5. Good Luck Vicky

2588 Words
    Victoria     “How did my dad die?” I asked, looking intently at Shelby’s green eyes, the same eyes that grew wide at my words. She swallowed hard.  “Ahm… don’t you know? Your dad died in the war against the Wizard King, and his mate, the Luna Queen, followed suit. Most can’t survive losing their mates,” she said looking down.  My eyelids closed and a couple of tears went down my face. I knew nothing about my father, neither his life nor his death. “But, hey…we don’t think it was your mother’s, the Goddess’s, fault like many do,” Shelby added, patting my shoulder. “What?” My eyes opened abruptly as the air hitched in my throat. Shelby scrubbed her hair agitatedly, “Humm… many think that your mother was responsible for the start of the war. But come on, it wasn’t the case, the Kings were grown-up males, they did it by themselves. I will let you rest a bit, okay? It’s still so early in the morning, we can meet at lunchtime and I will show you around.” She said, patting my back once again and giving me a smile of sympathy.  She left me with a lot to think about.  So, that was the reason why people didn’t worship, didn’t even like my mom, in the way I expected. I sighed deeply and sat down on my new fluffy bed.  I knew nothing about this place, my new home. But I would learn everything, unravel all mysteries.   I went to the adjoined bathroom and washed my face. My lost gaze found my reflection in the mirror, I didn’t look exactly like myself anymore. I was still myself, but a bit duller, without a glow. My brown wavy hair was dishevelled, my skin a bit paler than normal, and my eyes, they were grey! My eyes are just like my mom’s, they change colours depending on my emotions. Usually, they are blue, when I am very happy, they are green. But grey, it was the colour of my gloominess. I pouted my flashy now also a bit pale lips.  I was looking so mundane! It was okay, I didn’t have to be super pretty or anything, I didn’t even have a mate like the wolves do. I still had no clue how much of a wolf I was. Would I ever have a wolf? A mate?  I looked at myself for one last time, wondering if I looked like my dad. Hopefully, I will get to know it soon.  I did what Shelby said, and slept, cuddling with a pillow. After some time, I woke up to a serious face. “Victoria, my father asked to call you,” Marg said, tapping my shoulder softly. I woke up slowly and stood up.  She still had a little frown. My mouth worked faster than my still half-asleep brain, “Why don’t you like me? Do you also think my mom was the cause of the war and my father’s death?” I asked, surprising myself and Marg.  Note to self, don’t talk much after just waking up. I was clumsy as a duck! So much for being a princess and a half-goddess.  “No. That isn’t the reason. I agree with my father on that.” She replied, still looking a bit dumbfounded. Marg sighed deeply and looked away for a moment. “I just don’t want my family to get in trouble.” She added, walking towards the door.  “What do you mean?” I asked, confused, as I followed her out of the room.  She sighed deeply and turned to look at me, “My father is the only one among the 13 Alphas in the Realm that is supporting you and soon he will declare it openly. How do you think the other Alphas and Prince Henrik will react towards him? Towards our family? Supporting such a lost cause can be our family’s ruin, my father will lose his title, his pack and we can even end up being banished.” She said frankly, but not unkindly.  I swallowed hard, feeling my mouth getting dry. I didn’t want to cause trouble to the only people in these lands who supported me.  “I’ll talk to your father, I can’t let my goal, my issues affect you guys like this, put you guys at any risk,” I said with conviction.  I wouldn’t ever do it to them, even if by waving their support I would lose the chance to live through my father’s legacy. I would find another way, without sacrificing anyone.  Marg sighed again, her scowl was replaced by a little smile and I could see even a pang of guilt crossing her brown eyes.  “Thanks…I just want to protect my family.” She said, clenching her lips together for an instant. “I understand,” I replied, and we walked downstairs in awkward silence. When we were about to enter the dining room, she stopped in her tracks and looked back at me, “I wish it could be different, I think you would have made a good queen,” she told me, with a sigh. “Oh,” I managed to muster, a bit surprised by her remark.  