Chapter 6i^3

302 Words

Chapter 6i^3 Ourania was chopping carrots in the kitchen. The drawer vibrated. She made sure Yanni was upstairs and closed the door. She picked up the phone. “Hey baby,” said Thalia with sweetness in her voice. Ourania spoke, mimicking Yanni’s voice. “Yasou.” “I know I’m not supposed to bother you all the time but I miss you. The kids miss you a lot. How are you?” “I’m fine. I think I’m close, this is all going well,” Ourania said with calculated coldness in her male tone. “Good. As long as you’re happy. Last time we spoke you were a bit distant.” Thalia approached the subject carefully, it was nagging her for days. The seed Ourania had planted in their earlier conversation had sprouted leaves. “Nai. Listen Thalia, I’ve had some time to see things clearly. It’s apparent that our

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