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“Emergency! Emergency!” shouts the paramedics as they rushed a victim covered with blood on its face to a nearby hospital. “The patient is in a critical situation. She lost her consciousness right after the collision and that’s approximately 30 minutes ago.” “Okay, prepare the ER immediately.” Gab was rushed to the ER and was given immediate medical treatment but no one is sure if she can survive. Given how severe her condition was, she was transferred immediately to the operating room and was given respective medical treatment. Meanwhile, Luke was still in shock, waiting outside the operating room. He was restless as he moved back and forth looking so agitated and nervous. He even doesn’t care if his shirt is full of blood. He feels numb—as if his brain were still processing everything. Even his tears won’t stop flowing. *** 16 years ago. The weather sets beautifully for today. Unlike the previous days when the rain pours out heavily and the sky was almost crying and a strong wind swoosh everything, it runs to, today the sun shines brightly. A smiling sun was seen as if telling everyone that we can always start a new day after a harsh storm in our lives. Birds were chirping and flying endlessly up to the sky. People were busy cleaning all the mud and fallen debris of trees in their backyard while the kids were busy goofing and playing around. But despite the hassle and the sweat-covered among their bodies, you can see happy faces among them. That’s because they are doing the job together as a family. Despite the differences, they are working hand in hand for the task to be finished quickly. That’s how different life is on the outskirts of the city. A life Gab grows up with. A life that paints meaningful memories of her innocent years. A life she will always be bound to come back wherever life may take her. It was a typical day in Gab’s life. Since it was a school day, she woke up early like usual and goes to school with her best friend—Chad. The school was far from their house and it will take an hour on the trail just to get there. You have to pass through a stream, a field full of weeds, and a long trek full of the forest before you’re going to arrive at the school. It might look so tiring for the students to go through these hardships every day, but they don’t have any other choice. Since in their community their parents have to instill in their young minds the importance of education, they patiently go to school along with the adversities of life. Even Gab is an orphan after her mom died when she was still very young and her dad whom she hasn’t met since then, knows how important it is to finish school. Well, thanks to her loving and caring grandfather, Lolo Ben. Not only that Gab values education so much that she wanted to go to school every day no matter what, but because school became her second home. It’s a place where she could meet her friends and spent happy memories with them. Gab is doing great at school. Despite having a lack of resources, she’s excelled both in academics and extra-curricular activities. She tops the class. And she does well in sports, too. She was the head captain of their women’s football team. She wasn’t just a captain for nothing. She earned it well through her dedication and passion for football despite her young age. She’s truly an ace on the team. And because of doing great in academics and sports, she was able to go to school with a daily allowance helping with her family finances a bit. Well, no wonder she’s a daughter of her mother. Not that she inherited her beauty but as well as her brains. Gab lives a peaceful life on the farm. Even though at an early age she experienced the most painful part of her life any child could ever imagine. Her father died even before he knew he had a child while her mother passed away a minute after she was born. Well, that’s according to her grandfather’s story. Although there was some inconsistency to it since her grandfather can’t tell her exactly where her father was laid to rest. And their conversation always ends up with a lot of excuses like her father buried in a faraway place. Or, the family of her father won’t let them visit his grave. Nevertheless, Gab’s little mind didn’t insist to ask further. She truly believes and trusts that her grandfather was telling the truth. At 12 years old, her smile is as bright as the rising sun—you wouldn’t think she has been through a lot at a young age. But thanks to her loving grandfather Ben who raised her with all the love in the world. And with their caring neighborhood—Lola Fely, an old widow and a great friend of Lolo Ben; is sometimes strict but has a warm heart for everyone. Aunt Yoly, a hardworking housewife of Uncle Pedring and a mother of two—Cherry, the youngest spoiled lass who treats Gab like a sister, and Chad, the eldest who became Gab’s best friend. Gab’s life is indeed as colorful as the rainbow being surrounded by loving people. Truly, surrounding your life with good and kind people will surely have a great influence on your outlook in life. Her smile and her laugh are all pictures of how happy her life is despite not having all the material things in the world. Life on the farm was really simple yet full of fun and adventure. Gab wakes up early in the morning. As early as 5 am, she immediately rushes to the kitchen and prepares breakfast. While cooking, she prepares the table and cleans the house simultaneously. Then, she sets the table. She even