Chapter Seventeen: Christmas Spirit

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ADALET... William and I were walking towards all the noise and cheering. People were already excited for the parade to start. "Don't you just love Christmas?" I said as I looked at all the people that were laughing, the kids playing in the snow and a choir singing Christmas carols. William smiled and nodded, "Christmas has always been a very important holiday for my family and I. When I was young, my parents would take Chris and I up north to play in the snow and to have some time away from the castle and just be a normal family with our own Christmas tree and my mother made dinner." He looked happy just as he remembered those memories and I couldn't begin to imagine how hard it was to grow up as a royal. We reached a closed section of the road and a security guard stopped us. "Sorry folks, this area is closed until the parade begins," he said but then he saw our badges, "Oh, welcome Miss Trent, we have been expecting you." He led us through the gates and towards a woman who was giving the volunteers directions. "Miss Rivers, the reporter is here," the guard said and the woman turned to us and smiled nicely but then her eyes landed on William. "Is it really him? Are you Prince William Johns?" she asked in surprise and I froze and I felt William tense up beside me but he kept his face neutral. "Yes I am but I would appreciate it if you could keep my identity unknown," he said charmingly with a smile and the woman nodded eagerly. "Sure, it's just a surprise, Your Majesty," she said and then she realized who was standing next to him. "Oh you must be the reporter, Adaleen," she said politely and I smiled. "It's actually Adalet," I corrected and the woman only nodded. "I want to take a few pictures of the people dressed up and the attractions," I started to explain and the woman only nodded. "Do what you must, just make sure to finish before the parade starts in an hour," she replied quickly and then walked off. I sighed and looked at William who looked annoyed and I only shrugged. William watched me work as I interviewed some of the people around us and took pictures of most of the vehicles and people. I finished 10 minutes before the parade started and William and I headed to where the rest of the citizens were as they waited for the event to start. As the vehicles passed by us, I took more pictures. When I was about to take another picture I saw someone in front of me who was staring directly at me. Cole. I gulped and I tried to get lost in the crowd but it was difficult to walk past people and more so when there was a prince behind you calling your name. Suddenly, Cole was in front of me and William standing a few steps behind watching the scene. Cole looked surprised and confused and then I saw as he eyed William and hurt crossed his expression. "Is this why you didn't want to come to the parade with me?" he asked under his breath and I shook my head. "No, Cole, it's not like that. I had to work and that is why I didn't tell you, I'm sorry," I said, I really didn't want to hurt him but it looked like I had failed. "And who is he?" he asked as he motioned towards William who was now standing next to me but he hadn't said anything. "He is a friend from London who came to visit," I said and shifted my weight. The two men stared at each other until finally Cole looked away and backed down. I heard him sigh. "Okay, okay. I should go," he murmured and he disappeared before I could muster another word. I turned to look at William with a confused look on my face. "What was that about?" I asked referring to the stare down. William shrugged and begun walked the opposite direction Cole had gone to. I sighed and jogged after him. His steps were really long. "I did not know you were seeing someone, I apologize if I have made things go wrong between you two," he said honestly once we were far from the crowd at the parade. I sighed, here comes the inevitable conversation. "I only went out with him a few times, he's nice and very sweet but I don't think I want to be in a relationship with him right now. I need to focus on my career right now," I said and William didn't say anything but I think I saw him less tense than a few seconds before. "Do you want to go get something to eat?" I asked as I felt a rumble in my stomach start to form and I really wanted to avoid embarrassing myself again. "In fact I do, how about we go to that restaurant over there?" he said as he pointed to a restaurant in the corner in front of us. I agreed and we headed in that direction. We walked inside and I was glad to see it wasn't a very elegant restaurant but it did look nice. The hostess led us towards our table and handed us our menu before taking our drink order. William and I were sitting on opposite sides and for some reason it felt like the first time we had ever eaten together. "So this time you are going to join me to London?" asked William once our food had arrived. I smiled and nodded. "It looks like your wish came true and you will have to show me around London," I said and he chuckled. "I would be happy to, Miss Trent. Speaking of which, my mother wanted me to tell you that the