Chapter 11

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"Don't deny my c**k Sister Chastity. You have wanted this for so long. I saw you play with yourself while I was taking a shower. Did you think that I did not see you?" he asked as he continuously f**k my p***y. I can hear my p***y make a sound as it gets wetter and wetter. "Oh Father Black, I wanted your c**k for so long," I moaned at him, giving into this sinful pleasure. "Oh f**k. Your p***y is so tight," he murmured. Father Black f****d me hard, and I raised my hips meeting him thrust per thrust. "I'm almost coming Father. Push your c**k hard and faster. Pound it into my tight wet p***y," I told him. "f**k. Yes. Take my c**k. Take it deeper," he said as he continually f***s my p***y. I can tell that he is almost coming as his thrusts were getting faster. I can't take it anymore and I come so hard that I screamed my release. Upon feeling my p***y tighten as I c*m, Father Black release his massive orgasm. The feel of his sperm as it spurts inside my p***y made me come again. Father Black gave a last hard f**k before falling on top of my body. He pulled his c**k outside my p***y, and I shivered. My p***y felt alive. I wanted more. Father Black laid on my left side and gathered me in his arms. "We'll talk tomorrow. For now, sleep," he murmured. I smiled contentedly. So this is f*****g. It is so addicting. I don't want to give up this feeling. Father Black' c**k made my p***y sing. I wanted to do it again.   THE STORY OF HOW THIS BEGAN   Sister Chastity didn't know what to do. She had been dusting in Father Black' study when she bumped into his desk and knocked something to the floor. Bending down to retrieve it, she saw that it was some sort of journal which had fallen open at the most recent entry. Seeing her name written in it, she smiled to herself, pleased that perhaps Father Black had noticed how diligently she cleaned his rooms. Not that she would allow herself to feel any pride in her own actions as that would be a sin, but it felt good that her extra efforts had been noticed. Looking around, needlessly, to ensure she was alone, she thought she might read the part of the page that mentioned her. What she read, however, shocked her to her very core. "Saw Sister Chastity in church again this morning. She looks so innocent in her white habit but I'm sure underneath that thick cloth there is a body made for sin. I watched her soft lips moving in prayer and could not stop imagining them wrapped around my hard cock." The poor nun almost threw the journal back down on the desk as if even to touch it would be a mortal sin. She ran from the priest's room and somehow managed to stagger back to her own cell. She had first come to the convent-school as a young girl of twelve and, when her schooling had finished, it was the most natural thing for her to don the white habit and veil of a novice. Now, only eighteen months later, she was preparing to take her final vows and, even though she was now almost twenty, she retained the innocence and naivety of the virginal schoolgirl. She knew what a c**k was but she had never thought of Father Black in that way; she had never thought of any man that way. She had no experience of men or boys, having grown up in the monastery, surrounded by nice Catholic orphans like herself and, of course, the holy Sisters. To think of Father Black as a man rather than as a priest was almost beyond her. To imagine him putting his p***s into her mouth was just incomprehensible. Why would he want to do that? She didn't know if she was more shocked by that thought or by the idea that any man would want to do that. Deciding the only way to deal with this problem was by praying, she decided to spend the rest of the day in church. She had finished her duties for the day and now she would seek the guidance of her Lord. Surely he would answer her prayers. By the time she climbed wearily into bed that night, however, she was no further forward. She had no idea of how to deal with this problem and she could not get the image of kneeling before Father Black as he forced himself into her mouth. Even worse, as she undressed for bed, her underwear felt sticky and even a little moist as she peeled her knickers off. Surely she hadn't wet herself? She hadn't done that since she was a baby but the evidence lay on the floor before her. Deciding that dealing with that was one problem too many, she buried herself under the covers and tried to go to sleep. Her sleep was restless, however, filled with unsettling dreams. As the bell rang at five o'clock, she jumped out of bed and fell to her knees, starting the day with the same prayer that she had said for the last eight years. Even as she slowly made her way to church she pondered on what it all meant and it was only when the bell rang to signal the start of Mass that she realised that she was about to come face to face with Father Black once again. He entered the church and all the Sisters rose to their feet as one, lifting their hymn books and raising their voices to praise God. For once, however, Sister Chastity's mind could not concentrate on the words and she felt her eyes straying towards the man she had only ever thought of as one of God's messengers. He was new to working in the convent, having only arrived about a month ago. Old Father Benedict had finally retired after nearly sixty years of seeing to the needs of the Sisters. "We finally wore him out," Mother Superior had laughed. Father Black was very different. Chastity guessed that he was probably about mid forties and obviously very fit. Tall and dark, she had never thought of him in terms of being handsome but, looking at him now from beneath her veil, she could see that women would undoubtedly find him so. She struggled to maintain her composure throughout Mass but when it came to Holy Communion time she knew that she would have to steel herself to approach him. As she knelt before him at the foot of the altar, an image of her kneeling at her feet as he fed her his c**k flashed through her mind. She physically had to shake her head to banish the