watered the plants and vegetables. Feeds their hens, pigs, and cows as she greeted them, “Good morning Pitchy! Do you have a good sleep? Please lay a lot of eggs, okay?” “Oh, hello there King David, here is your food.” “Hi, Solomon. Eat some more. I made this, especially for you.” As soon as the sun rises, Gab finishes all the household chores. Only then, she will leave for school. She made sure breakfast is ready and other household chores were done before her Lolo Ben will woke up. Although her grandfather had not forced her to do such things and even got scolded because of her stubbornness, Gab continue to do it freely and happily. At a young age, she wanted to help her Lolo in any way possible. No wonder, Gab also extends that kindness not only to her neighbors but even to strangers she meets on the way. Gab has a pure heart that no one can resist. It melts even those with hearts like a stone. A personality that would definitely bring her to different places in the future. One day, Gab noticed a red car parked in front of their house as soon as she arrived from school. She stands in awe as to whom that car would be since she doesn’t know any distant relative. She examines the car carefully and sneaks out her small head on the closed window trying to get any clue. But, she finds none. “Who could it be?” She softly wondered. “It could be your dad, isn’t it?” Chad spewed out suddenly. “No. Of course not.” Gab was in denial. “Lolo Ben told me that my father had died even before he knew I existed. And, if he’s really alive, how could he find me then? That’s too impossible to happen.” “But, nothing is impossible. Lolo Ben has a lot of excuses why you can’t visit your dad’s grave and mostly those excuses sound unreasonable. Something’s off.” Chad explained. “Hey! Are you saying my grandfather is lying?” Gab asked. “I don’t know,” Chad replied. “But, still anything can happen. You might not know it. But, what if he’s really the owner of this car? What if he’s here? What will you do, then? What if he is to take you away from this place? Will you go with him?” Chad added with sadness on his face. “Hey! Stop imagining things, okay?” She immediately replied. “You’re really something, huh!” Gab shook her head in disbelief. “Why? Haven’t you thought about it yet? Haven’t you thought of that possibility?” Chad never stops his curiosity. “Or, will you go with him right away if he will take you away from here? You will go, right? That’s why you’re avoiding my questions.” “What?” Gab asked after seeing how Chad’s smiling face became sour after mentioning his father. “Where was that coming from, Chad? What’s with you today, huh?” “Nothing. I’m just curious.” He replied. “Hey!” Gab smilingly added after she saw his best friend’s face. By then, she knew he was just scared for her to leave. The more she wanted to tease him. “If my dad is back to take me, I might go with him. Looking at how fancy his car is, he must have a good life. A nice house. A nice bed. A table, full of delicious food. And he can buy anything I want. That would be so nice.” Gab acted happily and excitement was written all over her face. “What?!” Chad’s face was baffled. He remembered Gab’s promise when they were still young. He felt left out and betrayed. Now, he is sulking and walking with huge steps. Gab laughed silently. “Hey! Come on!” She tried to make appease Chad but he was stubborn to listen. Instead, he walked out feeling pissed off by a mere childish prank. “Hey!” Gab called and stop him from taking another step. “That was just a joke.” She confesses quickly. “Haven’t you sense that I was just teasing you? Have you not known me yet? I was just playing around.” “Seriously?” Chad asked but seemed not satisfied with Gab’s explanation. “Of course,” Gab added. “Look at my face.” She grabbed him to see his sulking face. “Hey! How could you be such a cry baby today, huh?” “I’m not crying, huh.” He uttered. “There was just a speck of dust in my eyes.” He tried to explain. “Hey! If my dad is really back to take me, I won’t go with him. I won’t leave this place.” Gab said. “Even if he will give you a good life? A comfortable life than here?” Chad added. “Yes!” Gab resounded. “I won’t go with him even if there is a lot of delicious food, a nice dress, or a lot of toys. I won’t leave this place. Never.” “Are you sure?” Chad repeated. “Of course!” Gab repeated. “For sure, you won’t wake up early just to prepare your food nor you won’t get tired walking miles from home to school. You would be sleeping in an air-conditioned room with a comfortable bed. You would eat a lot of delicious food. You won’t smell stinky, too. Your life will probably be nice there than here.” “I won’t go.” Gab strongly replied. “Promise?” He added. “Promise!” Gab assured her best friend. “Plus, how can I leave this place?” Gab added while proudly pointing out the green field. “This beautiful, fresh-air and very calming place. Plus, this is where my heart is. A place where my family is. A place filled with happy memories. So, how can I possibly leave the things where my heart is? I made a promise to mom on her grave that I would take good care of my grandfather and that I won’t leave him no matter what. I would stick to him like a gum forever.” Gab proudly added. And that clears Chad’s worries and puts a smile back on his face. He feels assured hearing those things from his best friend. Even if words and people are bound to change through time, Chad has a strong belief that his friend will fulfill her promise no