Chapter 18

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Chapter 18 Jake's POV, How to kill someone and get away with it? that’ll be extreme. “You know what,” I wet my throat with a grand sip. “You are really scary sometimes.” My head bobbed agreeing to those words with my whole body, not just my tongue, it can lie, not the body. “Me? I'm scary.” Her smile grew into a fully formed laugh. Laugh, mock or both, I was used to of it, laugh that is really nowhere as attractive as her smile. I want that smile back. “Trust me, I'm nowhere near scary, there are monsters in this world.” “The things you know, you can only know them when either you’ve been a part of their business or you’ve been that customer.” Her face switched back to the same groan. “So, which one are you?” “Well, I'm neither, I'm just a cop. Not that good either.” She’s mocking me again. “You can relax, you aren’t dying anytime soon, not because of me, I think it could be from your own stupidity. Wanna get out of here now before that boy come and ask me for my number? I was just using him, guys are stupid.” “Don’t generalize it, you're hurting my feelings.” she squeezed like I'm a child. I'm a grown f*****g adult, I'm three years older than her. it just spoiled all my vibe. Well, we came outside too the parking. “Let’s call this Robby guy,” and said waving the card at me. "See what he is.” “Maybe if we ask him a few questions we’ll know more about the case. If he is really doing illegal things, he will have his special clientele. We’ll have more clues than now. how hard would it be to find the tatted guy among them?” “Do you think he’ll be stupid enough to cooperate and reveal his clients? That’s big money we are talking about, these clients are all about privacy. We have to do something else.” On the card, she pointed, there is an address. “Let’s get to this address first and see what happens from there.” I don’t want to agree but there is no reason to disagree. So, I'll just go where it takes. Maybe we’ll get lucky. My bad luck must have been emptied out by now. this could all be a sign that something good will happen. Director Robby Crawford, Blue Star clubs and Restaurants. The address must be the head office, he manages all these businesses, so it must be a concentrated place to carry it all out. We were in the car. Emily barely had two sips of wine, and I chugged down liquor pretty hard. My phone started to buzz. “Mrs. Smith?” I picked it right up. “Hello?” “Officer Wilson.” “Yes, is something wrong?” “Yes.” I put it on speaker before she continues. “The picture you’ve shown me, the one with Ari, do you think he is the one who killed my daughter?” “We aren’t a hundred percent sure, but we are pretty sure it’s him. we just need proof to prove it.” “I have something that might help. The tattoo reminded me of a picture Ari had on her phone. She told me he met a friend online who can help her get a good job in the summer. She told me he was a big businessman and he was looking you school students to apply for internship. The man, he has a similar tattoo on his wrist.” Is this really good luck? “Can you send me the photo?” “Yes,” my phone dinged with the arrival of that photo. My hands are literally shaking at this point, I don’t know what I might do if he is really the guy. “This is him. he is the man.” We added in chorus. Emily and me. it’s a thrill I've long forget. “This is the same man. The hand, the fingers, they’re all same. The mole around the pinkie, it’s there too” I can hear her cry, we are just thrilled, but she must be thankful, celebratory, emotional. It all came out as tears. “Please get him.” here voice is heavier. It’s almost surreal like the heavens are helping us get this guy, put him behind bars. I should be thankful, then why am I sensing trouble all of a sudden. Something bad is coming. Emily pushed on the pedal, never stopped until we are where we were to be. It was the excitement that the ten-minute stretch made us feel like an hour. “What are you waiting for? We need to go.” “But how? Are we breaking and entering again?” “Yes,” she laughed like I joked, I keep on forgetting what a weird partner I have who is a cop but love to do everything paralegal. Even the simple expedition fears me for my job. “We need some proof. Maybe they have some files on this guy. Or they have their clientele list somewhere, if we can get our hands on it, we will f*****g get promoted.” “Fine.” We parked the car around the next alleyway behind the property around the back yard and walked through the garden connecting to the back door of the office. It was three floor building which I can tell is the residence of the Club owner as well as the office. Emily unlocked the door with just tools every girl carry in their handbags, clippers and filers and bobby pins. It was easy enough for us to get inside with zero trouble or noise. I fear too much peace and luck. “Told you, you'll learn many things if you stick by me.” we walk in the house.
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