Adding Fuel to the Fire

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Gideon's POV Achilles howled angrily in my head as he watched his mate kiss that scrawny wannabe wizard. 'That fucker is dead,' He snarled viciously. I had to agree with him. It took everything I had to keep my wolf from taking over and shredding that son of a b***h to pieces. He was both angry and hurt. I probably shouldn't have tried to mark her. But the more she resists me, the more Achilles wants her. It turned him on when she fought us. I vaguely registered being helped to my feet by Justin and Hayden. I was too focused on my mate flipping me the bird while walking hand in hand with Jeff. A growl fell out of my chest as my friends guided me to the couch. "Did you seriously just try to mark my sister?" Hayden asked. There was a rush of footsteps down the stairs, and I turned to see my mother approaching me with Hayden and Temperance's mother Madison behind her. "What happened, Gideon?" She ran her hand down my cheek. "Temperance kicked me in the nuts," I replied. Madison put her hands on her hips. "She did what?" "She kicked him in the nuts, Mom," Hayden said to his mother. "But in Tempe's defense, he did just try to mark her." I glared at my friend. "Way to throw me under the bus, Hayden." "Shouldn't have tried to mark her." "I'm sorry," I looked at my mother. "Achilles was trying to take control, and he is the one that tried to mark her. I was concerned about what she was wearing. I don't think she should be going out wearing practically nothing." I explained to my mother and Madison. Madison narrowed her eyes. "She was wearing a tank top and a skirt when she walked out of my room." I shrugged. "She was wearing some leather thing that barely covered her, just now." I glanced at my mate's mother. "I am sorry about my daughter's attitude, Gideon. She has always been a bit hard to handle. I'll get you some ice." She sighed and walked out of the living room with my Mom close behind. Hayden gave me a look. "You know Temperance doesn't like being forced to do anything, Gid. It's best just to let her be herself." I scoffed. "If I do that, then I'll have a Luna dressed like biker trash on my arm. No, on Saturday, she will turn eighteen, and I will use the mate bond to get her to submit to me." Hayden shook his head. "It's your funeral," He picked up one of the controllers for the game console. "Are we still gaming?" I nodded, and he handed Justin and me each a controller, and we began our game. Moments later, Madison handed me an ice pack. "Thank you." I smiled at her. "How is the party planning going?" "It's going great, Gideon," She replied. "Your Mom and I are going all out for the announcement." She ruffled my hair and walked out of the living room. Hayden scoffed. "Temperance is going to hate being ambushed like that, you know." "It's not an ambush. It's a surprise, Hayden." I told him with a smirk. "Either way, she is going to hate it. It's bad enough our moms are planning a huge party which she hates, but you are going to surprise her and announce her being your mate and luna in front of the whole pack." "She is going to have to come to terms with it eventually, Hayden. I am becoming Alpha next week. You are going to be my Gamma, and Justin will be my Beta. Then the next full moon, your sister will be my luna. It will be brilliant. Your sister will come around to me. I just know it." "You really don't know Temperance," Hayden insisted. We played our game for a few more hours before my father's mind linked me to return home. My mother had already gone home. "Well, that was fun, guys. But I have to split." I stood up as Gamma Paul walked into the house. "Good evening, Gideon." He said to me before greeting his mate and children. I nodded to him. "Gamma." I looked at Justin. "Are you coming too, Justin?" "Yeah," He stood up. "Thanks, Hayden." He then started towards the door. "Bye everyone," I waved to the Abbotts and then opened the front door, and her scent of lavender hit me along with a woodsy scent that made me growl. On the porch, she was standing there in the arms of the wizard, making out with him. Achilles surged forward and let loose a ground-shaking growl. Everyone froze. "Get your hands off of her," Achilles's demanded, and they pulled apart. The wizard looked at me with fear while Temperance just glared at me. "f**k off, Gideon," Her beautiful mouth spewed at me. I growled again and stepped towards them. "It's