Chapter 23 - Makoa vs Ricky

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“The first match has been won by Rachel from the D-Ex group.” The man in the Cerberus mask extended his hand towards the unconscious Tsukiyo, then a scene that shocked the prisoners happened. Tsukiyo's body slowly lifted into the air and floated towards his group, G-BF. Seeing this, Kyousuke was immediately frightened. "Hey, that's really dangerous." Kyousuke said frantically, then jumped up to grab it straight away. Seeing that, the man in the Cerberus mask only responded by shrugging his own shoulders. Then he disappeared from their sight and entered the virtual screen above. "Now then, let's move on to the second match." "That is prisoner Ricky from group D-H& vs prisoner Makoa from group Z-OO." "For the two of them, welcome to the arena." The man in the Cerberus mask said it loudly. After hearing that, Ricky then walked towards the top of the arena. When all the prisoners saw Ricky's figure that stood out so much from the prisoners who were here, it reminded them of a hedgehog. It was because of his hair that resembled the thorns of a hedgehog while defending himself. Then after Ricky was in the middle of the arena, Makoa who would be his enemy also walked towards the center of the arena. Makoa is a man with short yellow hair and is heading towards the right side which is the opposite side of Ricky. “With this, the second match officially begins!.” The Cerberus masked man shouted in an excited tone as if this ongoing battle was just a spectacle for his own satisfaction. "Hey, Ricky." “Even though your group has told us about the free information, I still won't go easy on you.” Makoa then raised his right hand to the side of his cheek and his left hand under his chin. "Oh? the horses of boxing do that mean before going to Tartarus prison this was a boxer?.” Ricky was a little surprised after seeing the horses done by Makoa and asked in an interested tone. "Of course not, from the past until now I still think of myself as a boxer." Then he moved quickly towards Ricky in small jumps. “But it is a pity that your opponent is me.” Ricky said with a sneer towards Makoa. Before Makoa's straight punch touched Ricky's body directly, for some reason the two of them simultaneously transformed. Makoa transformed into a humanoid tiger, and his straight fist had turned into a tiger arm. Bam! Makoa's straight punch managed to hit Ricky. But after feeling the pain in his hand, Makoa's face immediately changed. “Hehehehe, so how does it feel to punch a sharp object?.” Ricky smirked at Makoa who was currently jumping backward. Makoa saw Ricky's grin which had turned into a hedgehog. “I did think that your ability was to transform into a hedgehog. But I threw that idea away. Because there's no way a fool would explain it clearly like that." Makoa deliberately bought time for his hand to recover from the numbness. “Hahahaha, of course, I purposely dressed like this. I am very disgusted with those who think themselves to think logically that's why I do things that are illogical so as not to be read by them." Ricky laughed proudly, Ricky himself also knew that Makoa was recovering his hand but it didn't bother him because he himself needed time to recover his broken hedgehog thorn. “Doing something illogical? Hey, that's a great idea." Unexpectedly after listening to Ricky's words, Makoa immediately smiled broadly. Then Makoa suddenly appeared in front of Ricky, then he raised his hand to hit Ricky's face straight. "Very fast !." With quick reflexes, Ricky immediately covered his face with both hands. Dagh! Makoa's straight punch was blocked with porcupine thorns covering Ricky's entire body. Makoa's right fist immediately bled. Drip! Drip! Drip! (Sound of blood falling to the ground) Even so, Makoa still ignored his wound and continued to beat Ricky's body which was covered with porcupine thorns. Makoa attacked him in a different direction, the first hit hitting Ricky's nose straight with his right hand. The second punch targeted Ricky's left cheek, Makoa hit him with a hook that is often used by boxers. And Makoa's last punch aimed at Ricky's stomach. Bam! Bam! Bam! All of this is done over and over again very quickly and powerfully. Because Makoa has the transformation ability as a tiger, each hit becomes faster and stronger than the previous one. Crack~ Crack~ Crack~ Little by little the hedgehog thorns that covered Ricky's body began to break because of Makoa's repeated attacks. Even those few punches had a serious wound on Ricky's body. Even so, it still couldn't compare to the damage that Makoa received. The harder he attacked, the more pain he felt. His two fists were already dripping with quite a lot of blood. "Damn it! Don't think I'll stay on the defensive.” After saying that in an annoyed tone, Ricky kicked his leg forward. 'Heh, do you think that slow attack of yours will mess with my attack rhythm?.' Then Makoa dodged the kick by lowering its humanoid tiger body which had become more flexible. "Gotcha !." Unexpectedly Ricky's straight kick immediately turned his attack downward very quickly. Boom! The small area around Ricky immediately cracked, the prisoners saw that in the small crater there were Ricky's feet that had stepped on the ground and Makoa's body that was twisting strangely. Makoa deliberately twisted his humanoid tiger body slightly to avoid Ricky's leg attack just now. 'Almost, if my body hit it directly I might faint right away.' After heaving a sigh of relief, Makoa immediately jumped back to take some distance from Ricky. The two of them looked at each other for a while. Ricky's body was covered in wounds received by Makoa's consecutive blows and the few remaining porcupine thorns. While Makoa's body condition was still fine without the slightest injury, but both his hands were covered with lacerations and blood was dripping down. “Hehehehe, looks like it will be a battle of endurance who is stronger. Your hedgehog transformation or my fierce tiger transformation attack." Makoa licked his lips then ran quickly to Ricky. "Is it true ?." Ricky smirked then his right hand punched forward. Makoa dodged it by bending his right knee slightly and dodging his left. After successfully dodging Ricky's punch, Makoa hit Ricky with a hook to Ricky's left waist. Ricky, who was hit by his hit, immediately responded by kicking Makoa's knee. Seeing this, Makoa immediately turned his body to the right and then hit Ricky's back knee which was currently supporting his body. After being hit by the attack, Ricky immediately lost his balance and fell forward. “Hahahaha, no matter how much you attack.” “With the agility of the humanoid tiger body and my boxing style, you will never land a single hit.” Makoa raised his right hand which was badly injured and bleeding, then pointed his thumb down at Ricky who had fallen. "You really are very confident, aren't you." After Ricky said that, the hedgehog thorn that was still left on his body shot straight at Makoa who was mocking him. "What?!?!?!." Makoa, who was close to Ricky's body, couldn't dodge it at all, except for the top part of his entire body that was pierced by Ricky's hedgehog thorn. "Impossible! porcupines shouldn't be able to shoot thorns at all." After saying that, Makoa immediately fell to the ground and fainted. 'That's because you didn't know at all that our abilities could evolve.' Ricky muttered in his heart.
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