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ZOELLA'S POV Unfortunately the chair next to me was empty. But one of the good looking guys decided to sit next to me which at that moment I wished it was Rachel. The other guy that is striking hot and quite silent sat at my back while Rachel chased away someone that was seating at my front. "Hey, you have to be the famous Zoe I have been hearing around. I'm Cole." He said stretching out his hand for me to shake. I shake it and immediately removed my hand. "Yeah maybe but my name is actually Zoella." I corrected. "Yeah, I know I just gave you that nickname. You know, new friends things." Awww why is he so cute? "Oh okay." I replied slowly nodding. "Oh and the guy at your back." I turned to look at the handsome face once again. I nodded for him to continue. "His name is Brice, he just doesn't talk much. Mostly to girls he doesn't like." "Luckily she is different." Brice spoke up. I stare at him with confusion now all over my face. "What do you mean?" "I like her ever since she slapped Oliver." "WHAT?! You did?" "You saw?" I directed the question to Brice. "I was approaching him when I saw her slap him. You should have seen the look on Oliver's face." He chuckles lightly. "Wow girl you're cooler than I thought but be careful." "Why should I be careful?" I asked though I had an idea why but I just wanted to hear it out clearly. "You slapped Oliver freaking Martins?! He won't let that go, trust me." Rachel said seriously to me. Honestly I'm freaking scared but I won't show it. "Yep, she's right. He might just make your learning in this school, a living hell." Cole said nodding his head. "But I feel like you are my hero." "What?" We all said in unison. "What? I'm serious. Oliver usual slaps the back of my head a lot." "Oh yeah." Brice and Rachel agreed. "But that's because you say lots of stupid things, don't you?" "I do? I don't!" Cole said acting like they just accused him of feeding a baby alcohol. "Oh please stop being dramatic." Rachel said rolling her eyes. Then Rachel looked back at. "Zoel?" "Yeah?" "We didn't see you at break? Why is that?" "Huh.....I was busy.... Someone was helping me with math, in the library." "Oh, okay but today you are definitely joining us right?" "Uh, we weren't done with the math yesterday. So let's hope we finish today." I said chuckling nervously. I think my plan to avoid them is working. "Fine but stop sounding nerdy. If you can't today then there is tomorrow right?" "Yeah, yeah sure." I said looking away but Brice gives me a suspicious look. **** Immediately the bell rang for break I packed my books and drop them in my backpack. I quickly race out the door. I can't let Brook to be bullied now that I got to know her. I have to get to her locker before she leaves to the library which will be harder to persuade her to go to the cafeteria with me. I quickly race to her locker and I stopped and started breathing heavily smiling that she's still by her locker dropping in some books. I quickly jog to her and shut her locker getting her attention. She jumps and a whimper left her mouth. Still froze looking at her locker. "Hey it's just me." I said feeling guilty already for shutting her locker with so much force. She breaths out relief before turning to face me giving me a slight smile. "I'm sorry. I just wanted to get your attention." "No it's fine. So we are going to the library?" She ask with hope in her eyes. She must be thinking I forgot about our conversation yesterday. Nope girl! Sorry to break your little hope. "Nope, we are going to the cafeteria." I said somehow proud of myself for not forgetting. "Oh no, please. I can't. O-Oliver..." She trails off looking around before bringing her eyes back at mine then whispering. "He will humiliate me in front of everyone like he always does.... and, and I don't like attention." She says looking sad. I sighed and rest my hand on her shoulder. "I'm here now, and as a good friend, I got your back." I said smiling sincerely. She smiles back putting her hand on top of mine which was currently on her shoulder. "Thanks. But please I still can't go." "You know, you're so stubborn to be a nerd." I said curiously. She sighs. "It's Oliver Martins we talking about here. You don't know him as much as I do." "If I can slap him and I'm still alive right now, in front of you, then I can still back you up from him." I said confidently with a smile. She giggle then breaths out. "Okay, fine I'll go to the cafeteria with you." "Wow! That was hard as I thought." I breath out dramatically. Then tangle my arm with hers. "Let's go. I don't even know the way to the cafeteria yet." I said, slightly embarrassed. "Luckily you have me." She says while giggling. "Luckily." I said truthfully. Few minutes later we stand at the double wooden doors of the cafeteria, I'm guessing. "So we are here?" I asked. "Yep, the cafeteria. I don't even remember when last I even stood in front of it." She sighs. This people must be really cruel to her. I frowned. I'm starting to more than dislike them. "Look you are going to be seeing it everyday from now on. So don't worry." "Hope so." She says sadly. "Now, let's get in." I said then push open the double doors with both my hands. The noises dies down immediately I opened it. I roll my eyes, topical people. "It's not-" I turned to my side but, I didn't find Brook. Was I really about to talk to myself? I turn to my back, to find her squeezing herself at my back. I let out a sigh. "Really Brook? You're really that scared of them?" "Saying I'm scared is an understatement, I'm petrified!!" She whisper yelled. I shook my head before dragging her out from behind me. She gasp in surprise, obviously not expecting that. "I'm with you, Brook." I whisper in her ears. She inhale then exhaled before nodding. I look back forward to still being the main focus and getting curious looks. Maybe because I'm a new student who just entered the cafeteria for the first time. As I took hold of Brook hand not wanting her to run and embarrassing me. We start walking taking steps after another, looking for an empty seat. I still haven't even seen Oliver and his group. Well the cafeteria is really huge and there are so many people, that must explain why I haven't seen them. It's way bigger than my previous school. Mm, rich kids school. After few seconds of walking I whispers in her ears. "You see, they'll do-" I said assuring her but I was cut off by a familiar voice. "Look who we have here." I turned back forward to see Oliver and well almost all five of them but I see four. Rachel quickly comes forward. "Zoella? How could you!!" She yells sounding angry and surprised at the same time looking between me and Brook who is terribly trembling by my side, obviously ready to run if I didn't have a tight hold on her hand. I guess, here comes the drama.
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