Chapter 9

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'The next stage to be studied, are the breasts,' she said. This perked up their attention. Any eighteen year old had his attention grabbed by the mention of breasts. A boy, or man for that matter, liked the idea of grabbing breasts. The grabbing part was probably why women kept them hidden away in contraptions called a bra. Apart from avoiding the ravages of gravity. Breasts are far too sensitive to be grabbed by a pair of strong male hands. Women are naturally conscious of keeping them hidden, and out of the hands of men. Walk down any busy street, look at a woman at chest height, and she will unconsciously glance down to make sure her breasts are properly covered. Sister Chastity was unaware that she should protect them. She had grown up in a convent, away from the real world, where nuns didn't have to think of such things. The boys that bothered the girls in town were aware of how difficult it was, to get their hands on a pair of breasts. Why they wanted to, hadn't been thought about much. 'You have learnt to be gentle while kissing, and must learn to be even more gentle with breasts. Your lips, teeth, and tongue will be used to stimulate the breasts. Unlike kissing, it is your wife who will benefit, not you. You must be patient with her, and look for signs of excitement, to see if she is ready to mount,' she explained. Her practical no-nonsense approach was mesmerizing, making it seem as though she were teaching an ordinary subject. Sister Chastity was teaching human biology, in an unconventional way. The boys in her class were most appreciative of her hands on methods, and they hadn't forgotten Fred' part in starting her off on this route. 'How will we know how to treat the breast, and when the woman is ready?' Billy asked. He had a wonderful look of innocence about his questions, that his friends appreciated. They too put their hands up, to encourage her into another demonstration. Sounding resigned to the inevitable, Sister Chastity summoned him to the front of the class. She lifted the heavy garment off her shoulders, to let it gather around her waist. This time she wore a bra. The guys weren't put off by her uncompromising, shabby underwear. They knew a fit young body was underneath. The prospect of seeing more of it held their undivided attention. 'Stand a bit to the side, so everyone can see,' she directed. She lifted the bra to reveal her breasts. There was a murmur of approval, progressing to contentment, rippling around the room. If they didn't have erections yet, they would while contemplating her pert breasts. Imagining Sister Teresa's sagging breasts, would have put them off. 'I don't think you will be able to do this with a girlfriend, so just keep to kissing her. Imagine I'm your wife, Billy, and we are in bed. What was that, Nigel?' she asked. Nigel had made a strangled hissing noise, which she only just heard while concentrating on Billy's instructions. Seeing how nervous and embarrassed he was, she moved on. She hadn't realised he'd had an orgasm, when she said, 'imagine we are in bed'. 'You can put your arm around me, not too tight. Rest your cheek on a breast, to get used to it. Now kiss a n****e, like you did when kissing my lips. Slowly and gently. Eww, that's good. Can everyone see Billy licking my n****e? He's teasing it, trying to make it bigger. I think it grew while everyone was kissing me, Billy. Billy, Billy, it won't get any bigger than that. You can go ahead and suck on my n****e,' she directed. This wasn't the same as when Fred kissed her breasts, but it was nice. She watched him suck her n****e into his mouth, and felt a flutter in her tummy. 'Watch Billy, sucking on my n****e, everyone. It has grown harder and bigger after all. The n****e doesn't hurt, but aches in a pleasant way. Perhaps like your p***s when it grows. Yes, Nigel, only a lot smaller. Do you remember me showing you the c******s in the last lesson. That too grows, and yes Nigel, it is small compared to your p***s. No we won't have time to see if it has grown. We need to concentrate on the breasts,' she lectured. 'Take a break now, Billy. I don't think you can suck any more of my breast into your mouth, Billy. No need anyway, just kiss a n****e, and suck gently. That's all you need to do. Some women will have very sensitive breasts, so you will have to be guided by them. Any questions?' she asked. 'I'm not sure in practice how that will work, sister. Could I try?' Andrew asked. 'You can sit down now, Billy. Stand to one side, Andrew, that's it. Can everyone see? You may begin, Andrew. Not so close, you won't be able to reach them,' she cautioned him. 'I was going to kiss your lips first, sister,' he said. 'We've already demonstrated that, so kiss my breasts, please, Andrew,' she said, as though they were in a hurry. She watched him lick a n****e then move on to the other. She should have told them about this, though now there was no need. He held a n****e between his lips and squeezed it. Then he sucked it, just the n****e. He sucked it into his mouth with a tremendous pressure. It took her aback when he bit then nibbled on her n****e. Her n****e was already tender, now it was aflame. When he started on the other n****e, she had to anticipate receiving all those lovely sensations over again. It was an agony of expectation, knowing how exciting it would be. When he nibbled on her n****e, her legs felt weak. She wanted to throw her head back to yell out her passion. Looking at those eager boys, waiting their turn, brought her down to manageable levels of excitement. Only just able to withstand his sucking and biting, she asked him to stop. 