Before I had a chance to further elaborate my words, Marg opened the door and we both could see Alpha Marcus already by the table with five other males, and Shelby. The little girl wasn’t there. “Princess Victoria,” the five males said almost in unisound, making a curtsy and baring their necks to me.  “I want to introduce you to your other supporters. This is my Beta Aaron, my Gamma Julian, Gamma Colton, and Devon who although is not a ranked wolf, has Beta-blood flowing through his veins.” Alpha Marcus told me. Marg was right, I had only a handful of supporters, and I could imagine that my list of adversaries would be very long.   I greeted each one of them and took a seat. I sighed deeply and looked at their expectant faces, I was about to disappoint them all.  “Thank you very much for being here, for offering your support, and…” I started.  “Let’s eat before talking, the food is about to get cold,” Marg cut me off unexpectedly.  “Margaret, don’t be rude!” Alpha Marcus scolded her, but she seemed unaffected.  “I am sorry,” she said casually.  We started eating steak, with vegetables and sauce of wild fruit. It was delicious, almost heavenly.  “That is the typical food in our Realm, we still have a lot to show you, not only food wise of course! But the best things are the sweets or anything containing lots of sugar!” Shelby said excitedly, a smile on her face.  “I saw the worry in your face, princess. But you have nothing to fret about, some wolves of my pack, although not powerful or ranked, support you and they said others do too,” Devon told me with a reassuring smile.  Devon was a quite handsome male, with his strong jaw, black curls, and dark eyes. The husk of his voice also attracted my attention, but neither his handsomeness nor anything else could get even close to the effect the eyes of the male I saw on the castle arose in me.  “The word about you coming here and maybe even your whereabouts was spread around, princess.” He added, giving Alpha Marcus a sheepish smile.  Alpha Marcus growled in response, “We can’t endanger Victoria, our cause, and my family. You shouldn’t have said anything Devon!” he reprimanded the man.  “It wasn’t me; you know how it works in packs, the words, the news are almost spread in the winds. If necessary, we will move the princess from here and provide her protection. I wouldn’t ever let anything happen to her,” he said, as his eyes met mine.  I was taken aback for an instant, his eyes held some sort of fire, something that I haven’t ever seen before. Something that I couldn’t even pin down.  “None of us would,” Alpha Marcus stated as he brought a forkful of meat into his mouth.  A loud knock on the door was suddenly heard, as some growls and even howls filled the place, this made me drop my fork on the plate clumsily. The dining room was just next to the foyer, so I was pretty sure the noises were coming from outside and someone, probably many someone-s that were trying to come inside.  I held my breath and sent a silent prayer to my mom, I couldn’t do this to them, to this family, and those other wolves.   Alpha Marcus’s eyes started glowing intensely, he jumped out of his chair and shifted to his huge and brown wolf before I could even blink. My eyes travelled to Marg and Shelby, they looked shocked and scared.  “How did the enforcers let someone into the pack without saying anything?” Devon asked Beta Aaron, his face contorted in a frown.  “We aren’t in any kind of civil or inner war, people from the other packs can come here freely, as per royal regulation, issued by the late King Magnus.” He replied.  Devon inhaled sharply, stood up, and took my hands in his. It felt weird. It might sound pathetic, but no one had ever touched me like this before.  “I will take the females to safety, you have a bunker in the sub-sole, am I right?” he asked, and the brown wolf only nodded his big head in response.  “No, wait,” My words made all of them look at me. Apparently, even Marg and Shelby snapped out from their shock, as their eyes were also glued on me. “I won’t let it happen, we can’t have a war like this, you guys will be destroyed, your family and pack will be destroyed. If they, my brother or any of the Alphas, want me, they can have me.” I added, my eyes running between all of them. “That is not how it should be, princess,” Alpha Marcus’ Beta, Aaron, voiced out. His eyes also glowing, as thick spurts of dark hair started growing in his arms.  “If you were ever planning to make me your Queen, you should let me have a say. Besides, my mom wouldn’t let anyone hurt me.” I tried to reason. Even though it was not a very rational choice, but rather rash.  I wasn’t even sure if my mom could do anything. But I would rather fall alone than take these nice people with me. I couldn’t let Marg’s family suffer; I wouldn’t be their ruin.  Maybe only my own.  “That is true,” Beta Aaron said with a sharp exhale, hesitancy and dread clear in his voice, “Devon, take the girls and MJ to the bunker and then come back.” He instructed. “But, what about Princess Vic….” He started. “Please, do what he says.” I probed, looking intently at his eyes. I could see Devon’s jaw lock even further, probably even painfully, as his nostrils flared. His eyes were glowing in agony as well, but he nodded at me and he took Marg and Shelby away. “Good luck, Vicky,” I heard Marg muttering before she left.  I could hardly count on divine intervention. Luck was all I had indeed.    ~ * ~     Philip    Henrik was once again pacing around the room, like a restless wolf.  I hurt to see my best friend like this, that desperate. He lost his parents, and now his throne, his birthright has been threatened by a foreigner, a distant semi-divine creature (or whatever she calls herself) who didn’t know, nor didn’t care about our Realm.  I strode towards him, and he stopped for a moment, looking at me.  “You have nothing to worry about. The Fates won’t let that Goddess intervene in the natural order of things again. She won’t bring more havoc to our World, our Realm.” I patted his back in reassurance, but I still could hear his breath coming out in huffs. “She got more supporters, more than I could foresee. The General just informed me that through mind-link.” Henrik told me, clenching his fist in tight balls, “I didn’t expect that, I didn’t imagine people would be that blind, to believe that anything coming from the Goddess could be any good. But apparently, they are.” He started pacing around again, in an even more frantic rhythm.  I exhaled deeply, I didn’t know what to say or do to comfort him. Henrik was the closest thing I had to a brother, we grew up together and always were inseparable.  “If only I could have my coronation before I am 18, if only we could anticipate it.” He muttered.  “We can’t act against the law, not even with the fair and good intention to guarantee your throne. Following the law and being fair will be our triumph.” I told him.  According to werewolf law only those of age, above 18 years old, could be crowned Alpha King. It was a huge responsibility, something that very young wolves wouldn’t be able to do, commanding the other thirteen powerful and dominant alphas. It wasn’t a job for a pup. I knew that Henrik had all the ability and skills to do so, but we shouldn’t disregard the rules our ancestors created to bring order and peace to our Realm.  That was the kind of Alpha I wanted to be, one that wouldn’t stand for unfairness.  “Yes, only if they would play fair too. But the Goddess doesn’t play fair. She doesn’t act as a player, but as if she owned the game, manipulating us as if we were her pawns. Her spawn must be the same, the apple never falls away from the tree.” He rasped, stopping for a moment to look at me.  “I know, but we can’t go down to their level, Henrik. That is one of the things that makes you the rightful King, the better King.” I replied. Henrik exhaled sharply, I could feel the edginess rolling off of his powerful and commanding aura, “Fine, but we have to do something. Now that I know that Victoria is a real threat to my throne, we have to act and soon! I can’t have my throne and my Realm jeopardised. We have to do what is necessary to prevent it from happening.” He exclaimed, before clenching his lips tightly and narrowed his eyes. I couldn’t even imagine what was passing through his mind. I only knew that the ‘situation’ would be solved soon.    *** IMPORTANT! Guys,  If you see words stuck together, it is a glitch of the system, something around 5% of the readers are experiencing. To fix it please do this: 1. Remove the book from your library, refresh the app and add the book to your library again. My edit*r said that it's the only way to fix it. If it doesn't work, please let me know.  2. If it doesn't work, clear your cache. 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