Chapter 16

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Chapter 16 No seriously, piss. Everywhere, like stepping into the world’s largest urinal. Depending on the wind and the building you were near, the odour varied. Sometimes it was just a hint, something you pick up and need to take another sniff to pin-point. Other times it was wet and think, like the piss from 46 people taking on an averaged urinal scent. I’m not sure why, but Omonoia, the big plaza smack-dab in the middle of Athens smells like piss. Take it from me. I pinched my nostrils but then decided it was a bad idea to deny oxygen to my brain so soon after an actual fainting, so I mouthbreathed instead. Besides, what kind of lady would walk around pinching her nose? I let Billy lead, due to the fact that I had no frickin idea where we were going. “It’s not far, two streets west.” “Uh huh.” I decided not to interrupt my mouth-breathing and for the first time in my life, I had no reply. “It’s funny, so this artist made the Terminator statue out of spite. He works with metal, right? And he makes sculptures in abstract shapes. So he made four sculptures out of scrap metal, and found a way to pull them out on the sidewalk. It was a big sidewalk, if you see the pictures you’ll understand. Anyway, he manages to get those half-a-ton sculptures into the street so that people could see them for free. That was his thing, he wanted that collection to be free and amongst the people, not out in some gallery for intellectual assholes. So he places them there, people like them, dogs pee on them, cyclists lock their bikes on them etc. And then the garbage collector comes, sees the piles of scrap metal and calls his partners and they haul them into the landfill. He thought they were rubbish! Not aesthetically, he literally thought they were trash and he had to get them sorted! That’s exactly what he said on his interview. Then the artist reads it, gets mad of course, months of his work wasted and called rubbish, so he makes a metal man and plops it in the same place. And then he says, ‘Terminators don’t feel pain’!” I just stared at him. “Get it? Cause he was hurt? No?” “Don’t make me regret picking you as my knight,” I said and moved along. “Hah! A chess counter-joke! Nice. Yeah you are feeling better. It’s the other way.” I turned like a princess and moved along, the right way this time.
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