best you don't talk back to me right now, Temperance." I looked at Jeff. "And you better get back to your pitiful shack before I pound you into the ground." Jeff let go of Temperance, and she reached for him. "Don't go, Jeff. Ignore that asshole." I snarled at her insult. "I'm sorry, TJ. I'll see you tomorrow at school," He reached for her hand, but I growled, making him scurry away. Temperance faced me with her total hate. "What is your problem?!" She yelled at me. "See what happens when you dress like a harlot. You start acting like a slut." "Oh f**k off with that slut bullshit. If I want to kiss a man, then I will f*****g kiss him. It's none of your business who I kiss." I stepped towards her causing her to back up till she was against the post o the porch. "It is my business, Temperance. More than you know. Don't you feel it?" She shook her head. "Feel what?" "Between us. Don't you feel anything for me? Like on a spiritual level." I wanted so bad to tell her that she was my mate. But I had to wait till Saturday. "The only thing I feel for you is disgust." She sneered at me. Her beauty was contorted in hatred for me. It made Achilles whimper because her wolf was into me. I just couldn't convince the human side. "Temperance!" Gamma Paul barked from behind me. "Get in the house now!" She glared at me as she stomped by and into the house. I turned and looked at the Gamma. "I don't want Starsky anywhere near her," I told him. He ran a hand through his red hair. "I can tell him to stay away from the house. But what about school?" "I'll have my father talk to the school and make sure they have no classes or lunch together." I shrugged. "There is only a week left of school, Gideon." "I don't care, Gamma. She is my mate, and I don't want her making out with him. I don't want him touching her. I don't want him near her." I explained to him. "That means no more band?" Gamma Paul breathed out. I nodded. "Do I make myself clear? He is not to go anywhere near her." He sighed heavily. "Temperance is going to be devastated." "Do as I say, Gamma Paul," I said to him in my alpha tone. He bowed his head in submission. "Yes, Alpha. Goodnight." He turned and walked into the house. 'She is not going to be happy with you making her quit the band.' Achilles told me. I walked down the sidewalk and sniffed the air. 'I don't care, Achilles. Do you want her near that other male she keeps kissing?' He snarled viciously in response. 'I didn't think so.' I walked towards Jeff and Granny Witch's house. I saw the rail-thin wannabe wizard ambling towards his house. I stalked him for a minute before I charged forward and knocked him to the ground. I bent down and picked him up by the collar of his trench coat. I punched him in the face as I held him by the collar of his trenchcoat. "Stay the f**k away from Temperance. Do not go near her anymore." I snarled at him. "Says who?" He spat in my face causing me to punch him again. "Says her mate and Alpha. You will not talk to her. Touch her. Think about her. Nothing. If you want your grandmother to stay alive, you will stay away from Temperance." I released his coat, and he fell to the ground. He looked up at me with those weird eyes of his. "You are her mate?" He spat blood from his mouth. "Yes. She will know on Saturday, and you will be history." I smirked at him and kicked his side. "She hates you. You know that?" He slowly got to his feet, and I slammed my fist in his face again, making him fall backward. He lay on his back and laughed. "Stay away from her," I growled out. He got to his feet and bowed to me. "Whatever you say, little alpha." He replied with sarcasm. He then stumbled away from me. I watched the bastard walk away from me. I had to run back to the packhouse to tell my father to call the school and have them keep Temperance and Starsky separated. I would also have him send warriors to enforce my rule. I didn't care if she was angry. Temperance is mine, and it's time she knew it. Paul's POV I walked into the house after Gideon ordered me to keep Jeff Starsky away from my daughter. It wasn't going to be an easy task. Jeff and Temperance had been friends for years, and I was aware of their growing intimacy. They never announced themselves as a couple, but I saw what was happening between them. I also have known that Gideon is her mate for the last three years. And I knew how much my daughter disliked the young Alpha. I saw my mate sitting on the couch with my