Chapter Three

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                                                                                               Jake             For the rest of the week, I tried to find a way around this spell, but nothing seemed to work. I have been in our pack library for a good part of the week trying to find any information about a spell like this. I only kept coming up empty-handed. Maybe Davina somehow manipulated these books or made my eyes deceive me, and the answer was right there, staring back at me through the pages of a worn book.             Werewolf packs from all over the country were beginning to show up for the ball that my parents had arranged. I had been up in my room for the majority of today while my mother forced me into dressing nicely. I managed to convince her to let me wear a nice shirt with some ripped jeans, so at least I was somewhat comfortable. I had to sit in a chair for nearly an hour while Brooke worked on making something out of my untamed hair. When everyone left to go get themselves ready, I took a look at myself in the mirror. I could hardly recognize myself. While taking a look at my reflection, I remembered what Davina had said to me. My mate would be at the ball tonight. How did she know that I would find my mate tonight? The more important question was, why did she care?             The doors opened to my room, and inside stepped Priya all dressed up, looking as radiant as ever. "You clean up well, Priya."             She did a little twirl for me. "I know," she said while offering me a little wink. "If you weren't my best friend, I would be willing to screw your brains out looking so good. Who knew there was such a good-looking guy behind all that hair and baggy clothes?"             "Haha. Your real funny."             Priya smiled at me, then offered me her hand. "Everyone is waiting for the guest of honor. Are you ready to potentially meet your mate?"             That was a question I was unable to answer. Of course, I would love to meet my mate, but I didn't see how Davina would let us be together. After all, why would she go through all the trouble of putting some spell on me just for me to find my mate?             We walked in silence down the staircase. I looked out over the hundreds of women gathered in my home that was hoping for the chance that they might meet their mate too. I guess that more than a few hearts would be broken tonight.             The moment my feet touched the bottom step, women began to surround me. Wow, this was uncomfortable and awkward. One by one, I began to dance with each of them. The first girl was an absolute handful. I couldn't get a word in with her for the entire dance as she wouldn't stop constantly talking. I would chalk up to nerves, but even I didn't talk that much when I was nervous. The second I danced with was just my type. She was humorous and tall with white eyes that made you never want to look away. The next few girls that I danced with were equally beautiful, but there was no mate connection with any of them.             As the song came to an end, my mother stood in the middle of the room, whistling to get everyone's attention crowded in the bottom level of the house. "Thank you, everyone, for coming this evening. You are all here for the sole purpose of hoping to be the mate of my dear son, Jake Dooley. The way this night will work is that you each get a quick dance with my son. If there is no mate connection by the end of the dance, you leave. I wish you all the best of luck!"             This was going to be one long-ass night. An hour had passed by, and I must have danced with nearly thirty women. Each of them was great but clearly was not my mate. I was hoping I would get a chance to sneak away for a few minutes tonight, but that didn't look like it would happen. Every girl was waiting on their turn to dance with me.             I was dancing with this beautiful blonde when my senses starting going crazy. An intense smell began to overwhelm me. I instantly stopped dancing with the blonde, not even remembering her name, and began to go in search of the scent. It was when I got close to the front door that I caught a glimpse of the most beautiful girl I had ever laid eyes on. She had long brown hair that came down to the middle of her back. Her eyes were a bright amber color that sparkled from the lights.             MINE! Jet howled inside me. The moment he did, she snapped her head in my direction and flashed a perfectly white smile my way. As she approached me, I began to lose all focus. My eyesight became fuzzy. The more I would blink, the worse it would seem to get.             She bowed in front of me like I was some kind of royalty. "It is a pleasure to meet you, Jake. My name is Stella Blackwood."             When I reached out to grab her hand, Davina appeared out of nowhere on my right side. She pulled my face toward her and kissed me right there in front of everyone. All the girls were gasping, and some were cursing. It was Stella's reaction that broke my heart into pieces. She stepped back from me, confused with tears prickling her eyes.             Davina forced me to look at her and mouthed something incoherent. Something inside me took over, and I yelled, "MINE!" I was looking at Davina, but the words were spoken to Stella.             My mother rushed into the front room at the same time Stella rushed out the door she just walked into. Every part of me ached to go after her, but I was struck frozen in place. NO! Let me go after my mate!             "Jake, it seems as if you found your mate after all." My mother looked up and down at Davina with a curious look on her face. "Wow, what a beauty you are. You would think one would like to cover for a ball, not show so much skin."             Davina was practically naked, standing in front of my mother. She had one piece of cloth over her breasts attached to a small piece of fabric covering her ass. "Thank you, Luna." Davina was nothing but sarcastic with her choice of words.             "Blake, come meet your son's mate."             As my father appeared, his mouth hung wide open as he tried to look at anything but the half naked woman standing in front of him. "What is your name?"             "Davina Rose, Alpha." She bowed in front of him. One more inch forward, one of her breasts would have popped out of her top.             My father stared at me, not believing this was who the moon goddess paired me with for life. That's it, dad. If anyone could see this for what it was, it would be the Alpha. "Are you sure this is your mate, son?"             My mouth began to move, and words began to spill from my lips. "Yes, Davina is my mate." I turned to her and pushed her hair back out of her eyes. It was then I realized her eyes were not the color red that they were in the woods. "I love you, Davina Rose." s**t! s**t! This was all wrong. Davina was not my mate; Stella was.             Davina placed her hand over her ice-cold heart. "I love you too, Jake Dooley." She then pressed her lips to mine and all reason I had, evaporated. My tongue danced along her lips while trying to breakthrough. My blood began pumping through my veins as my heart rate spiked. All I could think about was taking Davina up to my room and diving between her legs. I tried to shake the thoughts from my mind, but as long as her lips touched mine, my thoughts were not my own.             "If you would excuse us, I would like to take my mate to a more private setting," I said while picking her up bridal style. She faked a chuckle in my arms while my legs began to move up the stairs and into the direction of my room. I could hear my mom escorting everyone out as we disappeared down the hall.             Once I was in my room, and the door was closed, I placed Davina on my bed while I began to remove my clothes.             She stood up and placed her hands all over my chest. "Once wasn't enough for you, Jake? Besides, I didn't come here to have s*x with you again. My purpose in being here was to make sure your mate did not come in between this spell."             "What are you planning?"             "That's for me to know and for you to find out when I want you to find out. I'm sorry you had to be just a pawn in all this, but this is the way it has to be. Once you have marked me and I become your Luna, then all this will seem like a bad memory."             "What happens then?"             She sighed and walked off toward my window. "I suppose it would not be breaking any rules by telling you this since you will only say what I want you to say anyway. Once you officially mark me as yours and make me your Luna, then the spell will become permanent. You will wholesomely belong to me, and I will be able to have full control of you."             None of this was making any sense. Why would Davina want to have control over me? I wasn't even Alpha yet.             Davina opened up my window and began to climb out of it. "The rest, you will know when I want you to. I have already said too much as it is. Just know that this isn't anything personal, Jake. You seem like a really nice guy. If we weren't natural enemies, I might actually like you. This goes far above you and me." She suddenly stopped talking and looked out over the pack territory. "I got to go. I will be seeing you real soon." She blew me a kiss then jumped out the window. I made it to the window just in time to see her land on her feet and take off into the woods.
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