Chapter 59

1095 Words
Chapter 59 Jake's POV, When a person suffers from a great loss what will be the first thing you say? ~A warm hug should be enough. I was proud to be born and raised in New York with my family, a home of warm and greatly loving people. My father is a respected businessman and my mother is a well-spoken feminist and a writer for almost three decades now. Two great individual who were capable enough to provide all their tranquility and passion not just into their work but also their personal life, I've always seen them giving their whole to the things that matters for them. That was how I was born and later my brother, with an age gap of one year. We were soulmates, companion and more like best friends that everybody would be jealous of. It was needless to say that we never had a spec of argument or disagreement for all the years we were sheltered together. I wasn’t in my right mind when I started working as a police officer, leaving that peace of a life behind into this chaos. When you work a job that pays you to see the worst side of the society and the families that resides beneath, maybe your neighbor, you teachers and friends, you kind of miss those days when you thought everyone lives a life as fulfilling as yours. That’s how I saw the world when my eyes weren’t wide enough to see behind the faces of those people who walked by me. That was how I lived working as a uniformed police officer. Life is worse now that I've made a shift at work. I am still the rookie detective in the Texas Police Department who carries coffee for his colleagues and offer to shred their waste papers. I have a lot to learn but my partner, Emily Davis was no less than a blessing in this state. After working in the New York precinct as a local detective for seven years in total, I am back to being the rookie at the homicide department here in the state of Texas last month. I've been adjusting since the day I moved and I still am. I am the least experienced in the office with the cases of murders, no less the serial murders that can chill the spine of the public leaning on us for their protection. But it was my dream to catch the criminals that deserves to be behind the bars. I'm determined to do that. Even now, when I walk by the public, my eyes wander to scan everyone around me to see who has the most described statures of a serial killer. Serial killers don’t stand out, most people don’t. they have an affliction for animal abuse, you can't really tell it for the people. But there is something hard to find in a serial killer, they are highly intelligent individuals yet they struggle doing things any other healthy individual can easily do. Every one of them has have gone through some trauma that drove them to the edge. What will this killer experience? I ask myself this a lot, I can't think of anything. I took a day off after a whole month of trying to figure this out. My brother, Austin, he is about to be married in a few months. Today is the first time, I've invited him and his fiancé to my home. They are living together in California state and they are busier than a police officer looking for a murder suspect. So being an older brother, I took the responsibility to make him see my face after one year for living apart. Last night, I got a text from him telling me about his weekend plans that includes exploring of various localities his chef fiancé can open another branch for her restaurant franchise. I'll be good for us to stay connected. Maybe that was the reason they decided to choose here to be the place, so we can stay together. I was done walking. I do this often though; I walk for a mile from my parked car and walk back to it. On the way, there are many passing-by that I try my best to judge and observe. I try to figure what kind of jobs they do, why kind of places they go to, where do they work, what kind of jobs they do. All kinds of thing. I look at them, their behavior the way the talk on the phone, the way they flinch when they bump into me tells a lot about them. An interaction of no more than five seconds can tell a lot about them. Some of them, don’t care if they’ve hurt me and move on as fast as they bumped into me, they won’t even care enough to look at my face. These kinds of people are careless and always late for the things they do. Late for work, to meet friends. They are mostly inconsiderate and have two different sides of them that they show only according to the status of people who they meet every day. They will be good to their colleagues and friends, but at home, they are always low-tempered, and I'll-mannered. They think they deserve everything in the world and blame others if they couldn’t get something. Their personality had a tinge of narcissism in it. The second type of people whom I've witness and they are nowhere scarce are those who pick up my stuff and apologize constantly before leaving. They usually are those who are struggling to keep up with their self-respect, they are well mannered and wanted to be liked by everyone. They are not very well settled in their work and are usually the giver kind in an entire group of friends. If I were to call myself them, I would heartly agree. I am like them in a lot of ways. The third kind are the people who would help me with the stuff fallen on the road and leaves without mentioning any word. These kinds, for me are the secret once. The one who don’t know how it feels to someone. They always have something to hide. They are mostly tenderhearted or too heartbroken, but try to be discreet so they don’t have to be connected to anyone. I would think that those who commits serious crimes could fall somewhere in between the first and the third category which combines to be a fourth category, whom I personally call, the rare beings.
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