Chapter 5

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'Faster,' he whispered. After seeing her naughty bits up close, and giving her an orgasm, it didn't take long. He spurted strings of c*m. He was only just eighteen, with a potent, hardly used p***s. The stream would have shot across the room, except Sister Chastity was in the way. 'Oh! Sorry, Sister Chastity!' he shuddered with anguish. 'It's alright, Fred. It didn't go over my habit,' she reassured him. He wasn't so sure it was alright. His sperm was dripping down her face! She scooped a glob of c*m from a cheek and sniffed it. She flicked out her tongue to taste it. 'It's very salty,' she said. 'Is it?' he asked. 'I read it’s full of protein and can be swallowed, but I don't think I'll try it,' she said. The studious look she gave his mess was more in keeping with a chemistry lesson, than a s*x session. He wondered if she wasn't slightly touched, as well as innocent. All the nuns seemed a little weird in some way or another. Maybe it was a lack of s*x that sent them mad. Maybe he and the guys should offer their services to help them out. Inside, he smiled at the thought. She took hold of his shrinking p***s by the foreskin, and examined it. 'It's certainly smaller now. More like the statues in church. I wonder why it shoots so far? Possibly to shoot sperm into the womb? I must say there is a lot of information lacking in the books I've been given. If it wasn't for your help Fred, my lessons would have been woefully lacking. You must teach me more, so I may teach a better lesson in class,' she cheerfully spoke. She wiped his p***s, and tucked it back into his trousers. She patted him there, and pleasantly smiled. 'I never guessed that a state of heavenly bliss could be reached like that. If you don't mind, perhaps we could try it again sometime. I'm keen to experiment, to see if it works again. Do you mind, Fred?' she innocently asked. 'Err, I guess so, Sister Chastity. Any time,' he lamely said. 'Lunch time is nearly over so you should be at a lesson,' she smiled. She was always happy, yet the big smile adorning her face seemed difficult to wipe away. At the door he turned to take a last look at her, she was washing his sperm off her face, yet still smiling.     In class everyone was eagerly awaiting the last lesson of the week. Fred had warned them to keep quiet about what went on here. If the other nuns found out they would all be in trouble. They had questioned him about this afternoon's lesson, and he denied all knowledge of what she planned. 'I understand your confusion over the reproduction process, as the diagrams I use aren't clear. The pictures Fred provided are better, but there are no titles or explanations. Here Fred, give these out,' she said. This time the guys didn't overreact to receiving pictures torn from a s*x magazine. They were convinced something more interesting was on the way. 'Last week we learned the v****a has to be stimulated, so that a p***s can enter it. It is obviously very important to get that right, otherwise penetration cannot be achieved. It is very important to deliver the sperm, or seed, into the womb,' she lectured. 'How is that done, Sister,' Billy asked. The other guys looked at her, waiting to see how she could possibly answer such an audacious question. Having a nun talk about a v****a and a p***s was great fun. They didn't know how Fred had engineered this, but it was fabulous. 'Perhaps Fred could tell you? Fred,' she prompted. 'Not sure if I could, Sister Chastity, not properly,' he quickly said. Seeing his embarrassment, she felt sorry for putting him on the spot. He'd certainly found her spot last week, and this morning. It struck her that he didn't want to give away their secret. It was up to her to teach the class, and she needed to take responsibility for the lesson. Putting it onto someone else was wrong. 'Sister Teresa always says a picture is worth a thousand words, and a demonstration worth a thousand pictures. Perhaps I should show you how it is done,' she mused. It was all right for her, teaching chemistry. This was far more awkward, and she had little training, well, none really. The text books were hopeless, and it was important to teach the subject thoroughly. Fred called it an orgasm, and that would have to be avoided. In class she would surely be able to keep her feelings under control. Well, there was only one way to find out. 