matter what. That’s how innocent a young mind is and yet how beautiful it is to have such simplicity in thinking. Something everyone wants to have once they’ve become grown-ups—to think things lightly like a child. “Why?” Gab asked. “Were you scared that I might actually leave just to experience a comfortable life? What do you take me for? Huh?” “I’m not scared. Not at all.” Chad replied quickly trying to hide his true emotions and turn his back from Gab. “Hey! You’re lying.” Gab laughed teasingly and tried to make Chad face her. And now, they end up bickering again. But, a friendly one though. Just like how they were since they become friends, bickering and teasing were part of the reason why their friendship started and became well-founded. Knowing how outgoing Gab is, it was her who teased Chad most of the time. At first, no one would expect that they would become friends since they were like cats and dogs. Not only that they have different personalities and characters but whenever they would meet, it’s always trouble. But that enemy relationship didn’t last for too long. That actually became the key for their friendship to blossom. One typical day, Chad got pissed off with Gab after knowing that Gab told his parents about him skipping school just to earn some money. Out of his anger, he hides Gab’s necklace. That necklace was so important for Gab since it was the necklace from his mom. The only thing her mother left for her. And whenever she feels scared, sad, or alone, she would just touch the necklace and stared at her mom's picture, and like magic, she feels peace and comfort. That’s why she took extra care not to lose it. And during extra-curricular or PE activities, she should have left her necklace in her bag just to make sure she won’t lose it. But one day, she couldn’t find her necklace. She carefully searched for her bag but it was missing. She went back to the ground, the comfort room where she change her clothes, and every corner of the classroom but still couldn’t find it. Feeling upset, she went home while tears slowly fell from her eyes. She even skip school just to go to the garbage collection building to search for her necklace after Chad hinted that he saw something like a necklace in the garbage trash the other day. But since he wasn’t sure if that was the necklace Gab was looking for so he just ignore it. Gab immediately went to the garbage collection center to search for her necklace. She spent the whole day searching every dried pile of trash. But even until evening, she still fails to find her necklace. She went home feeling hopeless and disappointed in herself. On her way, she met Chad. At first, Chad won’t spill the truth about Gab’s necklace but after seeing how sad Gab is and feeling guilty about what he did, he confesses finally. But that sudden confession leads to a quarrel between them leading Chad to throw the necklace into the sea. But truthfully, it was just a fake necklace that he threw not the real one. Immediately, Gab jumped into the sea to search for her necklace. But since the wave was high during that time, Gab almost gets drowned but Chad rescued her. Gab cried and punched Chad for what he did. Chad then realizes how bad he was to her so he returned the necklace for real. He apologized. And Gab accepted it since what matters for her is that she gets back the necklace. And that started their hate to love friendship. Well, it is understandable since Chad and Gab were always sticking together like gum. They’re inseparable. And their bond was so special. Despite having contradicting personalities, friendship has blossomed between them. Gab was a very outgoing person while Chad was the shy type of person despite being the guy. But he became loud whenever they were together with Gab. Gab is sometimes too nosy while Chad remains to ignore things around his surroundings, especially things that he doesn’t care about. He tends to be more possessive of the people he loves. That’s maybe the reason why he asked those questions to Gab. “Gab! Chad!” Aunt Yoly called. “Hurry!” “Mother!” Chad replied as they pay respect to her. “Why? Is something wrong?” “Gab, you have to go home right away.” Aunt Yoly uttered. “Why? Did something happen with my grandfather?” Gab suddenly became anxious. “Nothing!” Aunt Yoly replied giving Gab a huge relief on her face. “But, you have a visitor at your house right now. She arrived just an hour ago. And it looks like they’re having a serious talk with your grandfather. But, I couldn’t take a glimpse of her face. So, I really don’t know who she is.” Aunt Yoly explained. “But, we heard some shouts. And by the looks of it, it must have been a serious matter.” “She?” Gab curiously asked. “It’s a woman?” She added. “Who could it be?” She asked herself. “It’s not your dad, Gab,” Chad commented with a smile. He feels relieved that Gab’s visitor is not her father and that there wouldn’t be a chance for her to leave this place. “Who could it be then? Do you know anyone? It must have been a distant relative of your grandfather seeing how she came over to this faraway place.” “I have to excuse myself for now.” She said. “Yes, you may,” Chad responded. “Bye!” He waved his hands. “Bye!” Gab replied. She hurriedly went home and was running while catching her breath. And as soon as she flip the door open, she saw an elegant woman, dressed with fancy clothes. But even before she could talk, the woman suddenly run and hug her tightly. “Are you Gab?” The woman asked. “Gabriella Emmanuel Gonzales?” “Yes.” Gab