Chapter Five

1340 Words

Annabelle tried to take back control from the demon. If she failed the demon would take from her what she had tried to protect. She had been foolish to trust this foul abomination. "Relax child." The demon said with her mouth. "Your master has always held you back from becoming what you could be. I'm doing this for you." "You will soon be free." Montgomery said. "I will end this as quickly as I can. That is the most mercy I am able to offer you." "Well you certainly have a high estimation of your abilities." The demon said. "Don't you mortals have a saying about pride? Something about the dangers of hubris. You dare to presume that you lowly worm are my equal? I'm almost impressed by the audacity. I fought beside Lucifer against god's tyranny and stood beside him when he was cast out of

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