younger daughter watching TV. "Where is Temperance?" I asked Madison. "I think she is in the kitchen," Madison replied. "Why?" I took a deep breath and walked towards the kitchen without answering my mate. Temperance was sitting at the breakfast bar eating a bowl of cereal. She was humming one of her songs while bobbing her head. I looked at her revealing outfit and had to fight a growl from my wolf, Draco. "Tempe," I spoke out as Madison walked in behind me. Temperance looked at me with one of her brilliant smiles. "Yeah, Dad?" I stepped around the counter, so I was facing her. I looked into her green eyes that matched mine. She was the only one of my children that resembled me. Hayden and Autumn took after their mother. Temperance was the most like me. It hurt that I was about to tell her something that would break her. I had encouraged her musical ambitions for years, and now I had to order her to quit. I knew her reaction would be explosive. I took a deep breath as my mate stood next to our daughter. "Temperance, I am afraid that you are no longer allowed to see Jeffery Starsky." There was a moment of silence, and then Temperance dropped her spoon, and her eyes narrowed. "Excuse me? What did you just say?" She asked as tears welled up in her eyes. "You are no longer allowed to see or talk to Jeff. That means no more band." She stood up suddenly and glared at me. "ARE YOU f*****g SERIOUS?!" She screamed with everything she had. "Dad! You can't be serious. Jeff is my best friend, and we have worked so hard. You can't ruin this for me." "Its Alpha's orders, Tempe. I can't go against his orders." I told her and gulped. "GIDEON KREEL IS NOT ALPHA YET! WHY ARE YOU AFRAID OF HIM?" "I AM NOT AFRAID. I AM BOUND TO MY ALPHA!" I screamed back at her. "His word is as good as his father's. You have to do as he says too, Temperance." "NO!" She roared. "I will not stay away from Jeff. I love him, Dad. You cannot make me stay away from him." "I can, and I will." I snarled at her. I reached for her, and she pulled away. "Mom?" She looked at Madison. Madison pressed her lips together. "It's for the best, Temperance. You will know why on Saturday." "For the best?! For who?" Temperance screamed. "Why are you doing this to me?" She started to sob while running out of the kitchen. "Temperance! Get back here." Madison and I charged out of the kitchen after our daughter. Hayden and Autumn were both standing in the hallway watching as we ran after Temperance. She went into her room and tried slamming the door, but I caught it. "I am sorry I have to do this to you," I told her. "Then don't! Tell Gideon f*****g Kreel to f**k off." She cried. "Language!" Madison barked at her. I sighed. "I can't go against his orders, Temperance. He has a good reason for not wanting you to stay away from Jeff Starsky. Trust us. It's for the good of the pack." "I HATE THIS STUPID PACK! I HATE YOU FOR ROBBING ME OF MY JOY IN LIFE. AND I f*****g HATE GIDEON KREEL!" She glared at Madison and me with hatred. "I CAN'T WAIT TILL I TURN EIGHTEEN SO I CAN LEAVE THIS GOD FORSAKEN HELL HOLE AND NEVER COME BACK. YOU HEAR ME. I AM NEVER COMING BACK!" It broke my heart to hear those words coming from her mouth. The devastation in her voice made my wolf cry out in pain. He didn't like hearing his pup in such pain. "I'm sorry, Temperance." I barely spoke out as I was having trouble holding it together. She flopped onto her bed and began sobbing loudly. I wanted to comfort her. Madison tried comforting her, but she swatted her away. "Let's go, Maddie," I said to my mate quietly and ushered her out of Temperance's room. I closed the door and leaned against it, listening to my daughter's devastating sobs. "It's for the best, Paul," Madison tried reassuring me. "Everything will work out soon." I know she was excited for the day Temperance turned eighteen and discovered Gideon was her mate. But I knew my daughter. She was not going to like a big surprise at the party. I knew she would not go to Gideon willingly. She would be a great luna, but she will never submit to Gideon. "I'm not so sure about that, Maddie," I said to my mate. I started down the hallway. "Where are you going, Paul?" "I need to go for a run, Maddie. I will be back later." I practically ran down the stairs and started taking off my clothes. I opened the front door, shifted quickly into my reddish-colored wolf, and took off into the woods.
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