Chapter 1

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A/N: This is a new story I've started and entered into Dreame's Royal Romance Contest. Please read, share, and comment! Thank you! Lady's Maid-Charlotte Oh my, oh my. The new queen is to arrive any minute and we have not finished setting anything up. Her sleeping quarters are a mess, we have not received a list of her preferred dishes, and the tailor has not arrived! I chewed on my nails, my eyes jumping about to every servant that passed by me in with similar anxiety. "Madam!" A young voice called from behind me, quite literally pulling me from my thoughts as a pair of cool hands grasped my arm. I looked over quickly to see Ana, our head cook, staring at me like a startled goose. "Ana, what is it?" Hiding my dread was not an option anymore. "Oh Madam, Charlotte. It seems some of our ingredients have spoiled. One of the servants did not properly place away the greens and they have wilted. Oh dear, first we never receive the queen's dishes and now this. We are just entirely unprepared!" Ana's voice spiked at the very end before she released a whining noise that did not help the situation. "Well, Ana, could you not gather any substitutions from the garden? We do not have any time to send anyone out to town." I tried to keep it together, but in the back of my mind, I was losing it. "I sent a couple of ladies out to pick what they possibly could. It has set me far back on the welcome dinner." "You have this under control, Ana. Take a few breaths, check what other we stock we have and make haste!" She nodded, finally releasing the vice grip she had on my arm. I rubbed the spot as she rushed away, her skirts lifted in hand to allow more speed.  I took my own couple of breaths before leaving the servants' area and into the main foyer to find Antonio. He was deemed to be her majestys' noble trust. He was to keep watch over her and fulfill all needs that I could not.  I listened to my footsteps echo lowly as I hurriedly moved about the palace, searching the first rooms just after the entrance. These rooms were designed to host small gatherings to entertain guests or simply relax and socialize with family. I peeked into the first two with no hope, and in the third just a maid tidying the area. "Isabella, please do me the favor of hurrying to the queens quarters and making sure all linens are in place and the room made up nicely." "Of course, Miss Charlotte. Right away." She scooted past me with a nod and moved up the stairs. One less problem to worry about before her arrival. I shut the large door before deciding to check the next floor up. I cautiously lifted my skirts to prevent tripping over them as I took on the steps.  Queen Emilia My hands in my lap felt stiff and tired as my eyes watched the dark and dilapidated buildings pass by our coach. If alone, I would've made myself more comfortable, but I assume I have not been trusted with such luxuries. "Are you excited, Queen Emilia? The palace is a mere minutes away. It is much nicer than these old buildings the common folk live in. Oh, there is immense wide-open land and the palace is enormous if I do say so myself. I believe the King is also excited about having a companion now. Dear me, I feel as I've over-spoken." I slowly turned my gaze to the sweet man that they sent to escort me. He was small and portly, with most of his hair gone except for the crown area, and very kind eyes. He had made several attempts during the journey to strike up a conversation.  "I am exceptionally excited to see all that your kingdom has to offer, Sir Simon. I too am thrilled to be in the company of His Majesty. I will keep our words here in this carriage, do not fret. You can speak freely with me." I gave him the most sincere smile I could muster, his full cheeks returning it, before returning my eyes out the window. If only he knew how fast I would run if given the chance. Just as Sir Simon had predicted, the palace entered my view after a few minutes of nothing but green. I couldn't help but awe at its beauty. The palace was of a creamy white with a royal blue roof. It littered with rows upon rows of large windows. The lawns landscape resembled a maze of perfectly sculpted shrubbery. At the entrance was a line of men dressed similar to Sir Simon in formal attire, and maids surely waiting to usher me away. "She's a beauty, isn't she, your Majesty?" I nodded without a word as we came to a stop. Charlotte "What do you mean, no?" I stared at Antonio with utter disbelief. His honey eyes connected with mine before he gave me a cocky smile. "No, Charlotte. You heard me. I will not make a fool of myself on those steps, waiting for yet another Queen that won't last." He sat with his legs up on a table in the tailors' area.  Sometimes I wanted to knock him over the head with the messes that came out of his mouth. Oh, I found the tailor, by the way. She came in a few moments later during my conversation with Miss Ana. I smacked his legs, shooing them off, and then placed my hands on my hips. Antonio was known for being a bit of a pest but to be so rebellious? And today of all days. "Well let's just pretend this one will last. Get up and at least meet her in the foyer with me. We have been appointed her loyal trusts, Antonio!" He sighed and let his head fall back against the velvety upholstered seat. "Madam, it seems the Queen has arrived." A servant called from the door before walking away. "Antonio let's go!" I pleaded, gripping his wrist and pulling. A new wave of anxiety had crept up my spine and was gripping the back of my neck. I'm sure Antonio noticed right away. "Oh fine, fine. I don't need you bursting a blood vessel and blaming me." Antonio rose from the chair, towering over me, before removing my hand from his wrist only to place it in the crook of his elbow before escorting me out of the room. Thank the heavens. I thought I might have had to bribe him with a special meal, or expedited laundry. "But you owe me one." He whispered in my ear as we reached the bottom of the steps. Fuck. He released me to stand in line with a few other men designated to assist her majesty, and I stood with the other maids. The grand doors opened just in time to reveal our new Queen. I smiled widely, with true excitement. I hoped she would be our King's last marriage.
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