Bravyn Damien speaks.

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Bravyn Damien was a name that commanded respect and power in the world of business and crime. He was the billionaire gangster in a chain of hotels that catered to the affluent and powerful. His reputation for shrewdness and ruthlessness was well known, but what was less known was his romantic side. Today I was visiting one of my hotels in Utopia, called the Ivy's Hotel. It's a routine I've followed for a few months. As I sat at the bar, I saw a waitress who caught my eye despite having a bunch of girls surrounding me, laughing and joking around. From that moment on, they did not matter, and they ceased to exist. What mattered was this waitress, and I could not get my eyes off of her. Not only did the girl have a beautiful face, but she also had a luscious figure. Her curves were just right, she had a confident walk, and her posture was impeccable. With her beauty, she left a trail of awestruck lookers wherever she went. The waitress was a striking woman, probably in her mid- to late-twenties, with a slender frame and delicate features. She exuded a quiet confidence and grace that immediately drew my attention. I watched her from across the room, observing the efficient way she served customers and handled difficult situations. I was impressed with her skills and even more so with her beauty. This waitress with brown eyes and a chubby face had a captivating presence, drawing the attention of everyone around her. Other men had eyes on her too, and a tinge of covetousness gripped my heart. "I will rescue you from these eyes," I whispered to myself. Her hair was tied in a knot, leaving a mane-like horsetail to cascade down her shoulders. Her hair was thick and dark, and it shone in the light. It was obvious that she took good care of her hair, and it added to her already stunning appearance. I checked the girls around me, and none matched her. I tried to talk with her, and I got to know that her name was Shelby. Her eyes were round and bright, and when she talked, her eyes sparkled with excitement as if she were talking about something she was truly passionate about. Though she was rejecting my advances. It was beautiful to witness such enthusiasm, and it was impossible not to be drawn by her infectious energy. I knew from the get-go that I had to make her mine and own her, but now the task was proving harder. It was not going to be easy, despite my wealth and power. Shelby was not moved by my billionaire status. I tried to get a date with her, but she politely rejected me. Shelby was not interested in my charm or money. She was a woman who valued high dependence and was not easily impressed by someone like Bravyn Damien. Undeterred, I persisted in my pursuit, and I made sure to leave my card with Shelby so that she could contact me if she changed her mind. I was hopeful that she would see something in me that would make her give me a chance. Or probably someone would inform her who I was. I knew that I could offer Shelby a life of luxury and security, but I also knew that I could offer her something more, something that money could not buy. Bravyn speaks**** "Braven is not used to rejection", I said as I got out of my car and took the corridor in long strides. I got into my house, and for the first time in years, I was bored. I needed someone to fill the emptiness in my house. I tried to sleep, but it was impossible; my mind was flooded by miserable episodes of my rejection and the mockery I got from my entourage. I woke up at some point and stood before a mirror, doubting my psyche."When did my charms stop working on women?" " Shelby can't see all this. I questioned my well-defined looks and broad shoulders. I smiled, and a set of white teeth showed my well-trimmed moustache. "What's in me that puts that lady off?" He yelled at himself in the mirror. I gave up trying to find fault in myself and soothed myself to sleep. The following morning, I sat I was in my office, trying to focus on the work of the day, but I was distracted, and my mind kept wandering to Shelby. I could not stop thinking about her charming smile and her luscious curves. I was not used to any kind of rejection. I was not used to anything I could not get. I was one of the most respected, powerful, and influential billionaires in Play City. I was accustomed to having my way with anything or anyone I set my eyes on.This was my first rejection in my whole life.And it was painful that I could not get her quickly, and the arrogant me had to beg. I remembered that I had left my card with her, and she should probably be calling anytime. So I got my phone out of my pocket, placed it on my desk, and made sure that I never missed any call that came through. As I waited I couldn't help but think about what it was that drew me to her. Was it her beauty? Her intelligence? That hourglass figure or was I lusting at placing my hands on those curves, or was it something deeper? something that I couldn't quite put my fingers on? I was never one to believe in love at first sight, but there was something about Shelby that had captivated me. I waited till late afternoon, and I knew she was never going to call. "Rejection." I shook my head, disturbed.If people hear that a mere waitress does not want to listen to me, they can lower their respect for me. Women who reside in Playtown can't be trusted; they are too sharp and need lots of money. Shelby doesn't need my money. "This is pure humiliation. I can't believe I have been sitting waiting for a call that is not even ringing!" Who knows? Maybe she ate my card. "Girls fight to have a space near me, to work for me; they don't mind if I kidnap them as long as I convince them that I can change their lives," I argued. So when a waitress in one of my hotels, Shelby Blackwood, decides to reject my advances, I get buffleheaded. I have never been attracted to anyone like I was to her, and the fact that she didn't reciprocate my feelings was a blow to my ego. How could someone like her, with such a low profile and status, turn down someone as wealthy and powerful as me? Shelby was different from any other woman I had met before. Even