9. The loss of me

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Victoria A royal messenger came to the CrimsonMond Pack and, to our surprise, he brought an invitation from Henrik. Devon and Gamma Julian were here in the pack. Alpha Marcus suspected that one of them was the one to inform Henrik about the rally, about where I was going, and when. Thus, he wanted to have them closer, under constant watch. I felt a bit uncomfortable about it, I didn’t want to have some sort of spy around, but I didn’t think Devon was the one, every time he looked at me… his eyes told me about a kind of fire I knew nothing about. Those weren’t the eyes of a traitor. “Now after attacking you, he wants to have a diplomatic ball? A sign of goodwill and peace wishes? Prince Henrik believes we are naïve pups to believe it? It is obviously a trap!” Alpha Marcus huffed, repeating some of the words that were read in the invitation. “He wouldn’t trap her like this, not after the word about his attempt to attack his own sister was spread. He has Alpha Elijah by his side, that one is an old and smart wolf, a scheming one, wise enough to know that infuriating the population and feeding an insurrection would be quite harmful to Prince Henrik’s and his claim at this point.” Devon said. I could see Alpha Marcus sneer silently for a moment, as his eyes narrowed at Devon. “He is right, they wouldn’t act in such a stupid way,” Marg added bluntly. Alpha Marcus didn’t want to allow her to take part in these meetings, but I insisted. I felt more comfortable with her here, besides, I didn’t understand why he opposed it. “It would be an opportunity, a way to achieve peace. Maybe the only solution is to try to solve issues in a peaceful way,” I added. “Don’t be naïve, nothing will be solved. He won’t give up his claim,” Alpha Marcus added, gazing at me. I sighed deeply. “They only want to show the people that he is a good leader, that is their game,” Devon said, looking thoughtful. “Does it mean that if we don’t accept the invite and don’t go, we will seem like the problematic side? The ones who don’t want to cooperate?” I asked, trying to think about it. “It’s a fair point,” Marg agreed. “What if he attacks Princess Victoria?” Alpha Marcus asked, looking between me and the males. “He wouldn’t, that would enrage the population, it would backfire on him and his supporters. The non-ranked wolves may not be powerful, but now not even their Alphas could stop them, not if they believe they are fighting for a higher Alpha, for their Alpha Queen.” Beta Aaron said. I wanted to go, and something called me to go back to the castle. Maybe because there I could feel closer to my dad, maybe it was something else. “I am going, I will show the people that I am a cooperative leader,” I declared, filled with the determination that this call rose within me. “I am joining. Shelby too. Vicky will need some support,” Marg said, and I smiled at her. I certainly would need them there with me. “No, we can’t put them at risk as well,” Alpha Marcus stated with finality, a growl vibrating in the undertone of his voice. “Father, no one would attack us in the current circumstances. Shelby and I are Vicky supporters too and we have to do our part,” Marg said, holding her father’s powerful gaze. She surely was an Alpha! Alpha Marcus growled, “Margaret, you can’t challenge your Alpha!” “Please, Alpha Marcus. No one would dare to attack my entourage, and I really need them by my side,” I asked with a smile. He huffed, his eyes were glowing, but he nodded, “Fine.” I didn’t know if I could meet a memory, a feeling of my father in the castle. But I probably would meet a certain pair of green eyes. This thought alone made my heart race. ~ * ~ A couple of days later, I went to the event that would change my life forever. At that moment, I didn’t know that yet. But I already could feel the weak flame of anticipation burning in the pit of my stomach. Shelby chose a pastel pink feathered long nightgown for me. It reminded me of my ducks, so I felt in my element. She was wearing an emerald-green gown that highlighted her eyes and Marg wore a golden dress, making her brown skin glow in a beautiful contrast. As soon as I stepped into the richly decorated ballroom, I could see banquets standing on both sides of the room, flower arrangements, and chandeliers placed all around. Not as pragmatic as Alpha Marcus said, but rather lavish. The three of us entered the room together. Alpha Marcus, his Beta, and his Gamma were walking in front, forming a protective barrier, I could even say an over-protective barrier. “I am so excited!” Shelby said with a whisper-squeal. Marg also had a bright smile on her face. I looked at my side, where many couples were dancing. Many of them