❶ C o l d a s i c e

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I'm bigger than my body I'm colder than this home P A R K E R Humans are pathetic. They're greedy, stupid and weak. They let their emotions control their lives, empathy is one of their weaknesses. They feel for the others that are not themselves and that s**t is f*****g annoying. Lucky for me, I don't feel anything at all. "Please... You don't need to do this." A girl begged, she had tears streaming down her face, she cried too much, it could've turned into blood. I said nothing and showed no emotions as I made sure the knives were sharp enough to cut her skin. "Why!? What have I ever done to you!?" She screamed, I might as well just stitch her lips shut tight together, but then I don't want to ruin her face, Yet. "Let me go! Please! Please, I beg you!" "Silence," I told her. I grabbed some scissors, we need to change her hair color first, (Y/n)'s hair is not like that. "No! Please! What are you doing!?" I ignored her and started gripping her hair tight, piece by piece, cutting it short. She cried harder and louder for help, but who would hear us inside this basement? Because she moved so much, I cut her skin out too, now her head is all bald and messy, bloody and bruised. I dipped cotton with pure alcohol then wiped her head, she yelled in pain. "Please... stop... stop..." She said, this time softer. I remained my straight face, and I began to rip her clothes apart, (Y/n) won't wear anything cheap like this, this girl is so worthless compared to her. Then I put on better clothes, that looked much better, the girl started to look more like (Y/n) Stark. "Now... the most important part," I muttered, then reached out to get the wig from the shelf, a (Hair/length), (H/c) wig, exactly like hers. I neatly put it on the girl's head. I was satisfied with my newest work, so I stared down at her still, maybe a little more makeup, and contact lenses would help. I dragged myself a chair to sit on, facing the girl, I powdered her up, applied (Y/n)'s favorite shade of lipstick, with not much force, I've painted many faces before, but the problem was the f*****g b***h cried so much, she ruined everything. "Stop crying," I said with a monotone voice even though I'm running out of patience. "Let me go!!! You motherfucker!!" She screamed into my face, her blood from the cuts on her head dripped through the wig and streamed down her neck. "Her eyes are not (E/c)." I whispered to myself. "f**k you!!! You f*****g psychopath! Lunatic! You're crazy!" "Stay still. I will apply contact lenses on you." I told her, then unpacked an (E/c) contact lens box. "Don't touch me!! Don't touch me!!" I tried, I swear I tried not to harm her but she wouldn't stop moving, so the contact lenses I bought just for her fell to the floor before I get a chance to insert them inside her eyes. I stared at it, something snapped inside of me, I breathed in and out slowly, trying not to let anger take control because I wanted to finish this one. But I was far too gone. So I ended up gouged both her eyeballs off. She screamed in a language that no one can possibly understand, gone mad as her whole world turn black. I watched her, just snarling for the past five minutes. "Who's crazy now?" I asked her softly. I laid my back to the seat, then signed disappointedly. I ruined another substitute, might as well just kill this one off, I don't want her screaming in my basement day and night. And I thought, soon. I'll be ready really soon, to get the real one, to finally own (Y/n) Stark, and we will be together forever. I knew this b***h, that I just made her blind, was pissing of mainly on the fact that I was cold as ice, but I wished she could see, I wished she could see now that I do express some of my feelings. You should be more aware around strangers, the best of them smile when they kill. S T A R K "(Y/n)... It's Tony. Again." Natasha Romanoff walked into my bedroom. "I hate interrupting you when you're writing, but he's wasted." I looked up at her and took away my earphones. "It's alright, Nat," I told her then put my guitar down. I followed her downstairs and found Tony Stark lying unconscious on the floor, hugging expensive bottles of wine tight. Oh, great. Just great. "Dad! Get up!" I yelled but he didn't even move. "I tried, trust me." Natasha muttered. "Dad! You can't just come to my house like this! Tony Stark! Wake up!" I slapped his cheeks a couple of times, Tony opened his eyes and groaned. "I'm..SleEpiNG... Go aWAY..." He hissed. "God. I'm so glad I was adopted." I sighed. Nat and I carried him up and put him on the bed. I noticed how she looked at her watch on her wrist a couple of times. "It's alright, Nat. You should go and prepare things, I'll make sure he's fine then I'll catch up." "Alright... okay. Don't forget to warm up your voice." "Sure." She grabbed her purse then left, I looked at Tony Stark still, wondering what to do to him like this, I wish I could toss him out of the house but I ended up rubbing his dirty face with wet clothes. "(Y/n)?... How did I get here...." He slowly opened up his eyes. "I'm supposed to be asking you that." I watched him getting up, rubbing his temples. "It's like someone put a nail in my skull..." He whined. "Where did you drink last night? And with who?" "Rhodes... at the blossom..." "Reporters must be so pleased right now, they have more things to write about. Tony Stark fell from grace, became a drunk jerk after his wife left." "I'm still rich so I don't really care." He drank the water I gave him, then stared sadly at an empty bottle in his hands. "A billionaire... (Y/n). A billionaire and she left me for that poor f*****g painter..." "Well, I'm not surprised. You see, dad, you can stay if you want to but I have a stage to perform today." I got up from bed, threw him a towel, and walked out of the bedroom like I didn't care. "Can I go watch you?!" "Not a chance!" I yelled back. "Fine! And don't wear shorts when you sing! Stick close to Thor too, the new guy said we have a serial killer right here in New York!" He tried to warn me but I didn't hear any of it. L U N A T I C The Spider is how they call the serial killer. No one, the FBI nor media knows who the Spider is, all that everybody knows is he's a guy. Other than that, there's no kind of evidence linking to the killer. He's been killing for more than 6 months now, all his victims were shaved all their hairs out, except for ones that have (H/c) hair, their bodies were washed clean and dressed up like they were still alive but was sleeping on the street, train station, or other places, until people smelled them rotten and realized they're dead. All victims were really different, The Spider didn't have specific types, They had various hair color, jobs, neighborhoods and for Detective Steve Rogers, whose in charge of the case is getting absolutely stressed out by this unsolved mystery. Only if he knew that Peter Parker a college student, was a psychopath and The Spider, and that (Y/n) Stark is a singer, an inspiration, an idol, and Peter Parker's next captive.
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