisper quietly to myself. - It's the first weekend of school and the day of our town's charity event. My mom is currently curling my hair and pinning it to one side while I apply make up on myself. "You haven't heard from Emma?" She asks with her eyes and hands concentrating on a certain baby hair that refused to be tamed. "No. Only a text from her grandma saying that Emma is sick." I reply careful not to move my head lest she strangles me or pulls out my poor harassed baby hair. Mom hums to the song playing in my room. "You shouldn't worry then." "She was absent for three days. Emma wouldn't dare miss school that long. She'd miss all the gossip." My mom laughs at my words and shakes her head. "I'm sure she's fine, sweetie. If it was anything serious, her grandmother would tell you- by the god that feeds us! This darn baby hair is persistent!" I nearly topple off my seat when she forcefully pulls at the offending baby hair. Her eyes turn to our clock and she let's out a sigh. "That will have to do. We're late." She takes a step back and inspects her work. I didn't look half bad. With the beautiful figure hugging navy blue dress and my -almost- perfectly curled hair, I looked just as good as my mom for once. My makeup is done a little more dramatically today with smokey eyes and ruby red lips. Mom takes one long look at my make up and nods approvingly looking satisfied. "Very beautiful." She whispers a small smile on her lips. Feeling a little more confident than I was feeling earlier, I return the smile and we go down from my room. "Thank you for my dress, mom. I really like it." My mom looks taken aback. "I didn't get you that dress. I thought you bought it for yourself." I swallow nervously. It wasn't from Theo either. "Sweetie, are you and Theo alright?" My mom asks when we get into the car. Surprised and caught off guard, my mouth opens but not a word comes out. "It's just that I heard people talking -you know how this town works- they saw him with Stacy yesterday at a fancy restaurant." My throat restricts. Theo hardly brings me to any restaurant. He told me yesterday that they were just going out to study. I feel my bottom lip quiver but force it to stop knowing that my mom's observant eyes are on me. "It's fine. He told me about it yesterday." "Oh my dear baby girl. I don't really care if he did. He shouldn't do that." Honestly, I know he shouldn't. I'm not a complete i***t but if I confront him, he'll definitely fight back and if I do break up with him the fear of being left completely alone by another important person just scares me. I just can't lose anyone else. - The moment we arrive at the town hall where the event is held, everyone comes to say hi to my mother. With an elegance that matched a queen, she smiles warmly and greets everyone. I sort of step back and let my mom be the mayor. She's perfect for the job and I love that she enjoys it. Several people greet or introduce themselves to me. Projecting my mom, I try to be as friendly and charming as possible. The town hall is decorated elegantly. Everyone invited is dressed to impress. Waiters are going around with champagne glasses and photographers are busily taking photos of everything. "Hey, beautiful." I turn and see the two members of the Grayson family dressed in crisp suits. Mister Grayson who is probably the most important person in the room wraps his arms around me. "Oh, Addie, my darling. You've grown into such a gorgeous lady. I hope Theo is treating you right." A blush creeps it's way to my cheeks and I try not to cringe at his words about Theo. "You're looking dashing, Mister Grayson. Nothing like your son." Theo scoffs at the two of us. "That's because my handsomeness is beyond words." We promptly ignore him and start a conversation about the event. Mister Grayson who's born and raised in town is our biggest benefactor. He loves giving back to the community which is the reason why the town always looks breathtaking all year round. "Where do you plan on going for college?" He asks taking a sip from his champagne glass. Theo -who knows I'm still figuring that part out- saves me from answering by laughing and clapping my back. He takes my hand affectionately. "She's going wherever I am, isn't that right?"  Mister Grayson nods proudly at the two of us. "I want you to know that wherever you choose to go, I will support you. Financially too." "Thank you, Mister Grayson. You're too sweet." "Anything for the daughter I never had. Hopefully my future daughter in law, am I right?" He teases winking at his son. Awkward. There was a time I'd probably have swooned to those words but after this summer with Theo and Stacy's ** feeds taunting me and their numerous fact dinner dates on my face, I nearly barfed in my mouth. If I was being totally honest, the event was boring. After my chat with the Graysons, I'm lead to an open area where people can support their chosen charity. I don't get to stick beside Theo because one of the charities is named after him and he had to oversee it with his father. I try to ignore the fact that Stacy has a charity named after her too mirroring Theo's. It was in these moments that I miss my dad the most. He wasn't much for events like these and would stand beside me the entire time. We would make fun of silly things and would spend the entire day telling stories. I turn away from it all and proceed to the punch bowl near the back. Not knowing what else I could do without looking pathetic and alone, I reach for the ladle. At that exact same time, someone reached for it as well and we bump hands. A sort of electric shock goes through my hand that spreads across my entire body. "Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't see you." I say looking up and meeting a pair of breathtakingly bright stormy grey eyes. It took me a moment but it was him. From the party. It has to be. No one else had those eyes. Standing about six feet tall, he's incredibly handsome dressed in an expensive looking tailored suit. The true definition of tall, dark and handsome. I swallow taking in his muscular arms that I could see despite his coat on, his broad shoulders that made my breathing uneven and his perfectly styled black hair. God certainly took his time with this one. Playing favorites with his creation, the man before me has perfectly sculpted cheek bones and a strong jawline. His very presence was consuming and mind boggling. A small teasing smile makes it's way to his full lips. "Hi. I'm Jack Devondale."
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