'Woowww! Very good Andrew. You really know how to kiss, you're a natural. Anyone else?' she unnecessarily asked. One by one the boys hurried to her, eager to kiss their teachers breasts. No thought was given to why she was letting them. They knew it was wrong, but why it was, no one wanted to figure it out. It felt natural and wonderful to be kissing her breasts, and good practice for when they got married, or so she said. Well, maybe they were just lucky, or, maybe Fred had tricked her into it. Before the last of them sat down, Sister Chastity pulled the habit into place, and once more looked like a properly behaved nun. For some it was disappointing not to sit gazing at her large breasts. For others it was more exciting to remember they had been kissing a nun's lips, and t**s. The lesson was over, but they had the next one to look forward to.   As everyone left the classroom, Sister Chastity asked Fred to stay behind. 'Fred! Would you join me in the first aid room?? I need to review the lesson. I would like your help on something,' she breathlessly asked, and almost ran out of the classroom. Fred knew her well enough to see she was heated up. The poor thing had been excited by all the guys in the class, sucking on her n*****s. He knew what she wanted, and sauntered into the room. 'Fred! I don't know what to say. I don't think I should have let them kiss me,' she blurted out. 'Which kiss, Sister Chastity, on the lips, or the n*****s,' he said, keeping a perfectly straight face. 'My n*****s, both, I suppose. Fred, please. You know how I get when you kiss me. I'm like that now. Please, Fred. I shouldn't ask you, but I need you. Sorry to ask, but I need you to do that thing you mentioned. I forgot what you call it, you know,' she wittered on. 'Sister Chastity,' he interrupted. 'Do you mean an orgasm. Is that what you need?' he politely asked. 'Yes, please, Fred. I do need it, if you don't mind, please,' she said. He figured if he held on a little longer, she would beg him for an orgasm. He couldn't do that to her. She was everyone's favourite nun, and very kind to them all. 'Hop up onto the cot, Sister,' he told her. After letting him teach her so much, she now trusted him, and did as she was told. She pulled the flowing habit up around her hips. 'Do you mind if I pull these down,' he politely asked. He didn't know what to call them, as they might be knickers, or have some strange name. The voluminous garment couldn't be considered panties. Hundreds of thongs could be made from them, with enough material left over to make a hundred bra's. It was thrilling to pull down a nun's knickers, though it seemed the novelty was wearing thin. A little like her knickers. He stroked her bare crotch, and was reminded of the time he shaved her. 'I need to shave you again, Sister Chastity,' he said. 'Not now! Please, Fred, you know what I need,' she croaked. He continued stroking her thighs, and further up. He slipped a hand under her, to finger her asshole. With his other hand he ran a finger up her slit. It was wet, and her v****a was gaping. It looked like a fish out of water, gasping for air. He knew what she was desperate for, but they couldn't do that. Instead he slipped a finger into her, and rubbed her clit with a thumb. A week ago he would have been far too afraid to do this. Accidently seeing a nun's private parts, would have been enough to make him c*m. At that moment it seemed academic, simply some research he was conducting for the next lesson. Reaching the right rhythm with his thumb had her panting and crooning. It was a pleasant sound, rather than exciting. It showed she was well away in her own little world of pleasure. His fingers circled inside her v****a, exploring this side of her hymen. What would happen if he broke it? Would he be struck down by a lightning bolt, for taking the virginity of a nun? One of the guys said the nuns had lived a life before joining the nunnery. He meant none of them were virgins. So how did he know? Fred suddenly realized he was probably the only person in the world, fingering a virgin nun. Maybe not the only one, but very few ever had this privilege. She began to orgasm. She drummed her heels against the small bed. She arched her back and moaned something unintelligible. Maybe it was Latin. Fred grinned with pleasure for her. It was still a wonder seeing her become so carried away, so deeply engrossed in pleasure. He wiped between her legs, and pulled up the loose garment. He patted her flat stomach, and gripped her between the legs, then pulled the folds of material down. 'Thank you, Fred,' she heavily breathed. It took her awhile to recover. It looked as though she had been through a hedge backwards. She had been sweating, her hair was awry, and her throat was dry. 'You're welcome, Sister Chastity,' he smiled. 'I really should to do something for you, Fred. After giving me such pleasure, you should experience it too,' she kindly spoke. She slipped off the cot, and her legs nearly gave way. She chuckled pleasantly. She reached for the lump in his trousers, surprising him. 'I haven't forgotten what the boys told me in class. They play with their p***s, don't they? Could I play with yours, Fred? Would that be nice?' she innocently asked. The thought of that nearly had him c*m in his pants. A nun playing with his c**k seemed wicked, and extraordinary. It was a natural progression of what they had been doing, but it still took him by surprise. He found himself nodding. It was his turn to slip up onto the cot. He watched her unbutton his trousers, and delve in with a cold hand. She fumbled around for a moment, then decided the big hot lump was his c**k. It was difficult to pull from his trousers but she eventually managed. He had better recover his voice if it wasn't to be ripped off. 'Not like that, Sister Chastity,' he quickly said. 'Wrap your hand around it. Now lift the hand, stop. Now down, stop. A bit faster,' he heavily breathed. His head fell back onto the pillow, and he murmured his thanks. It was with some relief that he noticed she had caught his spunk in a tissue. Last time he'd shot it over her face. He smiled at Sister Chastity, with memories of when she had comforted him in more innocent times.  
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