though she works as a waitress in my hotel, she carried herself with such poise and elegance that she seemed out of place. When I tried to make advances towards her, she did not give me a chance, no matter how many times I needed her attention. I found her rejection intriguing, as she did not seem to care about who I was. "Patience pays; let me wait!" I told myself that I had not heard from Shelby. I was becoming restless and impatient, but I refused to give up. I knew that if I wanted something, I had to be persistent and determined. So I sat in my expensive office, staring at my phone, waiting for it to ring. Every time it rang, I felt a surge of anticipation, only to be disappointed when it was not Shelby. I took my phone and dialed a number: " Timi, is this Waitress by the name of Shelby Blackwood present?" I didn't even greet my manager; I was bothered. "Yes, sir, she is!" Timi answered, fearing he was about to lose his best waitress. "I know you people are busy, but I would like to speak to her!" I said, I was sounding as peaceful as possible, not to scare the manager. "Is everything alright, sir?" Timi questioned. "I just need to speak to Shelby; I did not say anything was wrong," I said, and Timi, my manager, went to call her. I walked outside of the office. The sun was shining, and everyone went about their business as usual. Nobody knew what was happening to me. I longed to hear her voice. As I waited for her to pick up the other end of the phone, my heart raced with anticipation. I wasn't sure how she would respond, but the mere thought of hearing her voice filled me with hope. I had to try, even if it meant facing another rejection. My line was still open, and the silence was deafening. I held my breath, praying she would answer. I didn't know for how long I could stay on the line, but hanging up was not an option. I paced on the forbidden grass that nobody on the premises was supposed to step on, defying the message on a play card reading," Do not step on the grass". My staff members gave me one glance and understood that whoever was on the other end was giving me goosebumps or was making me aggressive. Then, finally, I had a click. My heart skipped a beat as I heard her voice;her silky, melodic voice filled the air, and for the first time in ages, I felt alive. I drew a long breath and gladly returned to my office, away from those piercing eyes of my workers. " Hello Shelby, I have been waiting for your call!" I asked, trying to sound as polite as possible. I am fine, and who am I speaking to?" She asked naively. " This is Bravyn Damien, remember I left my card with you yesterday!" I introduced myself, and I heard her breathe in and out, after realizing it was me. She probably was not expecting to speak to me. " Forgive me, I am sorry I didn't give you a listening ear. I would like to explain myself further. Given a chance, please don't fire me!" Shelby replied, her voice shaking. " Fire you!" "For my behavior, I am sorry. I need this job. I have a young girl at home, and this job is our only hope!" Shelby answered, on the verge of crying. I am not firing you; I was inviting you over for coffee," I said. I felt like the chains that had wrapped themselves around my heart slowly released their grip. I was overwhelmed that she was vulnerable and had a weakness that I could solve and earn myself some marks in her life. Though I knew I was not free yet, hearing her voice and her confession brought me closer to freedom. "Thank you so much; I will be there; just let my manager, Timi, know I won't be working that day!" Shelby retorted. Her voice had stabilized, and she was no longer afraid. " So if you don't mind, can you text me, so that I can get your number, it will be easy to communicate that way!" I said. " Timi will send you my number. I think I should get back to work. I will see you soon!" Shelby was already in a hurry to leave. I had to let her go. At least I could breathe again,step by step, I would unravel the mystery around her, and by then she and her would-be inseparable " Tell Timi what to do, see you soon too". For a brief moment, I forgot my wealth, my status, and my worries, and I had become that down-to-earth man as I spoke to the only woman who had entranced my heart. Hanging up to me was a bittersweet moment. I had not expected her to behave like that, I was ready for the fierce tigress to roar, but that's the other side of Shelby that was tactfully amazing. I imagined that voice waking me up in the morning, only to open my eyes and find those beautiful round eyes and chubby cheeks hovering around me. A surge of warmth raced through my body. I felt like a drug addict who had just gotten a momentary fix. Right now, the height, a pain in the flesh, but the crash was where the weight lingered, it was coming, and I would be ready... I propped myself on my chair's back seat, raised my legs, and placed them on top of my desk, one over the other. My hands were behind my head, and I enjoyed the sweetness that came with her voice: " If speaking to her is getting me this excited, how about when I make her mine". I was in love. My senses came back from cloud nine to earth, and I had to face reality. Shelby was just a waitress and a single mother at that, and I was a billionaire. The gap between us was too big to cross. I thought about society and my parents, and I couldn't help feeling hopeful. Maybe, just maybe, there was a chance for us. I smiled to myself as I got up from my chair, even though there was uncertainty about what lay ahead. Hearing Shelby's voice made everything seem possible; it was as if a weight had been lifted off my shoulders and I could see again. I was ready to mix with people that night and eat after starving for a day. I smiled, knowing I was going to bed early and would have a sound sleep. I walked out of my office that night with my heart light as a feather and my step earrings. I knew that I still had a long way to go, but for now, hearing Shelby's voice was giving me a sense of purpose, it was like a spark of expectancy amidst the darkness that surrounded my situation, and I was determined to follow it.
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