'Gather around boys, and I'll try to show you what to do,' she announced. Sounding confident was easy, but being so took a lot more effort than she had thought. The habit was lifted hesitantly. They were staring right between the legs, in anticipation of a revelation of her naughty bits. Their faces changed to something approaching disappointment. The big navy blue knickers were hardly what they were expecting. She tucked the hem into a belt to hold it up. Trying to be nonchalant, she pulled her knickers down and carefully placed them on the desk. She shimmied up on the edge of the desk and opened her legs. It felt wrong to be doing this, yet liberating and invigorating. The justification was that she was trying to teach them to be better husbands, and fulfil the church's instruction to produce more believers for the church. Go forth and multiply was an important instruction, and this would help them do just that. If they were to prepare their wives, then it was vital they get it right. 'The bible exhorts you to go forth and multiply, as I am sure you are aware,' she said, staring down the gigglers. 'The church needs more members and it your duty, when married, to provide them. It is your duty as husbands to teach your wives, and my responsibility to teach you what you need to know. There is no excuse to go out gathering knowledge in the village. The girls there are off limits, as the reverend mother has stipulated,' she lectured. 'This is serious, Gregory,' she admonished. He put on a serious look, befitting the lesson, to match his friends’ concentration. They were all staring at Sister Chastity's s*x, and that demanded an intense expression. 'Now then, it is not for me to excite the v****a. It will be for you, as husbands, to get your wife in a suitable condition to accept your p***s,' she stated. She was glad they hadn't sniggered, and were taking it seriously at last. 'I need a volunteer to help demonstrate the method. Fred, would you help?' she asked. 'Err, Sister Chastity? Err, I guess,' he hesitantly acknowledged being volunteered. It was the least he could do, after they had been intimate. Knowing his way around her naughty bits already, it was fair game for him to help out. Besides, he didn't like the idea of others touching her. 'Come closer, but stand to the side so the others can see. What is all this called?' She asked, with a hand covering everything. 'Come on, you must remember from earlier lessons,' she demanded. 'The vulva, Sister Chastity,' Andrew said. 'This soft fleshy bit between tummy and lower down?' she asked. 'Mons pubis,' Ricky said, looking pleased with himself. 'These folds of flesh are called what, Rufus?' she asked. 'Err, labia, sister,' he said. They were too tense to laugh at using these words before a nun. One was nervously licking his lips, and others too were showing the signs of strain. 'That's right. Who remembers what the two are called? Correct. This is the major labia, which hides the minor labia. Yes, Rufus, the major labia, or majora labium, opens first. We will see that happening. I'm sure that will be clearer for you when demonstrated. Fred,' she said. Fred put a finger to her crotch, and noticed how badly it was shaking. He steadied his nerve by forgetting where he was, and that his friends were watching. 'Go ahead, Fred,' she encouraged. He ran a finger between the already growing lips. They began to flower and became glistening wet. 'Can you see what is happening? Each of you take a closer look. These folds of flesh are sensitive to the touch. They must be stroked gently,' she said. Remembering the shaving session, she added, 'They can be pulled, but carefully. Please demonstrate, Fred.' 'You can see them opening up, revealing what?' she asked. 'The v****a, sister,' Rufus went for the heart of the matter. 'The urine hole,' Andrew said, immediately knowing he was wrong, by his friends reactions. 'Nearly right. It's called the urethra,' she explained and glared at the ones elbowing Andrew. 'It doesn't matter what the parts are called, as long as you get it right. Continue Fred, as we now want the inner lips, Labium Minora, to open up.' Sister Chastity had to suppress a sharp intake of breath, when his fingers found an especially sensitive spot. After his playing with her, she certainly knew where her most sensitive place was. 'Thank you, Fred. You will see that it has all opened up now, and looks wet. That is lubrication for the p***s to enter the v****a. The v****a has opened up a lot more than when first seen. Though it isn't ready yet, as it's too small to accommodate a p***s. More stimulation is needed. That is important to remember, as you will hurt your wife if you don't prepare her enough,' she said. Top of Form Bottom of Form  
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