actually stopped their swirls and looked at us, more precisely, at me. Those many eyes on me made me feel a bit self-conscious, but I swallowed hard and kept my head up. If I was to be a queen, I couldn’t fear gazes. Not gazes of curiosity, of judgment, of pity, not even gazes of hatred. I peeked over Beta Aaron’s tall shoulder and I could glance at my brother, he was sitting on the throne at the bottom of the room. He surely knew how to send a message. Stealing one more glimpse, I was able to see Henrik standing up slowly, leisurely, and taking a few steps in my direction. I couldn’t see much of him, the males in front of us were indeed an effective wall. Only when I could feel Henrik’s presence, his Alpha aura projecting closer to me, Alpha Marcus took a single step to the side. My eyes met Henrik’s cold hazel ones. “Victoria,” he muttered, a dry smile on his lips. I swallowed hard once again, and looked at him, “Henrik.” I didn’t have a fake smile on my face, I was serious, but trying to look as serene as I could. However, something, a fresh and comforting scent invaded my nostrils and made my heart pound insanely and my senses became overwhelmed by a giddy feeling. I felt a bit intoxicated. I looked beside Henrik, where the tall, handsome male stood. My eyes traveled up, meeting his green orbs. I froze for an instant as my insides vibrated in an unknown symphony. My breath started trembling, my heart swelled and started beating faster, so fast that its thuds were the only sound I could hear. I was there numb, dumbfounded. Something in my insides burned, melted. Screamed, but my paralyzed lips couldn’t muster a sound. It was the strongest feeling I have ever experienced. However, it wasn’t dread and after a few seconds, I realized it was much more than a shock. My very soul vibrated in wonder. I was consumed by an extraordinary feeling of amazement. I was possessed by a feeling of paradise. Looking at his eyes was the loss of me. ~ * ~ Philip I could smell it, caramel and lilies. My wolf Chaos howled insanely, desperately in my mind. He wanted to take control and run in his wild form, find the only being that could placate his agony. The agony of his search for the other part of his soul. The one who could bring light to his darkness, peace to his restlessness, and love to his emptiness. His mate. Our mate. The bond between mates is sacred, it’s a gift from Fates. More divine than any of the Gods. “She is here, our female is here,” he growled, something that I already knew. “We will find her in my form.” I let him know, trying to gather some control. He wasn’t the only one yearning to have a woman that I hadn’t ever seen, and knew nothing about in my arms. She must be one of the ranked wolves that have recently come to age. However, it didn’t matter, for all I cared, she could even be an omega. I would love her completely, she was mine. Chaos agreed with it, every fiber in him craved for her. Henrik cleared his throat, attracting my attention. We had to concentrate on the matter at hand, approach the bastard princess, and show that we were civilized and good hosts. We took steps in her direction, even though the only thing we could see of the three females were their feet. Alpha Marcus and his wolves were blocking the view of them with their massive bodies. The closer we approached, the more I could catch her smell. It was pure bliss. “She must be one of Alpha Marcus’s daughters,” I told my wolf. “It doesn’t matter, we will claim her anyway. She is ours. Alpha Marcus will have to accept it, she was made for us. She is ours.” My wolf growled with determination, already dreading even the possibility of being away from his female. I agreed with him, I didn’t care that he was the Alpha traitor’s daughter, that he would likely oppose our union. Every wolf has the right to be with the female that holds the other part of his soul. There wasn’t another way. With every step, my heart pounded faster. My wolf was excited like a pup, howling and running inside my mind, almost jumping, which was rather atypical for a very dominant Alpha wolf like Chaos. I was overtaken by joy, by anxiety, by desire. Her smell only made my blood burn for her. Finally, the overbearing Alpha Marcus took a few steps aside, allowing me to see the three young females. I looked at the brunette wearing the golden dress. It wasn’t her. My eyes traveled to the light-haired girl’s green eyes. Nothing. Nevertheless, another pair of eyes attracted me like magnets. Glowing, ocean-green, perfect. She was my own perfection. But it couldn’t be. I clenched my lips shut to silence the claim that came from my soul, “MINE”. It was only said in my head. She wasn’t mine. She couldn’t be mine.
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