Chapter 10

426 Words
Chapter 10 I was bored. Bored bored bored. Bort. Borrrrrrrrt. I was sitting at the back, of course. Only losers sit at the front. The teacher was scribbling some math on the board. I was supposed to know all of these three times already, but they looked like Chinese to me. Frontistirio was making us do-over the curriculum again and again, and had us give mock exams again and again until the SOS parts were drilled in our heads. SOS were the really important bits. We pronounced it like “sauce,” cause we are Greek and s**t. I looked down. Oops too low. I adjusted my blouse that was leaving too much skin exposed and sat up straight. I looked down again, at my book. It was nice and neat. Fluorescent markers had highlighted the SOS bits. With pink of course. Yellow was for the tricky stuff. Green for the ones I could safely ignore and delete from my memory. I was fighting an urge to check my phone. It had vibrated twice already. Or had it? I wasn’t sure. Sometimes I would think it vibrated but then I’d check and see nothing. I could almost hear Billy’s pretentious voice in my head, “it’s the phantom vibration syndrome, where the false belief that one’s…” and then I would shut him up. And he would say it with the tone of voice that implied we were addicts or something but he was somehow out of this world, more involved and natural. Even so, more importantly, this teacher had a hawk’s eye for texting. There was no way I’d risk getting my sparkly new pink phone confiscated by this malaka. I would endure. I looked around for moral support. Billy wasn’t doing frontistirio, he was reading by himself. We were classmates only in the morning, at school. Deppy was here with me, smiling at a boy two rows to the left. What was his name? John? Jed? Joe? No clue. See? This is where the veil is useful! Just pick it up and look through the screen. Boom. In-far-ma-shah. Must. Resist. I thought about actually trying to solve the math problem. That should take me a while. I began reading from the top. The teacher was already done with the solution, and had stood aside so we could copy it down. Did I mention he didn’t just let us take a picture and be done with it? The barbarity. I was writing down the problem-solution duo, flicking my head up the board, down the notepad, up, down, up, down, when a shadow waved in the corner of my eye and I froze.
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