Vivian The Vomit

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Thursday, 31st March 1453 "V O M I T…?!?!? WHAT A NAME AND THAT IS CONSIDERED AS A SPECIAL ABILITY…?!?!? Oh My God…! Was I sent to the wrong Academy or what? Besides, I believe I am in the wrong Academy since I do not think someone who vomits can be considered as a Priestess…!!! So she goes by the name Vomit and one day she would be called Priestess Vomit…!!! IS THIS A JOKE OR WHAT…?!?!?!?" I screamed to myself as I stared wide-eyed at Vomit. I shook her hand without showing a sign of disgust or anything since I was also thrown to the streets and I had touched worse than a dainty little hand whose fingers had poked down the throat to induce Vomit to vomit out the things she just sucked in…!!! "Sorry about just now, you can call me Vivian. That's my name. Well, they called me Vomit because they had no other name that suited with my ability even though I told them that I could suck things up and then vomit them back out." Vivian the Vomit explained to me as I stood there and nodded my head. I was clutching the leather satchel bag in front of me as I listened to her explain her weird ability. Wait till she hears me explain my ability and she would be calling Mousey instead. Hahaha…!!! "What's your ability? Come and sit down on the spare bed across mine. It's going to be your bed for the next few years until you graduate from here." Vivian pointed me to the bed across her that had some books on it and she quickly packed the ned for me since she thought that there would be no others that would be occupying the space. At least now she got a new friend to talk to, that's what she was thinking right now. "Oh, I am just like Senior Priestess Windtalker. I can hear animals converse with each other and then I can talk to them back and they understand what I am saying to them. Most of the time, I would talk to the mice that stays back at the Orphanage." "Mice? Those large brown coloured ones that stay inside the sewers and go out to hunt for food at the rubbish bins and all during the night or even the day…!!! E E E E E W W W W…!!!" Damn…! I knew someone would sure feel squeamish when I mentioned to them about mice…!!! "Oh, no, no, no…Those are not mice. Those are sewer rats. Besides, those mice are cute furry creatures not bigger than the palm of your hand and are light grey. They have long tails and loved to groom themselves or entertain us when we feel sad et cetera. Mice are cute, you know. When you get to know one, I am sure you would love them…" When I finished explaining to Vivian about mice and my views on them, she was already standing on the chair and was holding the hems of her frock high and exposing her thighs to me…!!! Weird…Do people afraid of mice, always be exposing their thighs when they climb on top of a chair? Do they think that the mice would be afraid of those thighs or maybe it was a way to tell the mice that they surrendered? Or maybe to seduce the mice to challenge them to climb up to their knickers even. Hahaha…!!! "Alright, alright…please come down, Vivian. How long have you been in this Academy? Tell me also about your special ability. Before I came in, I saw the porcelain cup disappear. Then I saw you vomit out a porcelain vase. Did something change when the cup entered and then changed into a porcelain vase instead? Is your ability able to change objects while inside the stomach?" I saw Vivian reluctantly come down from the chair she was standing on earlier and she brushed her frock to make it proper again. I sat down on my new bed and it felt so soft that I could literally sink down into it…! "Well, just now I had sucked in a few things into the spatial storage space of my stomach which was as big as this room for this moment. The order of the things that I had sucked in through a vortex would be the book first, the vase and then the cup." "Somehow, when I tried to vomit out the book first, the vase is the one that came out. When I tried to vomit out the cup, the book was halfway out but was swallowed back in when you came in. That's it." "I can swallow things and then retch them back out again. But the issue is that I cannot retrieve the items in the order that I wanted, which means whatever objects that I wanted to retch out would always be the items that I don't really want to be out from the spatial storage space. It is really difficult, you know. Besides, I just arrived here in this town too. Its been over a week or so." Vivian explained to me the things that she had wanted to say in the most simplest form and I understood what she meant. "So your so-called storage space inside your stomach would be as big as this room? Then what happens when you eat? Do you vomit out all the food that you eat too?" I asked since I imaged that all the things inside the stomach would be messed up as it rolled about with the food she ate for breakfast and dinner last night…! "Of course not, silly…I eat my meals as normally as you do. The only thing is that when I use my ability, it would be sucked in and stored not in my stomach actually, but somewhere else. Like, say I suck this book in and it would automatically go into that cupboard. Some of the Senior Priestesses informed me that I would be able to learn how to vomit out the things that I wanted to be out. They wanted to call me something else…Regurgitator or something like that. I don't even know if it's the right word at all. It means to vomit out but more of things that I had swallowed through the vortex from a distance without touching it." "Hmm, if I were a thief, this ability would be the best since I just suck everything down my throat. Chandeliers, vases, paintings, rugs or pieces of furniture even. But alas, I come clean after the people who trained me to perform thievery had recently passed away…" I drifted off when I talk about my past until Vivian touched me on the arm and asked me if I am okay or not since I spaced out earlier. "Say, for this kind of special ability, could we learn from somewhere or someone? Like for example, I wished to learn your technique, could I learn from you too?" I asked a tremendously stupid question since I do not know that I could talk to animals and was part of a special ability…! How do I go about teaching people when I just discovered it, am I right? "Erhm, I don't think you could learn new abilities but you could hone your skills further. How long have you had your skills, Kristobel?" Vivian asked and I answered her that I had the skills for as long as I remember. Well, it's an honest answer since I do not know when I could communicate with those mice. Maybe they were listening to me talk and they were the ones that could talk to humans and not the other way round, I suppose? Every night they could hear me talk to myself as I lulled myself to sleep. I talk to the moon, I talk to the stars and even I talk to the small pillow that I used to hug. I talked to myself too much that the Matron and the goonies thought that there was something wrong with me and I had gone bonkers for some reason or another…! *D I N G  D I N G* *D I N G  D I N G* "There goes the bell for lunch. Here, they serve three meals and the other meals can be taken from the café or the pantry. It is our choice since we would have nothing to do but munch all day long. Hahaha...! Come on, let's go. I show the place around here so you would not get lost. This is the third floor, remember okay? If you lost your way just ask someone to bring you back to Vomit's room. They know the monicker well since I am kinda stuck with it." Vivian explained and I made a sound in my throat as an acknowledgement. Three meals a day is not bad already and plenty of food to eat from the pantry. I wondered if I can make extra 'friends' over there when I am alone or not. Better not to have Vivian around when I held those mouse or mice in my hand or she would need to look for a chair to climb on top and raise her frocks high to show her thighs once more. Hahaha…!!!
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