softly replied. She was perplexed as to the identity of the woman who visited his grandfather. But she wasn’t uncomfortable. Instead, she felt relaxed and at ease. “Why?” Gab curiously asked. “If I may ask, who are you by the way?” The woman smiled. “She’s your aunt Gab. She’s the younger sister of your mother. She’s your Aunt Ingrid.” Her grandfather explained. “For real?” Her eyes were enthralled with excitement. “You’re really my mother’s sister? You’re my aunt? This is not a dream?” “Yes.” The woman nodded. “This is not a dream, Gab. It’s for real. I’m really your aunt. And I’ve been wanting to see you desperately. I’ve searched for you but you’ve already moved out of our hometown.” Gab was glad to know that she has another family aside from her grandfather. And that excitement made her ask a lot of questions. “How come I haven’t met you? How come I haven’t heard any news about you? Where have you been all along?” “I’ve been studying abroad after I got a scholarship. After finishing my degree, I luckily landed a job in a prestigious company. For five years, I’ve been busy working my but off.” The woman narrates. “I’m really sorry, dear. I haven’t visited you even when your mother died. I’m so sorry for your loss. I love her so much that I cannot take seeing her lying in a coffin, breathless. I just can’t.” she added while wiping her tears. “It’s okay.” Gab smiled. “It’s all in the past now. I know mom’s happy and peaceful wherever she is right now.” She added with contentment. “I know.” Her Aunt nodded while stroking her hair smilingly. “You’ve grown so much. Looking at you, you reminded me so much of her. You’re like a spitting image of your mom.” “Seriously?” Gab’s eyes were full of joy. She wasn’t able to see her mom physically so she couldn’t imagine every time people would say she looked like her mom. But more than the joy, she feels excited to meet her aunt. To meet another family member. And it is very evident on her face. Her eyes were glowing with excitement and her smile won’t leave her face. She keeps staring at her aunt. “Well, enough with the drama. What’s the most important thing is the reason why I’m here.” Her aunt uttered while wiping her tears and continues with a smile. “What do you mean?” astonishingly asked Lolo Ben. “I wanted to support Gab’s schooling until she finished college.” Her Aunt explains. “I wanted to provide a good life for her. A life she deserves to have. A life, obviously you couldn’t give to her.” But by the looks of it, Lolo Ben is not happy—he feels something is off. He knew her youngest daughter is up for something. So, he requested Gab to leave for a moment so the two of them can talk. “Gab, will you excuse us for a moment, please? I have brought a basket full of fruits from the farm earlier. Will you please give some to Chad?” “Yes!” Gab replied. “I’ll go ahead. It was nice meeting you Aunt Ingrid.” “Me, too. But, this is not the last Gab. We’ll be seeing each other more. See you then.” Ingrid commented. As soon as Gab left the house, their conversation became intense as both sides won’t give in to each other. “Just leave, Ingrid. Just leave!” Shouted Lolo Ben. “Why are you against it, father?” Ingrid asked. “I just wanted to help. I just wanted to give Gab a more comfortable life. I wanted to give her a bright future. A future I know you couldn’t give to her.” “She has a good life here. She’s happy here. She doesn’t need expensive things to have a good life.” Lolo Ben strongly uttered. “Why are you so selfish? Huh!” Ingrid grunted. “Back then, and even now. You’re still the same. You just wanted to think about yourself. It’s always you and never us—my sister, me, and now, even Gab.” Ingrid added. “How could you not change, father? How could you live a life like this even after my older sister was gone?” “I can provide a good life for Gab in a way I can.” Lolo Ben responded. “Did you ask her if she wanted to stay here or not? Did you ask her if this is the life she wanted or not? Did you ask her in the first place? Or, you just decide it right away even before asking her.” Ingrid added. “Looking how you couldn’t answer, you never did, right? You never did just like you never asked us in the past. Just like how you decide things in our life. Ever since mom passed away, you’ve become selfish. And now, you’re doing the same with Gab. You’re imprisoning her on this damn life.” Suddenly, Lolo Ben slapped her daughter in the face. Although he didn’t mean it, looking at how he looked guilty right after, he didn’t falter. He remains firm with his actions. He knows his daughter so much that a simple pleading does not affect her. Even if deep inside, he was hurting as her father, he knows that he needs to be a grandfather to his granddaughter, Gab first before a father to his daughter. He needs to protect Gab at all costs. A promise he made while his daughter—Gabs’ mother was on the brink of life and death. “You came here on your own and for sure you knew your way out. Just go. Leave!” He resounded. “And don’t ever come back again.” Ingrid was shocked. She didn’t expect her father would lay a hand on her. Even if she was a spoiled brat in the past, her father didn’t slap her or hurt her physically. The more she feels hurt. The more she was wrapped with anger. But knowing her personality, she won’t give up. She leaves the house with the expression that this is not the end—she will be back and next time around, she will get what she wants.
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