Chapter Four • Where Am I

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Three years later... “Simon, it's been close to six months since my daughter had been on this sick bed, lying lifeless.” Alpha Felix said to his friend, a grand Alpha, as his friend has already handed over to his son the Alpha title. “Felix, calm down, what did you say happened to her again?” Simon asked him while patting his shoulders. “” She went for swimming in a strange river, and then someone shot her a poisoned arrow and took off to his heels afterward. When he was caught by her Bodyguards, he refused to talk, insisting that no one sent him. I killed him with my own bare hands, although that didn't bring her back to life, but I had to do that, she's my only heiress after all, I have no other one except for her. Alpha Felix explained with a sympatric tone that left Simon patting his back to console him. “Don't worry, she will be fine…” Simon said and touched his temples as though contemplating whether to say something. “Do you know that my son studied medicine and Surgery in the humans world before I handed over the title of the Alpha to him. That had been his dream since his mom died of an unknown sickness, so, I think he can help your daughter.” Simon indicated with a smile on his lips, obviously showing how proud he is of his son. “Really… Oh… Simon, you're really a friend in deed, I don't know how best to thank you.” Felix responded to Simon taking his hands in his. “Don't worry, what are friends for if I can't do this little thing for you…” Simon replied with smiles to Felix. “So when will he come over to my pack, I want to use this opportunity to see him, you know the last time I saw him, he was a little boy.”? Felix inquired, chuckling as he rem inced in the memory he just recalled. “Yes, he will be here unfailingly by tomorrow, expect his presence in your pack.” Simon replied to his friend as he stood up from the edge of the bed he was sitting on, he was obviously about to head back to his pack. “Thank you so much…” Alpha Felix said to Simon as he engaged him in a warming embrace. Alpha Felix is the Alpha of night walker pack, he lost his son in a bloody war between his pack and a particular pack. He lost all hope of having any other heir, but then luckily for him his Luna conceived again and gave him a daughter, Annabel. He loves her so dearly, though her birth took away the life of her mother. That didn't stop him from loving her any less He loved her so much, her pain is his pain and her joy is his joy and her laughter alone makes his day, she's brighter than the sun itself to him. He refused to bring in another woman into their lives, so he wouldn't have to share her love with anyone, he wanted her all to himself. Furthermore, he trained her all by himself, and he was there through all the stages of her life. Besides, he loves her so much that he can even give the world for her sake … She made him complete, she didn't leave him like her mother did because had it been she left him like her mom did… His life would have been void and empty without anyone to lit it up… If there's one thing he had continuously been thankful to the goddess for was for bringing Annabel into his life… She is his all in all. He shook his head lightly, maybe to shake off all the emotional trauma that he always feels whenever he sees his daughter in the vegetative state she is. He took her right hand into his and caressed the back of her palm gently, before he bent over his head and placed a kiss on it. “My darling, My love, my all in all, my sweet little daughter, please hang in there for dad's sake at least, don't give up keep fighting … And trust me, I will do anything in my power to bring you out of this… Just trust me like you've always done, I promise to get you out of this. Okay, remember this, dad loves you and will always love you, regardless of what happens.” Alpha Felix said as he slowly kissed her both cheeks and stood up as he walked towards her room door to his study. His life has been filled with nothing but boredom, since she became unconscious, nothing was as it used to be, his life had become lonely reminding him of his missing part. The next day, a loud knock on his study door brought him back to reality. He stood up and walked to his door, opened it and stood by the door as he looked at his beta and gamma that led a young man to his door this early morning. “Greetings Alpha, remember you told us you were expecting Alpha Simon's son, that was the reason we didn't bother asking you for permission for entrance before we let him in.” His Beta Daniel reminded him. “Ohh…my son Caine, is this you?” Alpha Felix said as he approached him for a hug. “Greetings Alpha, longest time.” Caine said to Felix with a slight smile on his lip. Felix returned the smile and led the young boy into his living room. “Please make yourself comfortable, this is your home as well.” Alpha Felix said to Caine as he headed out of the living room. Caine looked around the house, admiring the decors of the whole building, the paintings on the wall and so on. He was brought back to reality when a maid walked into the living area and went forward to the dinning area and dropped the tray she was holding in her hands on the dinning table. “Alpha, your meal is ready.” she said with her head bowed down so low that Caine had to say Immediately. “You can go.” then did she raise her head and walked out of the living room. “Alpha, according to what my dad told me your daughter was poisoned with an arrow right?” Caine asked Alpha Felix as they headed towards Annabel's room. “Yes, she was.” He answered with a low tone. Immediately, they opened the door of Annabel's room. 'Mate! Mate! Mate!' Caine's wolf jumped immediately he sighted the laying Annabel. Caine couldn't explain how happy he was that he already found his mate. He walked towards her and held her hands in his, using his thumb to caress her back palm gently and like a magic … Her eyes sprung open. And she looked around her and then at the hands holding hers. “ Where am I?” she said, looking at Caine.
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