Chapter 7

1034 Words
Someone began tapping me on the shoulder in an attempt to wake me up. It worked because my eyes shot open and I instinctively grabbed my sword. Only to realise that it was Ubbe, who was tapping me on the shoulder. He stepped back and said, "Whoo, Daphne calm down. I have breakfast for you." Ivar was sniggered on the other side of the room. Halfdan looked surprised. "I am sorry," I mumbled. "You have lightning quick reflexes," Ubbe stated. I smiled, while rubbing my eyes and sitting myself up. Ubbe held the plate out for me, as he took a seat at the end of my bed. I took the plate and nodded gratefully. "You will be meeting our other two brothers later today," Ubbe mentioned. "Where are we going," I asked as I began eating my food. "To our home and where all the ships of our great army are setting sail from," Halfdan exclaimed. I smiled, acknowledging what he was saying. Ivar continued to watch me, just like last night. We all ate quitely for a moment. Then Ivar spoke, "Are you nervous about meeting our other two brothers?" I shook my headed, smirking, "Now, why should I be nervous? Afterall, you are all men." Ivar gave a approving look, before commenting, "But, our father Ragnar did descend from Odin. Then from what I hear you maybe descended from the gods as well." I scoffed, "Yeah well. All I know is that I have had a lightning bolt mark on the back of my neck for as long as I can remember. So, I think I was born with it. I don't know if I am descended from the gods." The brothers nodded in unison. We finished our breakfast in quite. Liv gathered the plates from all of us before cleaning them. Halfdan said, "We will wait outside, while Liv attends to your wounds. Give you privacy." Ubbe picked Ivar up and carried him from the house. Halfdan nodded at us before leaving and closing the door behind him. Liv turned to me and gushed, "Well, I have never seen the sons of Ragnar behave so properly before. You might be a good influence on them." Liv turned, picking some cloth bandages up to replace the ones on my leg, while I chuckled, "Well, I hope I am not too much of a good influence." She smiled, "Take your trousers off and lets have a look at this leg." I stood from the bed and pulled my trousers down before retaking a seat. I wrapped a blanket around my bum and thighs. I lifted my legs on to the bed. Liv pulled a chair up next to the bed. She carefully undid the bandages on my leg. Once, the bandages were off, I could see the wounds properly for the very first time. I froze in place because the wounds were healed almost completely. They were going to scar badly, I know that. "Well, your wounds are almost completely healed. I would give it another few days of wearing bandages and then you will not need to wearing them. If you have any pain in your leg, I would rest for awhile. But, I don't think you are going to be having any trouble," Liv said, as she examined my leg. I nodded. Liv began to rebandage my leg. Today, I really felt no pain in my leg at all but I figured I will still limp, incase someone tried anything that way I could whoop their arse somehow. It might help when I least expect it. Liv finished bandaging my leg and got up, walking to the other side of the room. I removed the blanket pulling my trousers back up. I adjusted my boots as they had been pushed down. I stood up and said, "Thank you, Liv. Truly, you have done soo much for me." Liv smiled, "It is who I am I love to help people. Come on, we should go. Our chest is on their cart." I picked up my sword and done the belt up around my hips. While, Liv made her way across the room and opened the door. I nodded and made for the door, making sure to limp. Ivar was sitting in the back of the cart, while Ubbe and Halfdan leaned against it waiting for us. "Liv, you can sit up front with me on the cart," Ubbe called out, upon noticing us. "Where should I sit," I inquired. Halfdan beamed, "You are going to ride on the horse with me." His smile just showed how much he was going to enjoy this. Lucky, I had rode a horse years ago. Halfdan tipped his head towards the horse, urging me to follow him. So, I did so. His horse was a beautiful black horse. He climbed up on to the horse and sat on the saddle. He leaned down, offering me his hand. He was smiling the entire time. I smiled back and took his hand. Within the blink of an eye, he lifted me up onto the horse behind him and said, "Hold on tight to me, beautiful." I blushed and wrapped my arms around his waist. Halfdan smirked, whispering, "Come on, you can hold on tighter than that." As I wrapped my arms tighter, he called out, "Come on, we need to move everyone." Halfdan kicked the horse and we were off. Slowly, ahead of the cart. When I asked, "How long before we get there?" "A few hours of riding, if we don't rest. Don't worry just hold me tighter if you get uncomfortable," Halfdan replied, teasingly. I smiled and relaxed a little. Even though, I knew he was trying to flirt with me. But, I couldn't fall in love with them. They hadn't shown me their true colours, yet. I just enjoyed the scenery, as we rode to their home. I couldn't believe how beautiful this place truly was. But, I have to admit seeing how the World will change from this to what it looks like in the future, will be an interesting thing to know. I am doing what all historian dream they could do.
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