concert does not need to last the whole gala. She said you will be guests of the crown and can enjoy and mingle in the gala if you wish," he said politely and I nodded, it still felt like something unreal. Playing at that gala was a big deal. "And how should we be dressed?" I asked referring to the orchestra, it had been a question that surged the day before. William shrugged, "like you usually play although the women in the orchestra can go in gowns or long dresses if the wish and men in their usual suits." I nodded. "Do you have any pets?" I asked randomly. I didn't know why I asked but I was interested to know if he was an animal person. William smiled and nodded at me. "At home we have a few dogs and each of us royals has a horse of our own," he explained and my eyes widened. I had a horse back home in Texas but it had been our family horse and used mainly when we were working with cattle along with the dogs we had. Now, my parents had sold the farm because with their age it had been getting harder to maintain and there were only two of them now. Instead they traded their life in the farm to a calm life in the outskirts of the city. "How about you?" he asked with curiosity in his eyes. "After my parents sold the farm they also sold our horse but kept the dogs and when I moved to New York I brought my chocolate Labrador but she passed away about a year ago due to old age. Since then I haven't had a pet, I don't really have time for one anyway," I said sadly. I stilled missed my dog sometimes. I used to take her out to the park whenever I could and I remember her being so excited to see me after school, she always loved to cuddle but she knew when to give me my space to work. Linda was her name. "It is sad to hear that, is it the dog that was on your laptop's background?" William asked in realization and I nodded. "Wow she was a really pretty Labrador," he complemented just as the waitress came back with the check. "Shall we go?" I asked once everything had been payed and William nodded. We walked out but with nowhere in mind to go to. "When will your article be published?" I thought about it, I knew the deadline was soon. "If I'm not mistaken I have to enter the final draft on Tuesday so that by Christmas the last magazine of the year is ready to go on sale." He smiled and, uncontrollably, I felt my heart quicken and my smile brighten. "I will keep my eyes open for when it comes out then," he said and I blushed. Why was he always so nice? "So this means you have a busy week ahead?" I nodded and shrugged, "I am prepared, I think and I am looking forward to the vacations that follow." William smiled, "it must be nice to have vacations to look forward to. As the CEO of my company there are basically no vacations available in the agenda, not officially at least." I frowned, what a sad way to live with nothing to look forward to but work. .. CHRISTMAS SPIRIT CHRISTMAS CHEER HOLIDAY CELEBRATION The possible titles for my article glared at me from the screen. I had narrowed down the options to those three. Judy walked up behind me and read the bold letters on the screen. "I'd go with the first one," she said before walking away. I had spent ours trying to decide on what and how to write but I had some kind of writer's block. So I decided to take Judy's advice. "You have been at it since I came back, you should rest," she said that Sunday afternoon. I sighed in frustration, "I know but I want the article to be perfect, I need my boss to know he made the right decision." Judy raised and eyebrow before closing my laptop. "Okay, relax. First of all, I think it's more important that you feel proud about what you write and that you actually feel that it was the right words to say. Forget about your boss, this is your career," Judy said seriously as she took a seat next to me on the loveseat. I sighed, she was right. I nodded and opened the laptop again and began writing, just letting the words flow without second guessing everything. "You still haven't told me about your escapade with Chris," I joked and I heard Judy chuckle but from the corner of my eye I saw she was blushing and smiling widely. "Well just like we guessed before, my mother wasn't too excited to meet another man in my life, not even a friend. She's still mad about what happened with David. But my father, on the other hand, was surprisingly welcoming. He and Chris really got along and it wasn't long before they were talking about sports and watching a football game," she said with a chuckle and then she turned back to me. She hesitated for a minute and turned to look at the floor. "Honestly, I think I like him," she said slowly and almost under her breath. My eyes widened, I wasn't exactly surprised, it was obvious she and Chris had something going on. They had gotten closer much faster than David and her when they met. I was taken aback that this was happening very fast, in just a month an a half later Judy was considering letting another man into her life. "I know what you're thinking, I know, I know," she said with a sigh. "I don't even understand it myself but something about him attracts me. Something like with you and William." I laughed and shook my head. "Okay, let's say you like