
1169 Words
ZOELLA'S POV I walked out of the class after I found out the three of us were not going to the same next period. I started walking quickly while looking at the map. Why didn't I ask them? Ugh!! I was so into our conversations. I look closely at the map while walking faster. I unintentionally bumped into someone. I almost fell but my legs got me to balance. I looked at the girl I bumped to on the floor. She fixes her glasses and quickly starts picking up the books scattered on the floor. I quickly go on my knees and help her pick up some books. "I'm really sorry I-I d-didn't see you walking in my direction." She stutters and picks up the last book before getting on her feet. I stood with the remaining three books on my hand handing it over to her. "Here. I'm actually the one to apologize. I wasn't looking. I'm new so it's pretty hard getting your way around to class." I said chuckling. She smiles and looks down fixing her glass properly on her face. She continues staring at the floor. I rest my hand on her shoulder. "Hey. Is there something wrong?" I asked confused at her strange behaviour. She looks up at me and smiles again. "No nothing. I'm....I'm just surprised you hang with them but you are kind. You know especially to a nerd like me." She said staring around, obviously avoiding my gaze. What does she mean I hang with them? Who is she talking about? "What do you mean I hang with them andI'm kind? I just joined the school today, you know?" I asked getting more confused than the school map. "You hang with the cruel crew maybe because you are new to this school that's why you don't really know them." She said looking at me nervously. Does this has to do with why the teacher didn't tell us to keep quiet or send us out when we were practically talking loud enough. I let out a little chuckle then turned back to her. "Who did you see me hanging with?" "I was in the same class with you and I saw the way you were laughing and talking freely with them. So I guessed you have started hanging with them." A person bumps us both but continues walking fast. He didn't even apologized. I turned back to her and put my hand back on her shoulder to move both of us out of the way. Just as I noticed we were standing on the way were people were passing, blocking their way. "You mean Olivia and Rachel?" "Yes, they are part of the cruel group. They have no mercy." She says in whispers. "What? What do you mean they have no mercy?" My face turns to a frown then back to one that can't add one and two together. I look around and back at the girl again. "Please first promise me you won't report me to them." I frown that quickly nodded replying her. "Yeah, of course. I won't. Now continue would you?" "It's just we need to get to class we are getting really late to class." She says looking around. I follow her eyes and saw how empty the corridor was getting empty. I look back at her then think of something. I really need to know the people I was getting along with. They seemed cool and laid back. I felt like they get me, they understand me. I was beginning to think I finally found friends I hope they won't betray me. I look back up at the girl to see she's really getting impatient. "Okay how about we talk about this at break?" "Yeah that's fine with me." She says with an impatient smile. "Where do you usually have your break?" Why am I even asking such a stupid question. It's obviously at the cafeteria- "Library." "What?" "I have my break at the library so you can meet be there." I looked at her with my mouth agape. She turns and starts walking away. I shook my hand and stare at her retreating figure. "Hey!! Wait!!! I don't know where the library is!!" I yelled walking faster towards her. She turns to me and starts walking backwards. "Ask around!! They will tell you!!!" "Okay!! At least tell me where you are going!!! Maybe we might be going to the same class!!!" "It's English!!!" Wow mine is Mathematics. "Okay!! Can you at least tell me where Mrs. Greene's class is!!!" "Well I-" she stops midway as she bumps into someone again. I was so focused on our conversation I didn't even noticed her walking towards someone. She stumbles forward and quickly turns. As her shoulders starts trembling like she just saw a ghost for the first time. I thought the person would walk away but this person just stood there, seeming to be glaring at her. I walk closer to them. Wow! I didn't even get her name! I jog towards them. And saw everything clearly. It's a tall guy towering over her. He glares and continues talking to her. "Who do you think you are to bump into me?" He asks her. "I-I... I'm sorry." "Nerdy bitch." He lifts his fist high ready to punch her. As she closes her eyes tight. I quickly jump in between them. "Hey!!! She said she's sorry!! Get that into your skull. What's wrong with you?!" I asked annoyed. Firstly because he wanted to hit a girl and secondly because she already said sorry and he didn't even take it in, at least digest it. It's not like he hasn't mistakenly bump into someone in his entire life. He slowly brought his hand down. Wow! The guy is actually handsome. Sharp jaw, pointy nose, full pink lips, grey striking eyes. Come to think of it, he looks familiar. He looks like someone I have seen before, actually early. His face, the beauty in it. Why do I even think his angry face makes him hotter. Stupid! Stupid! Mind! I shouldn't go crazy. "Get out of my sight." He says slowly and gently. His fist still on his side. "I will. But really she said sorry and you still want to punch her!! A female to be precise?!! Your mama didn't teach you some manners?!" He stares at me shock but quickly mask it. I saw that. I noticed that. He looks by my side. Like he is in some deep thoughts. I wave my hand on his face but nothing. I waved again. "Hello?" He blinks repeatedly and slightly shook his head. Looking back at me. "If you just wanted to get in my pants, just say it." Then he smirks. I stare at him shocked with wide eyes. I angrily lift up my hand, and guess what? I slapped him. The girl gasp loudly at my back. Wait, why do I feel like I just signed for my death?
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