Prologue A Prophecy from the Weiran Scrolls

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In the four thousandth cycle of Adamah, the dark mages, blinded by corruption and thirst for power will rise up and bend the forces of nature to their will. Their aim—to enslave Adamah and control the Weiran system, including its three suns. Only one Being, carrying the mark of the chosen, a sorceress of unique innocence, will vanquish the abusers and restore peace to Adamah, the first planet of the Weiran system. No murderer will kill her, no enslavement will entrap her. She carries within her soul the love of Galen. Her powers will combine with a Being who has remained invisible to the world since his inception. Together, they cannot be defeated. * * * * *   The most recent entry in the annals of the Council of Mages— The 3, 547th Year of Galen, Adamah, Weiran Solar System The prophecy in the Weiran Scrolls is nearing fulfillment. The Being destined to vanquish the Abusers has been born and has nearly reached her nineteenth year. At the age of fourteen, her father, General Karan ben Solen, a Veltish general of the Pierran army was falsely accused of an attempt on the Queen’s life, all contrived by the misuse of magery. He was stripped of his rank, branded a traitor, whipped and banished. His wife was murdered and his daughter, the Chosen One, enslaved in the palace. Four years later, another bed-slave in the palace, also falsely accused of the Queen’s assassination, escaped, only to re-enter the palace by use of disguise by magery and rescue the Chosen One. The three fugitives returned to Karan ben Solen’s home in the Veltlands. Lara bat Karan is the Chosen One. Her fulfillment of the prophecy is about to commence.
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