him. What do you want to pursue with him? Are you ready for a relationship?" I asked seriously and I crossed my arms in front of me. Judy shrugged and sighed in frustration. "I don't know, I mean he's very sweet and kind but I barely know him and I know we're spending a lot of time together but that doesn't mean we can start a relationship tight now," as Judy rambled I went to the kitchen to make us hot chocolate. "Would it be bad to start a relationship with him? Would it be bad to start a relationship so soon after David? How much am I supposed to wait?" I shook my head, there was no right answer to those questions. "I know you're going to be shocked to hear me say this but... I think you should follow your heart," her eyes widened and I quickly added," but take things slow. Get to know him a little better and then decide if you really want to be in a relationship with him," I said honestly as I poured some hot chocolate in a mug for her. Judy nodded more calmly now, "yes, you're right and definitely no casual flings with him." I shook my head very quickly, that would be a very bad idea. "I've got an idea so that you and Chris can spend more time together," I said as I thought of a possible scenario. She motioned for me to continue and I sat on the stool before I said anything. "How would you feel about going to London with me?" I asked slowly and Judy hesitated as she thought about it. "I mean, I'd like to but I need to ask Madeline first, I'm her personal assistant after all," she said and she sounded like she were about to give up on that idea. "Well just ask her, we'll be gone two or three days maximum," I said but she still looked unsure. She nodded and disappeared inside her room to talk to her boss. I stayed sitting on the stool without thinking of anything specifically. I just found it funny that Judy and I had both been attracted to British men. I quickly shook my head, I wouldn't go there. I received a voice message from an unknown then. "Hello Adalet, this is Chris. I was just wondering, what could I get Judy for Christmas?" I looked at Judy's door and decided it would be better to call Chris instead, so I stepped out of the apartment and called Chris. The phone rang once and Chris picked up sounding confused, "Hello, is this Adalet?" I snorted, "of course, it's me." I heard Chris laugh in relief. "So I get you received my message?" he asked hesitantly. "Yes, I got your message but before answering your question, I need to know. What are your intentions with Judy?" I asked seriously, straight to the point. Chris stayed silent for a minute but when he spoke, he spoke with confidence. "I like her, she is the funniest woman I have ever met and I would like to see where this leads us," he said honestly and I nodded. "Has she, by any chance, told you about David?" I asked and began pacing. "That i***t of a ex-fiancée she had? Not much, but it was not hard to come to a conclusion of what had happened since her parents seemed to walk on glass around her and they mentioned him a few times," he explained and I sighed, at least he knew who he was. "Yeah, well, that happened recently and I just don't want my friend to get into a relationship with no future because that would just break her again," I admitted. "I understand and believe me when I say that I do not want something casual with Judy, I cannot predict what could happen in the future but just know it is not my intention to hurt her," he said sincerely and I was glad my friend had a guy who was serious about her, or at least someone who wanted to. "Okay... and to answer your question, you should get her a drawing kit or some art materials, she really likes to draw on her free time and even though she tries to hide it, she has always wanted one but is too insecure of her skills to even try and draw with some more sophisticated material," I said with a smile. "Really? I did not know that, thank you Adalet. I will see what I can find," I chuckled and was about to hang up when he continued, "oh and by the way, Judy is not a fragile piece of china, she is a really strong woman and you should give her some credit." "Will do, Chris," I said and hung up before heading back inside where Judy was sitting on the stool. She seemed more calm now. "I take it Madeline said yes?" I asked, filled with hope. My friend jumped when she heard me but nodded instantly. "Yes! She was very understanding," she said with a smile and I froze in shock. "You told her about Chris?" I asked with confusion and she nodded insecurely. "I wasn't supposed to? You know I am a bad liar," she said sheepishly and I sighed. "No, it's fine but I'm just surprised Madeline was so comprehensive," I admitted and Judy rolled her eyes. "She's not heartless you know," she said with a laugh and then her phone began to ring. She picked up and by the smile on her face, I could guess who it was. After a few minutes she hung up and turned to me. "Chris wanted to know if we wanted to join them for dinner," she said hopefully and I laughed. I took my bag and headed for the door, "let's go!" I cried and Judy followed after me filled with excitement. I smiled, if she was happy, so was I.
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