How could I ever forget?

1184 Words
The morning sun was just peeking over the horizon, casting a soft glow across the medieval town. Adelita stood alone in the courtyard of the castle, lost in thought. She could feel the weight of the world on her shoulders, and the memories that came flooding back only added to her sadness. Lyra had told her that she would regain her memories once she climbed the three-thousand-mile stairs to the top of God's Eye Altar and opened its door. But as Adelita stood there, she couldn't help but feel a sense of trepidation. What if her memories were too painful to bear? As she stood there, Adelita had a flash of memory wash over her. It was like a tidal wave, crashing over her with a force that left her breathless. Rage. Extreme rage. Anger. She could feel it coursing through her veins, like a fire that threatened to consume her completely. She tried to push the memory away, but it lingered, like a shadow that refused to be ignored. She remembered the battle, the clang of swords, the screams of men dying. She remembered the blood, so much blood, staining the earth crimson. The memories came rushing back to Adelita, like a wave crashing onto the shore. It was a torrent of emotions - rage, anger, sadness, and regret. She could feel her heart beating faster, her breathing getting heavier. She tried to steady herself, to focus on the present, but the memories were too strong. They demanded her attention, begged her to confront them once again. She had been young then, barely out of her teenage years, but she had fought with a ferocity that had surprised even her. She had been fueled by rage, by a burning desire for revenge. She had lost so much, and she was determined to make the enemy pay. But now, as she stood in the castle courtyard, she realized that the rage had been pointless. All those lives lost, for what? What had they achieved? She could feel tears prickling at the corners of her eyes, and she blinked them back fiercely. Adelita sat alone on the rocky ground, staring out into the vast, empty landscape before her. The wind whipped through her hair, carrying the scent of salt and sea with it. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath, feeling the cool, salty air fill her lungs. "I was married to the wrong person," she began, her voice shaking. "I trusted the wrong one, and I was manipulated to do unspeakable things. I gave everything, but all I received was betrayal." "How unworthy this mortal life is in the eyes of gods. And how painful it can be." Adelita paused for a moment, lost in thought. She could feel the weight of her words, the gravity of her past mistakes. She knew she had to make amends, to seek redemption, but she also felt something else - something darker, more dangerous. "I want revenge," she said, her voice cold and calculated. "Dark, vengeful revenge. I want to make those who hurt me pay, to show them the same pain they inflicted upon me. And I will not stop until justice is served." As Adelita continued on her journey, she suddenly came across a small pond. The crystal-clear water shimmered in the sunlight, and she could see every ripple and wave that passed through it. The pond was so serene that it felt like a peaceful oasis amidst the chaos of her mission. However, as she looked closer, she realized that there were no fish swimming in the pond. It was a strange sight for Adelita, who had grown up in a village surrounded by ponds and lakes teeming with life. But this pond was different. It was almost as if the water itself was alive, as if it had a consciousness and could decide whether to allow life to thrive within it or not. Adelita felt a sense of wonder and fear at the same time. She wondered if this was a sign of something greater, something that she was meant to uncover on her journey. As she stood by the pond, she felt a sense of calm wash over her. The tranquility of the water soothed her mind and body, and she felt a deep sense of peace that she had not felt in a long time. For a moment, she forgot about her mission and the weight of her past. She was simply a woman standing by a pond, admiring the beauty of nature. Adelita gazed at her reflection in the pond, trying to make sense of what she was seeing. It was her, but at the same time, it wasn't. The reflection was that of a girl, much younger and innocent-looking than she was. Adelita was Twenty eight when she jumped off the cliff, but the girl in the pond looked like she was barely fourteen. She watched the scene unfolding before her, trying to piece together what was happening. A group of maidens her age was pushing the young girl into the pond, laughing and jeering as they did so. Adelita's heart went out to the girl, who looked so lost and helpless in the face of their cruelty. "Who is she?" Adelita asked Lyra, who appeared out of nowhere, was standing by her side. "That's you, Adelita," Lyra replied softly, her eyes fixed on the scene in the pond. "That's you before everything happened, before you made the decision to jump off the cliff." Adelita's mind reeled as she tried to make sense of what Lyra was saying. She watched the scene in the pond again, this time with a growing sense of horror. This girl was her, but she was so different from the woman she had become. She was innocent, carefree, and full of hope for the future. Adelita realized with a start that she had forgotten what it was like to be that girl. As she watched, Adelita began to feel a sense of sadness wash over her. She had lost so much over the years, things that she could never get back. The girl in the pond represented all the things that she had lost, all the things that she had given up in her quest for revenge. Tears welled up in Adelita's eyes as she watched the scene play out. She felt a sudden urge to reach out to the girl, to save her from the cruelty of the other maidens. “Look at the pretty little fox of house Solace, thinking she would get the Prince's attention." This is when I climbed the little apple tree in Peonyl to get a chance to look at him. Then the laddies invited to the party found me. "How unfortunate, you’re all wet now.” “What a jinx. What do you want to do, Adelita? Don’t you want to call out your little maid? Or your Tedros, your handsome Prince Charming on his white horse?” “What a pity, I don’t think he’ll care enough to save you.” But I do.
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