wicked thought and only just managed to succeed moments before he stood in front of her. "The body of Christ," he said, as he had said thousands of times before. She forced herself to raise her head, open her mouth and slowly stick out her tongue to receive the blessed Host. As she did so his finger brushed against her wet tongue and she almost fainted in shock at the surge of electricity that seemed to run straight through her body. She somehow managed to make it back to her place in the pew and knelt down, her body trembling as she tried to reconcile her vocation with these new feelings that were taking over her. As the day went on and she busied herself with her chores and her prayers, she managed to put all these thoughts out of her head. Soon, however, she knew she would have to go back to his study to clean once more. As she approached the heavy wooden door, she hesitated before summoning up the courage to knock timidly. There was no answer, as she had anticipated, but opening the door still filled her with the utmost dread. She had come to the conclusion that she must have made a mistake and the only way for her to correct it was to open the journal again and read what it said. It sat on the top of the large wooden desk, right in the middle of the leather top, as if he had only just finished writing in it. Once again she saw her name but this time the sight of it only filled her with terror. "Sister Chastity licked my finger today. I'm sure she would say it was an accident but I could tell the little minx was teasing me. What I wouldn't give to feel that wet tongue slurping up and down my c**k or maybe it should be me licking her." Poor Sister Chastity was even more confused. Now this man, this priest, wanted her to lick him and, horrors, to let him lick her. Where did he want to lick her? Why was he thinking these things, writing these things? She had to find out; she had to resolve this once and for all; she had to read on. "I can see her, kneeling before me, her dark brown eyes betraying her Italian ancestry, betraying her innocence, betraying her hunger. Her hand reaches up tentatively and touches the bulge in front of her, obvious even through the confines of my trousers and my cassock. Her inexpert hand presses against me before trying to wrap her fingers around." Sister Chastity's hands were shaking as she read on. She couldn't tear her eyes from the page; nor could she explain the tingling between her legs. She could feel that her underwear was becoming moist again but she refused to believe that she was wetting herself. Something else was happening; something strange, something exciting and something sinful. "I can feel my c**k hardening even more so I brush her hand away and open a few buttons on the front of my black cassock. I hold it open for her so that she can reach in. She does so without being told and quickly pulls my zip down before slipping her small hand into my trousers. Rubbing her hand against me, she looks up nervously, her eyes wide, biting her bottom lip in anticipation. She timidly, blindly, moves her hand to the waistband of boxers before pulling it out and over my d**k. For the first time ever I know she is facing an erect c**k and I can't wait to feel her mouth close around it. But then she surprises me. "Taking me in her small hand, wrapping her fingers around my throbbing c**k, she begins to lick me. Her tongue moves over every inch of it and though I am desperate to feel her soft lips, I can't deny how wonderful that feels and let out a soft moan of pleasure. She looks up, startled, wondering if she has done something wrong, but I smile back at her encouragingly and tell her to continue. "Looking me straight in the eye, her tongue resumes its ministrations, sliding up and down my shaft before using just the tip to lick the pre-c*m that is leaking copiously now. My c**k is twitching but still she is totally unaware of how much she is tormenting me and pleasing me at the same time. "Sensing instinctively that it is time to move on, she places her mouth over the head, sucking on it, but moving no further. I knew she would prove to be an excellent cocksucker but I had never guessed she would be such a tease. "As if realising that I couldn't take much more of this, her mouth opens up and she slides her wet lips down my shaft, ever so slowly, ever so tentatively. Taking more of me into her mouth, I watch as her lips slide up and down the length of my c**k. I would never have believed such an innocent, virginal girl would have been able to take so much of me but neither am I about to complain that she can. Then she surprises me once more. "She pulls her hungry mouth off my c**k, bends slightly and begins to suck my balls. Sweet Jesus, does it get any better than this? She uses her hand to stroke my c**k as she sucks one, then the other. It is just too good; even in my wildest dreams I wouldn't have imagined her doing this. When her mouth reluctantly moves back to my c**k, she doesn't even wait for my hand to push her head down but now I've decided it's time for me to surprise her. "I know I'm not going to last much longer so, placing both my hands on either side of her veil-covered head, I begin to push even deeper, deeper into her throat. Her frightened eyes lock on to mine as she gags and tries to fight against me. She tries and tries to pull her mouth off me but my grip on her is too tight and, eventually, she manages to relax. "I begin to f**k her mouth, my moans filling the room, my whole body tingling from the pleasure this young virgin is giving me. Her struggles have subsided but she doesn't know what is about to happen next and I can see the trepidation in her beautiful eyes as I speed up my thrusts before finally losing control. "I cry out in sheer pleasure as my c*m shoots down her throat. My hands leave the top of her head and I step back, freeing my c**k as she instinctively swallows her first taste of a man. She must think I am finished because she raises her face to smile at me but I have much, much more to give her.”
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