
1151 Words
Sapphires POV; "Go wake up, daddy," I say to RJ and JR as I open our bedroom door. "Daddy, Daddy, wake up," JR and RJ shout as they jump on our bed and giving Cameron cuddles when I hear "Mam, Mam" coming from the girl's room. Walking into their room, I see Storm standing up in her cot. Aurora is just waking up, but Tempest is still fast asleep. She loves her sleep.  The boys run in and cuddle my legs as Cameron walks in. "Morning, beautiful," he whispers, then kisses my cheek, and his arms wrap around me. "Dad, Dad," Tempest says, waking up.  "Pancakes for breakfast?" Cameron asks. "Con," Storm says, meaning bacon. "Pancakes and bacon all around then? I ask. I get Aurora and Cameron gets Tempest and Storm. We put them on the floor to play while we get to work on breakfast. Just as we sit down to eat, the door goes, Cameron goes to get it. "Come in," I hear him say, and Ruby and Jax walk in with Sierra and Leia. "Hi," I say, hugging Ruby. "They have got so big," I add, taking hold of Leia. "Coffee?" Cameron asks Ruby and Jax. "Please," Jax says. "Tea for me, please," Ruby says. "Breakfast, there's plenty," I say as Ruby sits next to me. "I won't say no," Jax smiles as he puts pancakes and bacon on his plate. "It's a good job you always make too much," Ruby says, laughing picking up a plate and helping herself. "After breakfast,t why don't you take Ruby and show her the guest cottage," Cameron said, sitting down. After we had all finished eating,g we let the children play on the floor as we sat and had another cuppa. "Shall we go then?" I ask Ruby. "Have you finished the cottage yet?" she asks me as we walk outside. "We just have to decorate, then the cottage will be done," I say as we walk. "I'm glad we are doing this. I can feel the worry coming off you," Ruby says, looking at me. "I don't know what it is, but I feel like something bad is going to happen, and I keep having the same nightmare every night, and it always ends with me losing someone, and no matter how hard I try, I can't shake it," I feel the relief fall off me as I tell her. "Have you told Cameron how your feeling and the nightmares you have been having?" Ruby asks me with concern all over her face. "No, not yet.," I don't want him to worry about me.  "But you need to tell him, Saph, you never know it might help," Ruby says, pulling me in for a hug. "I know I should, but how can I be a strong Luna if I can't handle my own problems?" I ask her. "Knowing when to ask for help is what makes a good Luna. We can't carry the whole pack's problems ourself's it would break anyone that would try. We may not be in the same house or pack, but I am always here for you," Ruby says, trying to reassure me. "Thank you. I am so glad I have you as my twin," I tell her as a single tear rolls down my cheek. Cameron's POV; "I am so glad you both have come. I hope Ruby can help Sapphire. She has been so closed off to me lately. Every time I ask her what's wrong, she tells me it's nothing, but I can see it in her eyes," I tell Jax. "Ruby has felt something, but she has not been able to link with Sapphire, and the minute I told Ruby we were coming here for a couple of days, she was so relieved and told me she would get to the bottom of what's been up with Sapphire," Jax says to me. We sit and watch the kids play nicely together. "So, will Leia become Alpha after you?" I ask Jax. "Yeah, She will be the first female Alpha in our pack, and even if we end up having a boy later, she will still become Alpha," Jax tells me with pride in his voice.  *"Son, we are coming to you. We are bringing Jax's parents and their Beta with us. We will be there soon,"* my dad informs me. "Jax, we are going to have company," I turn to tell him "Yes, my dad just told me they are coming," Jax told me. *"Sapphire, we need you both back now. Dad has just told me he is coming with Jax's parents and their beta,"* I told her through our link. "Can you watch the kids while I get more chairs out for everyone?" I ask Jax. "Sure, anything I can do?" he asks as I walk to the front door. "Get cups ready for everyone and cookies in the cupboard above the kettle," I tell him. Sapphire and Ruby walk in as we finish setting up.  "What's happening? Did he say why they are coming?" Sapphire asks me, and I see the worry spread across her face.  "No, but we will find out soon," I tell her as I pull her into my arms. We didn't have to wait long for them to get here. Dad walks in with mum, Phillip, Kay, Brodie, Willo and Jake, Jean, Tristan, Julie and two others that I didn't know. "Everyone, this is Ray and Andie. Ray will be my beta," Jax says to all of us. "Ray, this is Ruby's dad Phillip and her mum Kay, and this is Liam and Peggy Alpha and Luna of River Moon Pack," Jax says, introducing Ray to them. "And this is Cameron and Sapphire, the next Alpha and Luna of River Moon Pack and Rubys twin, And this is Brodie and Willo their next beta, Brodie is Ruby's and Sapphire brother," Jax introducing us to Ray. "Please all sit, drinks, anyone?" Sapphire asks. "Maybe after," my dad says. "Why are we having this meeting?" Ruby asks, looking at my dad. "Well, over the last couple of days, we have noticed some other wolf's trying to trespass on both our lands. Unfortunately, we don't know where they are coming from or who they are," my dad tells us. Sapphire stands up and starts to passe around the kitchen with her arms folded, stress and worry spreading over her face. "Tell them, Saph," Ruby says to Sapphire. Sapphire shakes her head. "What are you hiding?" I ask her standing up and taking hold of her arms, stopping her from moving. I place a hand on her cheek. "Sapphire, please tell me?" I plead with her. She lets out a sigh. "Ok," she says "Over the last couple of weeks, I have been having nightmares, and a terrible feeling like something evil is coming for us," Sapphire tells us.

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